inicio mail me! sindicaci;ón

Sunday February 15, 2009 at 09:19 am

Let’s start over. Somewhere along the way I lost sight of why I began writing you in the first place. Swept up in the idea that I had to entertain others, I’ve become paranoid about writing anything at all. I hate how I began to regiment my blogging so that I could have enough content for days to come. I hate that it began to feel like a chore and not a hobby. And what I hate the most is that I began to feel that you were of no worth if no one read you.

This only lead to me losing out on my favorite part of you– being able to look back on my life and seeing all the things that I had accomplished or was proud of. I feel like I’m missing a whole year of my life! You are of immeasurable worth to me. I’m really the only one who needs you, in the end… but somehow I let myself forget about that.

So with that… Let’s start again. With the right attitude this time.

Your owner,

Anonymous said,

February 15, 2009 @ 9:54 am


Anonymous said,

February 15, 2009 @ 4:14 pm

Welcome back! :)

Anonymous said,

February 15, 2009 @ 5:48 pm

whoa, you’re back!? too? =D

Anonymous said,

February 15, 2009 @ 6:38 pm

you should hire/enslave a secretary and/or make like reporter and grab a voice recorder and just stream of consciousness it. then you can go back and clarify and formalize your thoughts at your leisure, or even wonder why the hell you wrote something in that particular way and metapost on that. just a suggestion, and like always, only half-serious. plus i couldn’t think of a better way to say hello again after a year or two. hi!

Anonymous said,

February 15, 2009 @ 6:49 pm

oh, and since i only just confirmed from your 9/08 post, congratulations on your wedding, i’m sorry i was out of the loop. as for your marriage (weddings are celebrations, marriage is a lifestyle): righteous! wishing you a happy and eccentric household. here’s for everything going your way, and when it doesn’t, here’s for your family finding a way. have lots of challenges and lots of successes to make your future stories deep and satisfying…and hey, maybe on your quieter blogging days you can make up a post loosely based on your hitched-up life, to protect the identities of the innocent (and not-so). cheers!

Anonymous said,

February 15, 2009 @ 10:22 pm

yeah… i am going through the same thing. it is still hard for me to be open on it… maybe i’ve just changed completely from the person i was before. maybe we don’t need to share and put our thoughts down on paper (webspace) anymore because… we just grew out of it? or maybe not. at all.

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