A night out with wu
There should be a morning after pill for drinking…
For those of you who don’t read their sites (since they’ve all written
about me at one point or another), I’ll let you in on a secret: I am
really close to three xanga-celebrities. One of them I’ve known
since I first started college (who got into this Xanga craze with me
and is now my mantacular boyfriend) : Sup007.
Another Xanga celeb is Chris (you may know him as CaKaLusa) who I talk to daily and took to Disneyland when he came to cali…
And the last one I randomly ran into at school because he happened to be in one of my computer science classes, is wu, aka wutuwaitin4.
All nerd joking aside, since we met, wu and I have become pretty
close. In fact, he might even start working at the same company I work at. If that happens, it’ll be awesome.
Anyhow, last night wu and I went to a surprise party for our friend and
I was determined [DETERMINED] to get a couple pictures of the two of us
together, since we have none at this point to show off.
So without further ado, I present to you:

The “Before” picture. That’s us doing our crazy ass Xanga Posse Pose
SUCKIT bitches!
The “After” picture: I don’t get red, but I do stupid shit like making fun of people who do.
I’ll bet Wu doesn’t even remember this pimpin moment.
.. Or maybe he’s chosing not to.
What most of the night looked like from my point of view.
Yes, I am that short that I can’t see people’s heads.
And finally, no birthday party post would be complete without a picture
with the birthday boy. I can barely sit upright in this picture, but
amazingly enough, he’s not passed out.
We’ll get you next time, Ben!
What do you like better for partying: house parties, massives, or clubbin?