inicio mail me! sindicaci;ón

Sunday October 16, 2005 at 11:36 am

I know it’s wrong to make fun of young people
… but I totally can’t help it.

They make it way too easy

Okay, okay, you guys always give me a hard time for picking on chicks that are in the 13-16 range… But I swear to you, anyone who is old enough to willingly post a picture of themselves in a thong on the internet is old enough to be made fun of by me.

So honestly, I have very little to say about this girl, other than the fact that I ran into her site through Featured Content and that it appears that she speaks english, but in a completely foreign way… and yes, it makes me laugh.




And the inevitable question:

Do you think people who write like this really can’t write/spell and are trying to cover up their lack of intelligence by writing shit incorrectly “on purpose”… OR do you think that it’s possible that people who write like this instinctively have a higher sense of the English language than the rest of us?

I mean, that would explain why it makes me so tired when I try to ‘riTe lyke a teeniE boPPer’.

TheParkN8r said,

October 16, 2005 @ 11:42 am

Nope. No higher sense of the language than us. They just can’t spell, so they make it “cool” in their standards :)

CaKaLusa said,

October 16, 2005 @ 11:42 am

my eyes hurt eveytime.

Keniiiiiiiiiiii said,

October 16, 2005 @ 11:43 am

You were once a teenie bopper too!

fluffybubulz said,

October 16, 2005 @ 11:46 am

does she speak like that in real life!??!?!? i’d have to look in my dumbass to english dictionary to figure out what shes saying.

iam_juliE said,

October 16, 2005 @ 11:50 am

It makes my brain melt trying to read that excerpt. What the hell is up with the random italics? I can understand shortening words (“w/, w/out”) to lessen the amount of time it takes to type, but the random italics kinda defeats the purpose, doesn’t it?
I’m gonna go with the obvious answer and say this girl cannot write/spell properly, probably doesn’t even care, and is just doing it to be… “cool.”

chrnobreak said,

October 16, 2005 @ 11:51 am

ex-erpt. anyway, i bet she has hiv. :( i feel sorry for her, not ashamed. :(anyway, my defense, if you could even call it so, is that people aren’t typing a goddamned midterm paper every singly moment of their life. also, if it’s faster for them, it’s faster for them. people aren’t required to type correctly all the time, or are they ever taught how to type correctly, so little children just turn out like … that. :(

c0rkie said,

October 16, 2005 @ 11:52 am

she’s hot.HAHAHHAHHAHAA!man. teeniebopper camwhores are made for pedaphiles out there.

browneyedbeauty972 said,

October 16, 2005 @ 11:53 am

i hate when people write like that. it’s fucking annoying.

sweet_serendipities said,

October 16, 2005 @ 11:53 am

DAMN. I’m not even going to try to read whatever nonsense she wrote. People like that needed to be banned from ever typing on the internet… EVER!

undeniably_true said,

October 16, 2005 @ 11:53 am

even though im still getting out of my teenybopper stage…i never wrote like that. i give up trying to read it. i dont think they know its harder to read it than to write it. they actually get comments for that?

xtenstarsonsticksx said,

October 16, 2005 @ 11:54 am

They do it on purpose, but they probably can’t spell too great either. The girls I know in school who type like that take very low courses, and it’s funny because they hardly pass those, either.

Kindivisual said,

October 16, 2005 @ 11:56 am

hEy!1!11 sHudDup iT gEtz meEh E-pRoPzgod. my fifth phalanx cramped half way.her bf looks like an idiot with a line between his brows

bobaChick said,

October 16, 2005 @ 11:57 am

seriously. i don’t understand. it takes so much effort to do all that extra crap. -_________-

violenne said,

October 16, 2005 @ 11:59 am

wow i actually tried to read it but it’s too painful.. hahaha! i’m glad i wasn’t like that when i was her age >_

angelsnoopy24 said,

October 16, 2005 @ 12:02 pm

for the ones who write like that on purpose, dont you ever wonder why they take the time to spell everything wrong? such a waste of time, but then again that’s probably the only thing those people are good for.

x_rOna said,

October 16, 2005 @ 12:08 pm

lol i guess every girl has that wannabe ghetto stage? haha the thong pic is AMUSING..i dont get why someone would want to show that but thats their problem. mm i really cant say anything since im probably younger than her but whatever. i tHinK it tAkEs toO lOng tO fIgurE oUt wHicH leTteRs i Want tO caPitaLizE anD whIcH oNes I doNt.

