Let’s start over. Somewhere along the way I lost sight of why I began writing you in the first place. Swept up in the idea that I had to entertain others, I’ve become paranoid about writing anything at all. I hate how I began to regiment my blogging so that I could have enough content for days to come. I hate that it began to feel like a chore and not a hobby. And what I hate the most is that I began to feel that you were of no worth if no one read you.
This only lead to me losing out on my favorite part of you– being able to look back on my life and seeing all the things that I had accomplished or was proud of. I feel like I’m missing a whole year of my life! You are of immeasurable worth to me. I’m really the only one who needs you, in the end… but somehow I let myself forget about that.
So with that… Let’s start again. With the right attitude this time.
Your owner,