Man, I’m broke. I haven’t been this broke since I was still in college and my family decided to disown me.
I started doing work for my new company a couple weeks before we moved here, fully expecting to receive a check from them as soon as I arrived. Because of various miscommunication issues, a week later, my money still hasn’t come in, so things are getting pretty tight around here.
Hopefully this will help me diet for the wedding.
To make matters worse, there are problems with Brent’s school loans, so they’re not coming in until later this month… too bad by then I’ll already have my checks so it won’t really matter as much.
I forgot what it felt like to be completely broke. I mean there have been times in the past couple years where I had to transfer money from my savings to my checking because I miscalculated here or there, but this is pretty bad.
Somebody please buy me a mattress!!!!!!