simplyxmoi said,

October 16, 2005 @ 12:19 pm

yea. i trIeD tYpIng lIke This. iTs NoT aS bAd aS haVing to type ..damn. so fucking annoying. they dont have a life either. actually, there’s probably some ‘teEnIe boPpEr’ program that automatically cApiTalizEs yOuR words and bolds underlines and italicizes random words/letters for you! ..ohh fuck.

cutsiepie55 said,

October 16, 2005 @ 12:23 pm

I’m not going to bother reading the excerpt. But yeah, I think they write it on purpose. It burns the eyes…..make it stop

snowy_court said,

October 16, 2005 @ 12:27 pm

i bet it took an hour for her to type that.

Penintux17 said,

October 16, 2005 @ 12:41 pm

either way, to a linguist, this would be a valid language to study.

MT_Headed said,

October 16, 2005 @ 12:41 pm

They type different because they think if they type it different, it’s “unique”. Too bad they don’t know the difference between “unique”, and “utter crap”.

ziggyzhang said,

October 16, 2005 @ 12:43 pm

wow…people who type like that should die..

scarlet__stains said,

October 16, 2005 @ 12:44 pm

I’d hit that…
fucking whore.

xtenstarsonsticksx said,

October 16, 2005 @ 12:46 pm

(to the boy who says it should be ‘exerpt’, excerpt was actually correct.)

scarlet__stains said,

October 16, 2005 @ 12:49 pm

asian girls, man. they think they’re fucking unique.
“wifey material”??? what the fuck is that?!

RoxyKawaii said,

October 16, 2005 @ 12:51 pm

maybe they like to jam on the caps lock and shift keys. but i really do wonder how long it takes for a whole entry to be written like that.

Ssweet_dreemzZ said,

October 16, 2005 @ 12:54 pm

It gets me tired, too, to write like one of them.

bishman28 said,

October 16, 2005 @ 12:58 pm

i hate people who write like that. it takes too much effort to read, so i don’t even waste my time.

shortylin said,

October 16, 2005 @ 1:11 pm

hahahaha i totally agree with you. teenie boppers are annoying. why write like that?? it drops my IQ about 50 points trying to read what they write…

happy075 said,

October 16, 2005 @ 1:17 pm

i know.. it sucks. i’m asian but how come i don’t type like that? i hate it when they do it that way.. it’s hard to read it’s super annoying `coz it doesn’t even make sense sometimes.. i didn’t even understand what she was trying to say except for the “mad shit”..

mAnGLeDmiSTlEtoE said,

October 16, 2005 @ 1:18 pm

Yeah, like I kinda want to get a new xanga cuz the way I typed mine out (spur of the moment) makes me sound like one of them. I pride myself on sounding more intelligent than they do. Typing that way takes more time and effort, anyway. Do they have ‘modes’ that they can enter – one for online chatting and one for school papers?
As for the pic….I made a mistake of commenting on this one guy’s xanga. He IMed me later asking for pictures…. O.o and since when have I implied that I’m a camwhore?
At least she’s not incredibly unnattractive.

cLinicallyDriven said,

October 16, 2005 @ 1:22 pm

Wouldn`t it take longer to make up these ‘special’ spellings than to type the actual word? >If girls like her refrained from stepping anywhere near a keyboard, maybe 16 year old chicks wouldn`t look so stupid.

Introspection_86 said,

October 16, 2005 @ 1:23 pm

Since when is it wrong to make fun of young people? There’s too much skin in those photos… with a bad photoshop job. Coincidence, I just wrote something on internet shorthand yesterday.

a_different_perspective said,

October 16, 2005 @ 1:38 pm

hahaha….i cant write like that :-X

Jx2_66 said,

October 16, 2005 @ 1:40 pm

oh, teeny boppers… what an interesting breed they are. worthy of anthropological study and humorous conversation at the dinner table or coffee shop.

nifty_niccorette said,

October 16, 2005 @ 1:44 pm

Wow. Thanks for the endless source of amusement.

MrDaveBoi said,

October 16, 2005 @ 1:46 pm

mann…that girl seems like a fuckin’ fuck-tard. i think that people who spell like that actually can’t spell or use correct grammar-Dave

kixurbutt said,

October 16, 2005 @ 2:03 pm

Uh-huh. They put more effort in tYpiNG LyKe DiS and turning words into non-words than putting actual thought and content into their entries. Excercising the fingers is a whole lot easier than excercising the brain. I know what she can do: “How ’bout reading a goddamn book recommended for your age???”

