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Thursday January 12, 2006 at 11:04 am

Whoever said “it all evens out in the end”…
Was just kidding themselves.

I mean, really, how many people
here personally know someone who’s ridiculously good looking, rich,
smart and is a great person to boot? ::Raises hand:: I actually
know 3-4 people like that.

I know this sounds horrible, but it makes me feel better when I see
a good looking rich person who is a stupid bitch. Because,
really, that person doesn’t “have it all”.

..Because no matter how much stuff you have, if you’re a stupid bitch, you’re a stupid bitch.

No, my gripe is with the good looking, rich, smart AND nice people. Honestly, they’re great… No doubt about it.

The only thing is that I look at them sometimes and I think… “Life
isn’t fair.” How is it that someone can be born bestowed with so
many gifts in life? Not just riches, but intelligence and
personality as well… While others are born as destitute, ugly

In these cases, my belief in karma and reincarnation becomes boosted
up a little. I mean, really, how else can you explain why we
start our lives at such uneven footing?

For those of you who believe in God and one single life — how do you explain why life is so ill-balanced?

Is life really this unfair… or does it really even out in the end?

P.S. Chris Choi is right… best blond joke ever.

misstease said,

January 12, 2006 @ 11:08 am

perhaps it evens out.

kbabe44 said,

January 12, 2006 @ 11:08 am

i must’ve done some messed up things in my past life haha

chrnobreak said,

January 12, 2006 @ 11:14 am

you know what i hate? those laguna beach fuckers. ^.-

lovepirate said,

January 12, 2006 @ 11:21 am

I don’t believe one is born an asshole… or born as a jovial, well-liked, well-spoken person.
It all comes down to personal choice. We choose to control our reactions to our situations, or we choose to be controlled by situation…. but then you get into the nature VS nurture debate.
All due respect, I think that the phrase “I was born this way” is used as an excuse too often. Sure, one may have a natural inclination to be an asshole, but if one realizes it and doesn’t care, that is a conscious decision to become the person he or she is.
On the other hand, that same “asshole-incined” person could choose to change personality traits, control reactions, and become (through work and dedication) a truly loveable person.
I say all this, but I am of the opinion that everything…. no matter how tragic or devastating…. works out in the end. Maybe not the way we would like… but there is always some sort of positive that comes from what we perceive as the negative.

nofa1r said,

January 12, 2006 @ 11:24 am

given by my xanga name, i think it’s pretty self-explanatory where i lay on this agreement. life is nofair. it’ll always be that way. it didn’t matter then. it didn’t matter now. and it won’t matter in the future. god will never make up for what he has put me through.

its_a_wise_child said,

January 12, 2006 @ 11:25 am

no, everything just sucks

Chiznarles said,

January 12, 2006 @ 11:27 am

I agree w/ lovepirate..The decisions you make in life affect your future. I think ppl who are bitches choose to be bitches.. They COULD be nice, but do they want to be?

seanscheng said,

January 12, 2006 @ 11:28 am

Life isn’t fair.
Beautiful people tend to be more successful because of the influence of their beauty on the people they come into contact with. Same thing for tall people.

Jeina419 said,

January 12, 2006 @ 11:40 am

Nah ~ Life aint fair and i dont really mind. Them got-it all-ppl can be my rolemodels, the got-it-in-halves ppl can be my friends/lovers, while anything outside this circle of love gets to be the victims of my pity/sarcasm.

ch50 said,

January 12, 2006 @ 11:50 am

i’ma a christian. and i strongly be leave in God,
and the bible says that God created us in his own image—which means he made us how he wanted to.
and we were all meant to be different—-and we all have different purposes.

airina05 said,

January 12, 2006 @ 12:03 pm

in my next life, i want to be angelina jolie

CMDLL said,

January 12, 2006 @ 12:14 pm

I believe in making who you are.

Xknight80 said,

January 12, 2006 @ 12:16 pm

“From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”It really does even out in the end…

AristotleForDummies said,

January 12, 2006 @ 12:38 pm

I’m good looking, smart, nice and rich.  unfortunately, I’m also conceited.

xtenstarsonsticksx said,

January 12, 2006 @ 12:40 pm

Trust me, I love to see a goodlooking, popular, rich girl be a stupid bitch.I don’t understand people and how they can be so ignorant and snobby, and especially in this case. It’s so, ah. Could you imagine how great things would be to have intelligent, rich, goodlooking, and insightful people all in one? I mean, if you are rich and goodlooking, it’d be nice to pack in a pint of sensibility and insight.
And I don’t really believe in one life, either. A boy at my school died [from suicide] and it really doesn’t seem like its the end.Its also comforting to know, that if he were to be reincarnated, he’s still here with us.. though he’s not the same.

bjtdevera said,

January 12, 2006 @ 12:59 pm

i believe in God, but I don’t believe in one single life. I believe in pre-earth life, earth life, and afterlife. As such, I believe that our state here on earth was dependent on what we did in our pre-earth life. Woot.

tehgimp said,

January 12, 2006 @ 1:12 pm

i don’t see how this would enforce your belief in karma. little kids in africa or pakistan start off in hell and often die worse. the poorest bum in the US was born lucky.

