A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging prejudices.
- William James
Yes? No? I was certainly taken by this quote.
Thursday November 16, 2006 at 02:16 pm
Jeina419 said,
(^-^); I really try not to hold prejudices. Im not sure if ive succeeded, but im doing the best i can. For example, i learned to close read all of my classics instead of absorbing®urgitating my professor’s interpretation…i hang out with all the colors of the world (even purple and neon green a la wicked =D)…now, may the heavens judge me~
NestleTollHouse said,
You inspire me = )
Ssweet_dreemzZ said,
EternalPonderer said,
i said this once already tonight “i don’t know him well enough to say anything about him.” I say this cause i don’t believe in prejudice.
sayJames said,
NO !
c0rkie said,
chocolatekisseseyes said,
Haven’t checked updates in a while, my bad. So here’s for the last 3 entries. Sometimes I catch myself in the mirror when I run into the bathroom, and I think “wow, I really am pretty :)” Though those moments are few and far between they are worth the wait. It will come for you. Besides I think you’re ravishing. I’ve been meaning to read the life of pi and now I know I have to. And I think the William James quote rings more true than most people are willing to admit. Hope you’re feeling better.
chocolatekisseseyes said,
Duh. Yes.
ramblings_of_a_hormonal_teen said,
amazing. definately
greeneryandsnow said,
Hey, we have a new song from the new band! come and hear! if you like it, tell your friends!
Thank you!
bjtdevera said,
I’m gonna have to rearrange my prejudices about this one.
ibizajb said,
PsYkOxAzNxFrEaK said,
… thats deep. too deep for me to think about right now @ 1am. haha!
golden_leaf said,
Hey how’ve you been. Haven’t spoken to you in a while, things don’t sound well. Do you still come up to norcal? I have a new xanga…didn’t know you were still subscribed to that old one heh.
xdreamr said,
Hmm…never though about that before
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