Minikun said,

October 16, 2005 @ 2:07 pm

I am at the 13-16 range. I have enough decency in me to spell though. Yay. 
Sadly, there’s a billion of those teeny boppers at my school and even more around the neighborhood. That red thong chick is just another ”ghetto loser” in my terms. Generally, the teeny boppers I see follow every trend and talk nonstop about boys. Boys are the alpha and omega of their lives.
It gets really bothering to be placed in an environment with them yet…I deal. >.

thetromboner said,

October 16, 2005 @ 2:08 pm

XD so truei’ve always wondered why people bother typing like that, i mean, it seems harder than normal, you actually have to think…yeah. It’s people like that that make me wanna punch a starving ethiopian…

Number1AznIdiot said,

October 16, 2005 @ 2:09 pm

They have an inane sense of thinking. x_x
She looks like she might be classified as one of those gangsta asians. Bleh. They’re disgusting! And she’s only a sophomore (guessing from her birthday anyway). I can see it now: her mom shakes her head in shame as her much-less-than-acceptable daughter gives birth to the family’s first grandson; her dad consolidating their family, telling them she’s secretly adopted out of pity; and her brother/sister/sibling/dog minding their own business.
That seems kinda mean. =/

ceciliotis said,

October 16, 2005 @ 2:13 pm

hehe.. yeah. I don’t know. I just know that the excerpt took me forever to read.

angelwithinmexx said,

October 16, 2005 @ 2:18 pm

typing like a teeny bopper burns more calories because you have to press more buttons (shift) and type more letterzzzzz lol

xXcorruptedxsorrowXx said,

October 16, 2005 @ 2:26 pm

girls like her are pathetic little whores.
at least the pedophiles are happy.

tornvocalchords said,

October 16, 2005 @ 2:34 pm

ouch…reading that made my head hurt.  They have no higher understanding…they’re just really good at giving ppl a headache.

KingAmongDorks said,

October 16, 2005 @ 2:38 pm

Girls that TyPe LyKe dIs piss the hell out of me. It makes me wonder where they learned English from. Shame to their family, themselves, and to their country. Then again, we got English from England, so I guess I shouldn’t be saying anything.

steadystate said,

October 16, 2005 @ 2:41 pm

evry1 is phukin dizlegsick. bean dizlegsick ish da nu “hot.”

sabe324 said,

October 16, 2005 @ 2:48 pm

Personally, I think people who type “LYK DiZ” are just too lazy to learn how words are really spelt. It makes a lot of people who do type normally uncomfortable because half of the time we have no idea what the crap they’re talking about. People so it’s faster to use chatspeak or whatever they like to call it when they’re typing, really…It takes like 21681651512 times longer especially when you’re constantly taping the shift button. -_- Oh and I seriously think your target needs some new clothes. ;P

ya0Zers said,

October 16, 2005 @ 3:10 pm

i love how youre so mean. you say what i think but am afraid of saying… awesome.JY, long time reader – first time commenter

gods_of_jelly said,

October 16, 2005 @ 3:14 pm

wow, i’ve never strained so hard to read a piece of crap.

DanceMiaDance said,

October 16, 2005 @ 3:24 pm

thankfully, i’m not a teenie bopper yet…..i’m 12!!! woohoo!! but in another month and a couple of weeks i will be *_*

abeyance said,

October 16, 2005 @ 3:29 pm

The thing is … it took me a couple of minutes to read the sentence/clause/fragment because I don’t even get the first word of it.

bubblefiedx said,

October 16, 2005 @ 3:35 pm

hey shi wasup its samm

LA___BELLAvita said,

October 16, 2005 @ 3:38 pm

Haha, I came across her site too and I was like wtf?!
I am in the 13-16 area, but I would never, ever post a picture like that on the internet. Nor do i write like that.
And the entry made me laugh too.

kanya_bopha said,

October 16, 2005 @ 3:48 pm

I was a kid not that long ago and I never wrote like that. It hurts my brain to type, read, and even think those words. LoL.

gooksantiger said,

October 16, 2005 @ 3:55 pm

it’s simple
they think it’s cool to do that
give them 5 more years
hopefully they’ll learn

tdk said,

October 16, 2005 @ 4:01 pm

gawd damn I agree with you 100%, don’t know you but ran across your site. can’t believe that teenie is from my area lolkids born in 90’s… puh

simplystine said,

October 16, 2005 @ 4:25 pm

i think if u got it flaunt it but she’s like what? 12? her site is actually the reason why my bf and i always say we only want boys.

retroblurbs said,

October 16, 2005 @ 4:27 pm

Who has the time to type like that? Ugh, it takes 3 times the time to type like an idiot than to type like an educated human being.

