Does writing poetry make me sound emo?
I like it regardless.
I was looking through my old poetry blog and realized that I haven’t written poetry in a really long time… Reading the words made me realize how much I miss playing with words and meanings and sounds… and inspired me to write this this morning:
where has it gone?/the inspiration/my indication/that my soul is
alive/thrives/somewhere out there/bare and alone/tiny, vulnerable and
prone/ to over-indulgence of the worst kind/my mind/crumbles and
falls/tumbles and crawls/fumbles and mauls/its way through the deep
abyss of soulessness/i dive/into the pits of listlessness/without
flesh/barely dressed/repressed/depressed/helpless and lost…
because i can’t find myself anymore.
To be honest, I wasn’t going to post this, because it feels a bit personal and being personal is always a little embarassing.

I hope you enjoyed this piece of my mind.
And for those of you who are bored.. Here’s a picture of me from a few years ago that I JUST found today… I don’t even remember it…. Don’t i seem like a lolita complex’s dreamboat?