Yesterday was a pretty busy day. Spent most of the morning raising money for March of Dimes : Walk America which i’m walkin’ in on sunday. Great stuff. I can’t wait!
Got back from class, hung out with Hong and Stephanie (circ-k) and played Super Smash Bros for a bit. Went to Larry’s surprise b-day party. Played SSBros there. ^_^* Its like a never-ending SSBros revolution! Fairly disappointed, didn’t see Larry truly pegged in the quach once on his birthday. Probably everybody’s gift to his balls. =D
Afterwards came John’s dinner pah-tee nicknamed “Loads of Beef”, 9.22 lbs of beef and 8 lbs of shrimp at our disposal. Mmmmm. Talk about being stuffed! =) Seemed like everybody and there mother [EXCEPT for a certain person who wouldn’t go because of VIDEO GAMES] was there partaking in the food extravaganza. =D Food, videogames, food, cards, food, talking, food…. What more could anyone want?