Ah_Cheng said,

October 16, 2005 @ 4:29 pm

i got a freaking headache trying to decipher the code! can somebody please translate!!!

mykel18 said,

October 16, 2005 @ 4:35 pm

i was gay before i came to your site.. but uh… i think you’ve turned me..

undacoverbum said,

October 16, 2005 @ 4:37 pm

funIe ParT is she claims to be wife material HAHAHAAHAHAHAA..soo funny.

thisbladeinmyback_isyours said,

October 16, 2005 @ 4:42 pm

randomly found ur xanga, ur banner is the shit and ppl who write liek that r just plain language retarded, sure i cant spell but i dont try to italize random shti and look liek a moron. anyways i love ur banner, it pwns meh liek a n00b

OTheMan said,

October 16, 2005 @ 4:51 pm

come on now, you know you would do her

o0confused4evr0o said,

October 16, 2005 @ 5:05 pm

I’m 16 and Don’t get why people would do that I didn’t even do that. goodness.

Tsunaki36 said,

October 16, 2005 @ 5:32 pm

its the lack of spelling skills.though, by that logic, i should be doing it as well…eh, too lazy

SystemicChanges said,

October 16, 2005 @ 5:56 pm

rofl. Definitely old enough to be made fun of. It seems that everytime I get on Xanga, I’m bumrushed by masses of emo’s or tennie boppers, aka 12-16 and even 17 year old girls that write about how their lives suck so bad, and how their parents are so not cool because they got grounded for the weekend.

SweetPhuong said,

October 16, 2005 @ 6:26 pm

I think my anti-teenybooper feelings stem from the fact that I need to see other people act stupid in order to assure myself that I’m not stupid. I wonder what generation W says about us to make them feel better. And at what stage does it get pathetic?

TheyCallMe_Jesus said,

October 16, 2005 @ 6:40 pm

It makes me sad in my pants to see the detirioration of socioty in the lack of capability to at least type write. There is absolutly no point in waisting band width on a site like that. And yes… I wrote as many big words as I could because I’m tired and wanted to seem smart… I failed missurably I’m sure (I realise I can’t spell, that’s why I love spell check) Btw, people are ass holes. Hate commentors that give comments with no basis to actually “hate” on you are compleat and utter dip shits.

matrix_smith said,

October 16, 2005 @ 6:40 pm

ha, that post is hilariousi wanna sound smart, yet not geeky at the same its a difficult situation

Jung_Woo said,

October 16, 2005 @ 6:44 pm

ow, my eyes.

Ne0TriX said,

October 16, 2005 @ 6:47 pm

Hey I just stumbled upon your site.  After reading a few posts, I’ve decided that you’ve got a great sense of humor.  Especially this post.  :)
Why do people type with an online “accent”?  It’s not like it saves them time, and it definitely doesn’t make it easier to read. 
However, I do have to admit that the typing style takes skills.  If you can type that sentence without getting a headache, you should feel accomplished.  In a gross way-Ko

j_e_s_s_i_c_a said,

October 16, 2005 @ 6:48 pm

Wifey material by showing her thong? Hah, that’s funny.
I think teeny boppers type like that just cause they think it’s cool and it “makes them unique” to us that actually write properly, which is already a sign of their stupidity even if they really knew the correct way to spell things.

stephibabi said,

October 16, 2005 @ 6:51 pm

KIM, Patrick and I are coming into town this Saturday-Sunday!  We want to see you guys!  Let us know when you’re free!

fruity_rose said,

October 16, 2005 @ 7:01 pm

Teeny-boppers are overrated. :( scares me that I used to think that tYpIn’ lYKe ThIS wAs KEwL!!!
..omg. :)

