inicio mail me! sindicaci;ón

Thursday August 9, 2007 at 03:48 pm

So here’s something you may or may not know:

My myspace pic is about 3 years old, my xanga pic
is about 3 years old and my recent cam pic is 2 years old.

Inspired my buddies [I consider them buddies because I once pictorially showed them what an Angry Pirate was after a rousing game of Cranium] at MidnightAM, I decided to put my never-before-used camera to work. Why never used, you ask — it’s because I won it at CES [consumer electronics show] this January– which was way after I stopped using my old webcam, whom from now on I shall refer to as ol’trusty.

Anyhow. Using a webcam for the first time in two years is scary. How do I know it’s been two years? The last cam pic I uploaded is dated at: 03-Oct-2005 23:58. Wow. And to think I used to pride myself as a “cam girl” Who knew that my days as one of stile’s camgirls would ever come to an end?

So — I figure I need to update “recent” cam pic so that it’s actually… a “recent” cam pic.

With that said, let’s see the results!

Yep. Still geeky. By the way, have you noticed that everyone looks better on webcam? Why is that? I obviously don’t look like this in real life. I think it has something to do with the contrast and blurring.

You might be wondering why I’m not smiling in my picture. That’s because I tried it. And… yeah. It made me look like I was 12.

Am I really 24? No. Honestly. I took this 5 minutes ago.

That thing you see in the background is my room. The green block is my full-sized bed. :) My room’s pretty big, huh? I love it.

Ok.. So now onto the important stuff.

One of the most important factors towards my installing my webcam was so that I could show you all the cool new stuff I’ve been buying! As far as trivial stuff goes, I don’t really have time to take pictures with my camera, so I figured this would be the best way to get them up here for everyone to see.

I got some new fabric yesterday on a whim, and I REALLY would like some suggestions on what to do with it! They were too cute to pass up.

I’m really on a fruits and vegetables kick right now.

Man, the auto-color-correction really messes up my photos.

Ooo.. and on an additional note, I ordered this fabric online yesterday:

I’m planning on using to make a window treatment.

Anyhow. Any ideas on what I can make with the other fabrics?


Anonymous said,

August 9, 2007 @ 4:07 pm


Anonymous said,

August 9, 2007 @ 4:23 pm

Lemon print screams pajamas; at least I think it does!

Anonymous said,

August 9, 2007 @ 4:24 pm

elite 15k kurzick armor. you can dye it cherries.

Anonymous said,

August 9, 2007 @ 4:39 pm


Anonymous said,

August 9, 2007 @ 5:22 pm

Hi, I just ran through your older entries and read that you moved to Costa Mesa! (I forgot to notice the entry date… so maybe Im bringing up really old news). I just visited Cali and LOVED South Coast Plaza :P

Anonymous said,

August 9, 2007 @ 8:13 pm

the first two (fruits and vegetables) fabrics will look nice as a tote bag. Yellow-colored print will look great as a nightgown, don’t u think? :)

Anonymous said,

August 9, 2007 @ 8:35 pm

omgz a/s/l? ahaha have you heard of stickam? it’s like this “friend” site but you can chat with webcams and you can also do shows and shit.

Anonymous said,

August 9, 2007 @ 8:44 pm

Aloha print!

Anonymous said,

August 9, 2007 @ 10:04 pm

Those are some really nice-looking fabrics. :D

Anonymous said,

August 9, 2007 @ 11:08 pm

you look the same as three years ago. Freak.

Anonymous said,

August 9, 2007 @ 11:28 pm

i believe the guys over at logitech and microsoft realized what people were going to do with their webcams so they made them blurry on purpose.

once everyone looks better on webcam, more horny guys will go online.

Anonymous said,

August 10, 2007 @ 5:17 am

The angle of placement of the webcam also helps some people.

Anonymous said,

August 10, 2007 @ 6:57 am

you have a great smile.

P.S.  clean your room.

Anonymous said,

August 10, 2007 @ 7:26 am

your room IS big and no you don’t look 12… maybe 16?

at least you know u’ll be a milf!

Anonymous said,

August 10, 2007 @ 11:08 am

Nice photos…you should post more!

Anonymous said,

August 10, 2007 @ 11:11 am

webcam’s arent fun unless there is some nudity involved! lol

Anonymous said,

August 10, 2007 @ 2:16 pm

just hadda come by to make sure you were still beautiful…


Anonymous said,

August 11, 2007 @ 3:06 pm

I love the fabric you’re using for the window treatment – where can I order one?

Anonymous said,

August 13, 2007 @ 8:16 am

you look younger than i do and i’m 20 (>.<)

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