MrDaveBoi said,

January 12, 2006 @ 1:13 pm

I think that life does even out, but it just takes time. Maybe people judge their lives too soon to say that any kind of positive changes have happened. Oh…and grrr….freakin’ joke. =)-Dave

TruKalling said,

January 12, 2006 @ 1:17 pm

well, if there is reincarnation, then shouldn’t we all be extremely good looking and perfect by now? Gosh, couldn’t even get it right the 150,000th time! Haha, I dunno. Just a thought.

xtenstarsonsticksx said,

January 12, 2006 @ 1:52 pm

Its really overwhelming when you find someone who is too good to be true [romantically or not]. I find myself questioning and second-guessing the person a lot. But I’m glad there’s someone who’s got some common sense knocked into him.
I definatly fell for that blonde joke for the first 5 clicks.

davidngo said,

January 12, 2006 @ 1:55 pm

it matters not what advantages you are born with…because all of those can quickly disappear if you do not have the ambition, intelligenc, and hard work to keep them and make use of them. 
I do not look at those who are rich and intelligent …and likeable…and think about “unfair” life is.  i think the exact opposite.  People like that show me that those that are intelligent enough, will get the rewards they deserve.  That life is fair in a capitalistic and democractic society where we have the freedom to move up by our own merits and efforts.  And those that view life as simply a dealing out of random gifts, will be stuck with nothing but a lottery ticket and a hope that their number will come up someday.

jimmiwin said,

January 12, 2006 @ 1:56 pm

Shit.  I just gotta get that rich part down then I’m set. 

TruKalling said,

January 12, 2006 @ 2:23 pm

ahhh, who really knows? :)

Scorpi said,

January 12, 2006 @ 2:24 pm

i think you may be too young to understand how it evens out in the end just many ends have you seen?

ziggyzhang said,

January 12, 2006 @ 2:47 pm

that blond joke is quite good.

sunnysidedown828 said,

January 12, 2006 @ 3:10 pm

i must say, it took me a couple clicks to figure out the blonde joke.
i dont know about this crap. i think that some people are made to make it, to be successful, and others arent. its kinda like when back then, people had 17 kids and 2 or 3 of them would live long enough to reproduce.
the people who were the 2 or 3 are just plain lucky- gene pool.
i think the same thing goes for this situation. but i dont really know, i’d like to think it all evens out… but maybe thats just hopeful thinking.

JTLYK said,

January 12, 2006 @ 3:19 pm

i know a million rich bitches….mostly girls in my school

Sandsid said,

January 12, 2006 @ 4:22 pm

I could not find the blond joke…

Slutburger_with_Cheese said,

January 12, 2006 @ 4:29 pm

Everyone who says that their destiny is out of their hands (ie. god, love, religion, alien ass rapings) has the mentality of a loser. Karma is the same thing as religion; a crutch for the weak.
Your life is the cumulative sum of decision upon decision upon decision. Granted no one can stay on top of things forever, and inevitably slips up. That is what people refer to as “karma”. Waiting for the other person to slip up.

MT_Headed said,

January 12, 2006 @ 4:55 pm

I’m a christian, and this is how I see it: (I’m gonna try to make this as short and simple as possible).Life is unfair, because we chose that life. It all starts with Adam and Eve and their desire to eat that forbidden fruit that God didn’t want them to eat. We chose Knowledge (right and wrong, imperfection and beauty), instead of keeping in God’s perfection.You don’t even have to believe that story to get it. You can also look at it this way…. if life really was fair for everyone, then we wouldn’t even know, because we wouldn’t know what it means to be unfair. You can’t understand the complexity of something like Love without something to compare it to (i.e. Evil). God didn’t create evil…. but that doesn’t mean He can’t use it to open your eyes to what is beautiful and lovely.I only hope I’m answering the right way, and my definition kinda helps.

vampuke said,

January 12, 2006 @ 5:41 pm

it happens

franksabunch said,

January 12, 2006 @ 5:46 pm

That’s why I can never lose my love handles…it’s my achilles’ heel!