Kwazy_Fweak said,

October 16, 2005 @ 7:03 pm

WhA i’m FieNin Fo: /*/YOU/*/ ::DEY CALL MEH::KATHY ::I’M STANDIN AT::5’5-ISH ::I DROPPED DOWN ON::APRIL 6TH ::I’M RESDIN IN::JACKSON HEIGHTS, QNZ ::HUBBY STATUS:: WIFFEDSo let’se see.What I’m feening for: YouThey call me: KathyMy height is: 5’5″..-ishBirthdate: April 6thLocation: Jackson Heights, QNZ [Come stalk me. Please.]Status: “Wiffed” .. I don’t know.Anyways..I really do hate it when kids/teenagers still type like this. It’s quite last century to type like that, back when everything was about AsianAvenue or or something like that. =O Also, doesn’t it take more time to type like that, with all those random [actually, they might not be random, a lot of them are on vowels] italics. As for your question, I don’t think people who type like this online really can’t write/spell in real life. How would they hand in homework at school?! I just think they’re trying to cover up or appear special. I really do not think they have a higher level/sense of the English language then us, because that would be absolutely redundant for them to switch back and forth from online speak to real life speak.This is a long comment, I rarely leave such long comments!

tuesdaygirl19 said,

October 16, 2005 @ 7:07 pm

oh my…..
okay she’s just asking to be made fun of. haha

serendipity5 said,

October 16, 2005 @ 7:25 pm

I take that she is from the ghetto queens.

Vipers_Poison said,

October 16, 2005 @ 7:27 pm

I think the people who write like that are seriously people who aren’t good at writing at all. Trust me I’ve seen it and it’s horrible. They have terrible grammer.

YellowChildPride said,

October 16, 2005 @ 7:32 pm

I am glad I write better than that!!

auracle said,

October 16, 2005 @ 8:33 pm

if you only knew then what you know now. :-T cut the kids some slack. they’re just trying to find their identities.

M_Megan_M said,

October 16, 2005 @ 8:52 pm

I completely agree on this one!  Lets not forget the “emo” kids who seem to have created their own words, meanings of words, and hell, their own world!
Those sluts who post themselves naked on their xanga pages need a little harassment!

OoOohPeTeR said,

October 16, 2005 @ 9:10 pm

you’re such a jail baiter hater

bjtdevera said,

October 16, 2005 @ 10:03 pm

trying to read that excerpt gave me a headache.

Jes43 said,

October 16, 2005 @ 10:47 pm

seriously. seriously…i mean, i listen to hip hop music, but something tells me not only do they listen to it, but they think that everybody talks like that. all. the. time.

blank_illuzion said,

October 16, 2005 @ 11:54 pm

that is sick. as for the typing/spelling… i don’t have much to say besides, i guess public school standards are dropping.

lady_k87 said,

October 17, 2005 @ 12:52 am

Some of these people can actually spell. The sad part is that they choose not to use proper spelling as it ruins their image or persona. At least that’s how I see it.

oPaLiCiOuS said,

October 17, 2005 @ 1:46 am

I know what you mean. I used to type like that but it’s too confusing. But I guess I’m still a teenybopper, but I get what you’re sayin. Choice B does sound reasonable but let’s hope that’s not the case considering if that would be the answer, then our higher life forms are posting half naked pictures of themselves on the internet… and if that’s the case what hope is there for the world?

i_have_have_i said,

October 17, 2005 @ 2:46 am

They think they feel it’s cool to look stoopid….I mean stupid.

BlueJays2005 said,

October 17, 2005 @ 3:13 am

lol nice post. very funny, and i can’t agree with you more. while the “teenie bopper” may be attractive, she’s incredibly stupid. oh and what does pwned mean? i’ve been trying to figure that out for a while now.
comment back

sexylizzyme said,

October 17, 2005 @ 3:16 am

not all us 13-16 are consumer whores and idiots…but I take little offence to your assumption to this, because a majority of us are pretty stupid.

veritas_interregnum said,

October 17, 2005 @ 3:24 am

She may have difficulty expressing herself in “real” life and uses that text as an outlet…

laydeexquisite__x said,

October 17, 2005 @ 3:33 am

she’s not asian. or either that; shes a wannabe espanol.i hate girls like that.they think they are so hot, when they are fucking not.

