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Tuesday January 10, 2006 at 10:33 am

What’s for donner?
Today, human meat is on the menu.

The Donner party is famous because they chose to eat fallen members
of their party as they braved the Oregon Trail rather than die of
starvation and exhaustion. It’s said that almost all the few that
survived went mad from the traumatic ordeal of eating human flesh.

It wasn’t a game to them.

To most of us the thought of eating another human being is one of
the most disgusting things we can imagine. Books, movies, even pop
culture deals with the terror of cannibalism all the time.

What are vampires, if not a romantisized form of cannibalism?

… but the question looming on my mind is:

Would you do it if you had to?

I don’t know if I would be able to. There are even animals that
make me shudder to eat. Once, while eating a delectible asian treat
that was one of my favorites as a child, I read that whale was used to
create it.

I threw up, and have never been able to eat them since.

However, I wasn’t starving, my life wasn’t on the line, and really,
I’ve never truly known hunger. As horrifying as it sounds, I can’t
bring myself to rule out the possibility that I might succumb to
hunger, even knowing that I might go insane from the guilt later on.

I can’t rule out anything that would happen in such a state of duress.

Especially if it was someone I didn’t know. Especially if they were already dead.

airina05 said,

January 10, 2006 @ 10:36 am

in the story of the Andes survivors, they ate those who already died….i think i’d do that….but like you said, not by choice, but because of necessity

vampuke said,

January 10, 2006 @ 10:36 am

survival of the hungriest

bjtdevera said,

January 10, 2006 @ 10:38 am

What if there was a guy who died, and his name was Pork Chop. Would you eat him then?

AristotleForDummies said,

January 10, 2006 @ 10:41 am

Yes, the thought of eating human flesh is pretty disgusting–but that may be because of the presentation.  I think if you baked it up in a nice casserole with some fresh veggies, it would be delish.

Onigiriman said,

January 10, 2006 @ 10:42 am

I would eat bugs before I eat another human. I think that would just disgust me to no end!

aradne said,

January 10, 2006 @ 10:43 am

If I had to? Yup. I would. Call me an animal.

aradne said,

January 10, 2006 @ 10:47 am

It’s disgusting because it’s presented to us as barbaric. What’s barbaric, though? I think that if one is starving, a source of food should not go to waste due to ethics. :-P

spygirl4 said,

January 10, 2006 @ 10:55 am

isn’t that how mad cow disease started?

mrchinese said,

January 10, 2006 @ 10:58 am

i’m at work right now and i just wanna say hi!

zhaoyun1122 said,

January 10, 2006 @ 11:01 am

I prolly won’t kill someone else to eat them, but if they were already dead and I was in need of survival, I don’t see why not .. =)

ReignBeau21 said,

January 10, 2006 @ 11:08 am

……..@…………@……@.@.@.@..@……@……..@……….@…@…………@….@@…@…………..@@..@….@…………..@…@……@………..@..@………@……@..@…………..@..@.From………..@……Me……….@…………TO…..@…………….You.@……..@@@……@@@@..@….@……….@…@………….@@@……@@…….@@@…….@..@@…………………….@…………………….@…………………….@…………………….@…………………….@……………………@…………………..@ONCE YOU’VE BEEN HIT , YOU HAVE TO HIT15 OTHER PEOPLE. IF YOU GET THIS BACKIT MEANS YOUR VERY PRETTY , SO STARTSENDIN. IF YOU BREAK THIS CHAIN YOU WILLBE CURSED WITH UGLINESS * DONT MESS UP

mAnGLeDmiSTlEtoE said,

January 10, 2006 @ 11:21 am

Yeah, definitely depends on who they are and if they’re already dead or not….

franksabunch said,

January 10, 2006 @ 11:22 am

Oh gosh, I think I’d rather starve!

tehgimp said,

January 10, 2006 @ 11:37 am

if people tasted any good i would eat them every day.

