This feeling. What is this feeling? Some of my best writing has come forth from this feeling. Is it listlessness? Sadness?
I just know I’m tired.
Current fund total: $520
Nancy Gu
Jonas Tamano
Janie Ramirez
thanks to the most recent donors.
This feeling. What is this feeling? Some of my best writing has come forth from this feeling. Is it listlessness? Sadness?
I just know I’m tired.
thanks to the most recent donors.
tamano doesn’t sound like a typical chinese name. :-p
hope your friend pulls thru.knowing there is not much you can help with sucks.enjoy the memories and savor the time he is still here.i wish i could help donate. =T
well you’re doing pretty much everything you can do to help . it’s not your fault he has cancer, and you’re helping him a lot . nto just by giving money, i’m sure he appreciates the emotional support you’re giving him .don’t give up .
Your post makes me introspective.When Ive poured my heart out sometimes ive felt a strong emotion and turned it into some writing. When Im euphoric I dont have time to write about it soon after. When im not really wonderful I usually want to pour it out right while im in it. So we want to share the feeling?What do you say… listlesness, sadness. Im trying to imagine what its like to be you. A freind, I dont know who, or the relation or anything has cancer. Obviously you care for your freind a lot. On an immediate literal scale there is very little you can do to fix it. It frustrating as hell, we all have to do something, anything, the best we can in this situation. You xanga was fun, and now the fun doesnt seem to so fun when something like this happens.Your doing what you can. We can only do the best we can. I havent read the other xangas you link to in these past few posts. I dont know what the situation is, but from my own experiences, and im sure you already know this, every moment is precious. We take so much for granted all the time, and then life comes back with a bitch slap of reality. Be happy, be strong, by being happy and being strong you will help your friend be happy and strong. The past is behind us, the future is not here, now is the most important time.You are not helpless, I dont think someone telling you to be happy or strong will make it any easier. You shouldnt be confused about how you feel, this is not a happy time. Feel the emotion, remember the lessons and carry them with you is all I can say. Be there for your freind.I would say good luck, but luck is not a factor. Be strong and be well, for you and your friend.
be retroactive… not radioactive
i am big weiner
wow ur fund is doing really well… congratulations! ^^
good luck with your cancer fund :] i hope everything goes well with your friend
Usually when things are peachy keen we don’t reflect as much, I guess…
I remember the tiredness that sleep can’t heal. That was me a few months ago – trust me it passes…
I too have found that when life is very difficult some of my best writings pour forth.
I wish I had money to donate =\
hmmm…maybe we should go eat some korean tofu and watch scary movie 4 afterwards?
i would giveĀ u 5 eprops if i could………..too bad my credit card is over its limit
i will donet 1000000000 BILLION dollar E-money and 2 – e Props. thanx.
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