Mz_Nevaeh said,

October 17, 2005 @ 3:36 am

Now, I’ve been seein “But that don’t literally mean they can’t write and spell, I seem to type every word ends with “ing” without the “g”, but I don’t do it when I write or typin a serious or important term paper.

lilgymbug95 said,

October 17, 2005 @ 3:39 am

I soo  understand! Some people are WAY imature! I mean really!

aznv1ru5 said,

October 17, 2005 @ 3:41 am

C’mon, we’ve all been there.
… oh… no?
Yeah, me neither… !!

blanketstealer said,

October 17, 2005 @ 4:36 am

It annoys me when I see xangas like that.

s1LLyAngeL408 said,

October 17, 2005 @ 5:06 am

Okay, that took me a while to read. I’m still trying to digest what the heck that girl wrote! haha.

OverNagain said,

October 17, 2005 @ 5:10 am

lol… Sometimes, you display this sense of maturity that I find very intimidating. Especially in asian girls, whom, the majority lack the education and confidence which makes them successful. Then you post something like this, and it humors me.. However, the fact that they decide to type in abnormal ways is an annoyance, but doesn’t that tell you more about diversity?

Cruel_Sarcasm said,

October 17, 2005 @ 6:13 am

I agree totally, what happens when they send in a resume for a job (as they will undoubetdly need in the future) Nd TipE Lyke Dis.

Chlo3Produktsyon said,

October 17, 2005 @ 6:21 am

erm… my english is so sucks and sorry for everything!
:( Rina

justwordsonapage said,

October 17, 2005 @ 6:27 am

Okay, I’m less than a year older than her and yet she’s using english that my four year old cousin would want to correct.  Yepp, slang sure is ‘kewl’

ebef said,

October 17, 2005 @ 6:31 am

I think they’re stupid and deserve to be made fun of. But that’s ok. Some people were put on Earth for that purpose. :)

mruvula said,

October 17, 2005 @ 6:43 am

maybe she was using an ‘english to teeny bopper’ converter program…either that or her fingers hurt after typing just one sentence

Toransu said,

October 17, 2005 @ 6:45 am

Holy shit, that makes my eyes hurt. No, they really don’t have a sense of the English language. Now, I don’t talk like that, but might overuse OMG, WTF, or OMFG when I am excited or pissed. But at least I can write in coherant English… o.O

winkish said,

October 17, 2005 @ 6:55 am

I think this only happens in the states, see, I dun tYpe LyK dAt

ILoveJapan said,

October 17, 2005 @ 7:10 am

I think people write like that simply because it makes them feel “cool”. I don’t know, it seems too tiring for me. I couldn’t stand writing like that…too much work!

infinitiiz said,

October 17, 2005 @ 7:28 am

that writing is very typical w/ female teens .. they want to be decorative; it looks just nice to them .. :-) .. u pass that age to write like them .. :-D

DontTouchMySOUL said,

October 17, 2005 @ 7:37 am

wow she’s an ugly child. LOL
I love your blogs shi! people might not like what you write but it’s soo truee it’s funny. haha anyways keept it up! =)

DontTouchMySOUL said,

October 17, 2005 @ 7:38 am

and to answer your question; i think its both or theyre just too dumb to know anything XD

Jeffreyli7 said,

October 17, 2005 @ 7:38 am

sooo fucking difficult to read, dont know how the fuck they manage to write that way

tynnad said,

October 17, 2005 @ 7:47 am

u know what I actually think its damn hard to write like that. It takes so much effort to mispell all the time.

CaptainGaijin said,

October 17, 2005 @ 8:08 am

her face will melt in pvp

vytard said,

October 17, 2005 @ 8:12 am

h4h4h4h4h4h4h4h4 AY |-|34r7 /v\4h \^/ri7i/\/9 s7yL3. i i5 7|-|3 L337

VaNiLLa__RoSE said,

October 17, 2005 @ 8:15 am

lol its just a classic example of laziness lol. glad ive now passed that stage..

kimlxf said,

October 17, 2005 @ 8:47 am

You would think that after the age of 10, one would learn to write properly… but guess not.

jerryeightyone said,

October 17, 2005 @ 8:53 am

i don’t even bother trying to read their shit. cuz you know all they talk about is themselves

FsB_BeN said,

October 17, 2005 @ 8:58 am


kawaiiyuja said,

October 17, 2005 @ 9:00 am

I honestly think I got some teeny-bopper-ness inside of me still…
Well I never TypeD LykE diS or anything, but I still enjoy making my xanga colorful and decorative by italicizing, bolding, and underlining random words. It’s something I do for artistic reasons. haha

SueTalksTooMuch said,

October 17, 2005 @ 9:07 am

she’s 15.  leave her alone.
and she’s hot. 


