Kill them all:
Pro-Choice, Pro-Death Penalty
An example why I’m a raving moderate. I will never be able to
choose between the parties because on the two biggest issues, I’m
a fucking banana split.
I’m pro-choice — why? Because we don’t have the right to tell an innocent person what to do with their body.
I’m pro-death penalty — why? Because some guilty fuckers deserve to die.
In a perfect world
In a perfect world, this is what I envision: no crimes and everyone
rich enough and smart enough to afford and take care of their baby.
In our world, it’s another matter. Murder, rape and child
molestation. Three things that I find pretty unforgivable.
But, I know all too well that a criminal can reform once caught and
that sometimes people are charged fallaciously. This is where I think
the three strikes should come in.
I mean, seriously, if you’re caught three times forcing a 6 year old
child to rub your wang, it’s definitely no mistake. You’re a
fucking molester and you deserve to die.
As for being pro-choice — seriously, do you think people will stop
having abortions once some law is passed against it? Didn’t
Prohibition teach us anything? Would you rather have a qualified
doctor remove the baby, or have a desperate would-be mother push
herself down some stairs and smoke a bunch of crack in hopes that the
baby inside her will just give up only to give birth to a retarded
crack baby?
My solution?
Kill them all. Our world is getting pretty filled up, there is
only so much water and energy and we’re destroying entire other species
just to fullfill what we feel is our right. Widespread plagues
are no longer helping with population control and war is being faught
against because we’ve become “civilized”.
Come on, if the Chinese could limit people to how many children they’re
allowed to have, can’t we kill some child molesters and let people
choose how many children they want to have?