January 12, 2006 @ 7:05 pm

I know, I know, why do they have to be so NICE? This sort of reminds me of the whole ex with a new girlfriend thing also, in a way…you still like the guy but he has a girlfriend now and YOU BLOODY HATE HER. Why do you hate her? Because she has your man, of course, and plus, she’s really pretty too. Then you meet her, and she’s the nicest person you’ve ever met, she’s still really pretty, and she has your man. So of course, you have to hate her. For being so nice. AND THEN, you hate her even more, for making you look like a bitch because you hate someone who is so incredibly nice! ARGHHH.
Anyway, I’m guessing you believe in karma and reincarnation…I do too…I think. I don’t really know, my dad’s Hindu so I get the Eastern stuff, my mom is Catholic so I get the West too. I don’t subscribe to any one religion. Love your site and you are gorgeous.

mybelle21 said,

January 12, 2006 @ 9:09 pm

in the end, you get what’s coming to you whether it’s God’s kingdom of heaven or reincarnation of a better life…whichever.

kyleeuin said,

January 13, 2006 @ 3:03 am

You always keep it real. I could go on forever about the why this and the why that from a Christian perspective but I prefer to come from a more relative point of view. Good looks is something you have or don’t. But the others are all by pure choice. 100% choice. You create your own destiny in life on how you react to things and how hard you work and invest to create wealth.
Anyway you posted to many pics to complain about looks. Because you are a very pretty girl. And I love your personlity [at least on xanga] because you are real. I love people who are who they are and don’t fake. Whether the nicest person in the world or not. I just hate wolfs in sheeps clothes and sheep trying to act hard. *Kyle cringes at the thought* 

CaKaLusa said,

January 13, 2006 @ 3:52 am

quite good, yes, for people who seem to have it all are superficial. delve deeper within, and you’ll realize they don’t have half the things most appreciate in life.

szc001 said,

January 13, 2006 @ 4:33 am

Now that’s a blog entry to contemplate about.

AreYouaGoodPerson said,

January 13, 2006 @ 5:28 am

Do you consider yourself a good person?

dearemmie said,

January 13, 2006 @ 6:37 am

this may be a stereotype but the young ones you see who are “good looking rich person who is a stupid bitch” are quite common…b/c their riches have been handed to them…and therefore there’s no need to be sophisticated, nice, and/or intelligent…once ppl grow older, however, good looking & rich people usually present themselves better:) b/c they need some sort of tact/smarts to make the riches etc etc:)

kyoushu13 said,

January 13, 2006 @ 6:38 am

I have died in combat 6 times. I was reborn now in such a way that I can’t go into war. I suffered greatly. I had great happiness. I was never wealthy, but I have fond memories of many lives. Having riches never means you have it all. Appreciating the riches you do have is everything.

AConstantContradiction said,

January 13, 2006 @ 8:46 am

but its sad when you see someone who is rich, gorgeous, and a good person, but isn’t happy with life at all and get stepped on by people, i know a couple of those.

milhouse75 said,

January 13, 2006 @ 9:12 am

i don’t get the joke

hollywood_stars said,

January 13, 2006 @ 10:38 am

want to find out what ur favorite celebrities r up to? then come to my site and find out!

lilluvlyan9el said,

January 13, 2006 @ 10:41 am

good things happen to bad ppl and bad things happen to good ppl.It evens out at the end, b/c God will judge in the end when The End comes. If you have believed in Him and kept to his teaching, then you will inherit the heavens (check Matthew 5:1-12). I hope that whatever the question you have, the above help a little.

mely_chiquita said,

January 13, 2006 @ 12:58 pm

well i don’t know you, but i do believe in God and i think that sometimes He makes us go through stuff that will make us learn. i had a boyfriend and i met him at church (good place to find a guy) but after a while we started disobeying our parents since i’m not allowed to date, well they gave us more than one chance and now i cant even be his friend. at the moment i thought HOW UNFAIR!!! but now i realize that i was the one being unfair, God gave me a gift and i took advantage of it and now i realize that if it wasnt because God separated me from him i would’ve not looked up to Him. God is a jealous God and just analyze yourself and once you put your eyes on Him and focus on Him, trust me things will start going a lot better. my parents now after 3 months are thinking about allowing me to date him.

thelibsongirls_ohthelibsongirl said,

January 13, 2006 @ 6:23 pm

i wouldnt like it, if i had it all.

numanga said,

January 14, 2006 @ 12:33 am

Not everything evens out at the end…that’s life.
BTW, could I be added to your protected list?  I’m fairly new to your site and would like to read more. Thanks!

proffairguitarist said,

January 18, 2006 @ 11:52 pm

i dont believe in God…but yes, sometimes i like looking at the good looking bitches…lol.nice site btw…

dumbell579 said,

January 20, 2006 @ 5:49 pm

karma yes
reincarnation no
not for me atleast…

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