October 17, 2005 @ 9:40 am

I think the answer is that it makes her look “cool”.
It’s beyond me, to be totally honest.X

FourStarBanner said,

October 17, 2005 @ 9:44 am

I think they’re trying to act more grown up than they need to. Stay young for a while!
If this is how they think adults behave…

AFrogPrince said,

October 17, 2005 @ 9:53 am

I ate a bird for breakfastT’was a crunchy tasty feastThe queen was in the kitchenin a corner with the beastthat had borne the blue tomahtoto the bonny bunny braewhere the lurid leaping jesterssat a-scripting for the playIn a pastel-painted picturedid the maestro tame the shrewsin symphonic synchronicitywith contorted kangaroosAnd the clowns did sing and caperneath the lurid, lucid leeand I ate a bird for breakfastnext time won’t you eat with me?

radioheadfreak said,

October 17, 2005 @ 10:11 am

i can’t believe she was on featured!!! it took me a good 5 minutes to try and figure out what she was saying, which was completely useless anyways
& the fact she says lol which:
a. there’s nothing to laugh about there andb. lol is totally not whatever stereotype she’s trying to fit
so i guess you’d call me a teenie bopper, haha, i’m 15 but believe you me we dont all act stupid with thongs and nonsense


tippy said,

October 17, 2005 @ 10:14 am

i don’t think it’s wrong to make fun of young people, she put herself out there the moment she posted that hideous picture!

rattyoldsneakershoes said,

October 17, 2005 @ 10:17 am

I’m blind. Not only did the picture scare me but I couldn’t understand what the hell she wrote. I hate people who type like that. What a waste of time.

gwenii said,

October 17, 2005 @ 10:23 am

might’ve taken her an hour to write that, but it took me two hours just to read it. i can’t stand that.

x__your_star said,

October 17, 2005 @ 10:41 am

hi, you were on the front page and your name there was shi so i was wondering of your name was shiloh, since mine is too.. heh. it’s true about the 13 year olds.. and i can’t stand people that write like that. *2 props*

jinnsdare said,

October 17, 2005 @ 11:05 am

It’s hard enough to READ…let alone spell like that. =P LyFe iSh hArdzz ‘MeNg’–lol I’m going to start using “meng.” =D

ixbelieveinxsymmetry said,

October 17, 2005 @ 11:07 am

yeah  im 16 but for real. i cant stand that either and refuse to talk to people that talk like that. but what really makes me mad is the double i’s.cmon now that takes an extra 15 minutes.
i think maybe shes ghetto. just a little bit.

vampiress08 said,

October 17, 2005 @ 11:40 am

*buries face* I am ashamed to be a part of this age group. I get so sick of these people with an extreme lack of any grasp on the english language! And, I always start reading these things thinking “hey!” because, they’re bashing my age group, but, I read it, and it’s completely true, and I agree with everything. It’s so sad… anyway, just, thought I’d put that out there…

roxyhotti0055 said,

October 17, 2005 @ 11:42 am

yo, that aint kool, dont diss, wat ur deal anywayz*lol* that is kind of hard to do. She isn’t as bad as some of the people who commented her.

LaDeeDa6 said,

October 17, 2005 @ 12:18 pm

i dont believe that they have anything else better to do… but i love when they all type in “1337” with numbers and shit…

ACautiousCriminal said,

October 17, 2005 @ 12:47 pm

young slutty whores
mmmm mmm mmm
*shakes head*
Righteous site.

j_gaines said,

October 17, 2005 @ 1:06 pm

come check out my wweb site

SUNG14 said,

October 17, 2005 @ 1:19 pm

I tried to read a few words into it, then my brain just blocked out the rest of the paragraph.

rainxcity said,

October 17, 2005 @ 1:42 pm

I just have to say that I love this entry. In fact..the girl you took the excerpt from also drove me to type up an entry on spelling and grammar..and how using both of those things wrong at the same time annoys the hell out of me! I am so glad someone else found it annoying enough to post about!

cheddar_224 said,

October 17, 2005 @ 3:32 pm

Not all of us type like morons.

CobainRules221 said,

October 17, 2005 @ 3:45 pm

I’M 13, and I find those people who strut around in their thongs @nD tYp3 lIk3 dIs are completely stupid. Kudos to you.

JCFans said,

October 17, 2005 @ 3:48 pm

Haha oh. my. god. That girl cannot speak English. Seriously, who speaks like that? If they think that’s cool, then think again!
I hate it when people type like that >

shygirl72 said,

October 17, 2005 @ 3:58 pm

that. is. sad. I’m pretty sure that my 7 year old sister has better spelling skills than her! ok I’m 13 and I can’t understand a single word of that !! and I tryed to read that for the last 20 minutes  

Rock4theRock said,

October 17, 2005 @ 4:15 pm

People always ask me why I hate teenagers!

HIimAlabelwhore said,

October 17, 2005 @ 4:30 pm

quite honestly..that shits hard to read. it takes like 40times longer than if they would type in proper english. bUt sUmTimEz iTs sOoOo eFfiN cOoOL 2 wRyTe LyKe dIs rYtE?wrong. try again.

violentdeceptions said,

October 17, 2005 @ 4:32 pm

I quit trying to interpret that after the first line… I believe they just want to cover up their lack of intelligence with fancy little italics and caps.

sleepingcaterpillar said,

October 17, 2005 @ 4:52 pm

She is awfully young, I don’t think you should be making fun of her. No, its not very appropriate for her to have a picture like that of herself on her site, but have a little more compassion.

LunarLamb said,

October 17, 2005 @ 4:52 pm

I love you so much. You speak exactly how I feel.

There are so many young idiots on here… I mean did I miss something? why didn’t I go through that phase? Why did I starve myself, paint my face, and tak lyke dis??
Is something wrong with me?

sleepingcaterpillar said,

October 17, 2005 @ 4:54 pm

ANd you relly shoudnt be MaKeng fun of peple, its not nise.

dudeiambored said,

October 17, 2005 @ 5:11 pm

she changed her pic.

IiI_azn_pimp said,

October 17, 2005 @ 5:46 pm

u were young once! lol n nice site

AlaiNaPaiGe_xZx said,

October 17, 2005 @ 7:11 pm

Hey…random props. I agree with you.. but I can’t really make fun of teenieboppers cause I am one! haha but I’m not as stupid as that chick. =)) love the site, ttyl

DukeXXXV said,

October 17, 2005 @ 7:14 pm

I like asians.  But thats not the point.  I would just like to let you know I support you in beating young people who are idoits.  It makes me happy.  I would hope that if I was being a complete and utter moron someone would do me the favor of letting me know and make a public spectacle of my severe case of stupids.  And talking in bonics is one of those things that must stop.  Its like talking in pirate but thats something else.  It was nice talking to you
bye bye

impressed said,

October 17, 2005 @ 8:15 pm

shit man, she makes people my age look bad…then again, most of us are like that. thank god i’m not.

Kevin72 said,

October 17, 2005 @ 9:07 pm

Hate when they write like that, but it’s the style. I don’t see the point, except maybe to rebel and be different for its own sake?

yumifishie said,

October 18, 2005 @ 5:16 am

hahahahahahaha omg. seriously that is too funny.
i feel bad though. i think they ARE perfectly capable of typing… properly, they just don’t, because they think it’s cool or something. whatever. it amuses me.

joebelfour said,

October 18, 2005 @ 10:01 am

Okay you complain about the writing ability of teenagers, yet you are in your twenties and still use the word “pwned”.  A bit of a hypocrite aren’t we?

chateau_de_corbeil_cerf said,

October 19, 2005 @ 2:05 pm

The way I see it, the teeny boppers are basically the Picasso’s of the internet.  …Kinda. I really think that people type like that do it because it looks… nicer than regularly typed words?  I’m in the 13-16 range (at the latter end, thank God), and I’ve sadly been using the computer since about age 10, but I’ve never even had the urge to type like that.  I have to admit though that I went through a phase at 13 where I ended everything that I wrote with “~x*o~x*o~x*o~x*o~x*” which may be even worser yet haha.  It’s all about the decorrrr. 
Oh and I also think that there’s a mature form of “internet talk” which involves more humor and much much deeper meanings.  And pwned is just a perfect example.  ( ^ ^ ^ )

ZOL0FT said,

October 20, 2005 @ 5:18 pm

Skanks. Yuck.
They pollute the earth.

Carol_1 said,

October 23, 2005 @ 9:55 am

Does anyone know what the

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