JenniferSun said,

January 10, 2006 @ 11:42 am

pass the salt!

xtenstarsonsticksx said,

January 10, 2006 @ 11:55 am

That’s a good question.
But I have to add, and you probably know, vampires are farse. But there are people who say, “Yeah, vampire’s aren’t real”, yet the secretly think “But what if they are?”
I know a few people who live in Trannsylvania, and they have a bunch of museums and things on vampires. So supposedly, as they would say, vampires are fake.

CaKaLusa said,

January 10, 2006 @ 12:08 pm

cannibalis go crazy–really. But it’s not like they weren’t to begin with

CMDLL said,

January 10, 2006 @ 12:13 pm

What was in the food you ate?
I would have trouble eating a pretty woman (unless she was quite bitchy), and eating a friend.I might could deal with a pretty woman, but I could not eat a friend.Unless attacked. Then all rules are down.But I owe it to a friend to stick it out with them, even if it’s my bane.

davidngo said,

January 10, 2006 @ 12:29 pm

if i was starving with no other means of sustenance, you bet your ASS i would eat someone.  survival is the most basic of instincts and the will to preserve your life is way too great to avoid.

WeirdAnnoyingPerson said,

January 10, 2006 @ 2:06 pm

mad human disease !

fisherman_1990_2 said,

January 10, 2006 @ 2:18 pm

OMG… i remember The Orgeon Trail from elementary school on those really old Macs :-P

Ssweet_dreemzZ said,

January 10, 2006 @ 2:39 pm

Ugh, yeah. I’d probably go insane from hunger, then eat the person.

RoxyKawaii said,

January 10, 2006 @ 2:54 pm

well… i guess if you didn’t know where the meat came from or what it was and you were starving… it’s possible. >
but then the thought of eating a person, even at the brink of starvation, just makes me cringe.
i’d probably either go crazy before or after, or die because my buddies who were lost with me ate me.

dehzep said,

January 10, 2006 @ 5:10 pm

i find people taste best with just some salt and pepper. 

ramblings_of_a_hormonal_teen said,

January 10, 2006 @ 5:27 pm

you misspelled dinner.
the way it appears it seems as if you’re asking “what’s for one of the non-rudolf reindeer running santas sleigh?”
kinda thought you should know

seksae said,

January 10, 2006 @ 5:28 pm

you cant rule anything out when you placed into a situation like that

buddyhood said,

January 10, 2006 @ 5:45 pm


Starry_Eyed_82 said,

January 10, 2006 @ 6:53 pm

I don’t think I could. Sounds delicious, though.

jasonpho said,

January 10, 2006 @ 9:24 pm

I miss playing Oregon Trail on a Apple IIe in 4th grade…took those big old “floppy” disks

skelestones said,

January 10, 2006 @ 10:23 pm

perhaps another form of cannibalism is when someone ‘swallows’.

chrnobreak said,

January 10, 2006 @ 11:24 pm

fuck no… fuck, fuck, fuck, i just cringe in the thought of it. i mean, it’s really easy to say “oh yeah, if my life depended on it, i would,” but i wouldn’t know where to start. :/oh.. and check this shit out –> that was a mutha’fuckin ferry. i didn’t even try to ford the bitch. :(

hjyou said,

January 10, 2006 @ 11:52 pm

Oregon Trail rocks!Donner party?Mmm mmm good….

it_dont_feel_good_til_it_hurts said,

January 11, 2006 @ 3:07 am

thats insane they used make us play oregon trail in like 4-5 grade


but about cannabilism, its survival of the fittest and if your starving in the middle of nowhere. Shit happens, and you gotta eat somehow

mckim672 said,

January 11, 2006 @ 3:32 am

if there was no vegetation of any type, then it would depend on survival instinct. how badly you want ot live vs allowing yourself to die. no one really knows unless they are in that situation

misstease said,

January 11, 2006 @ 5:40 am

i remember that game!!! haha it was sooo fun then. i always got all worked up when something bad happened though.

novelle361 said,

January 11, 2006 @ 6:50 am

People probably taste delicious. We’re lazy, filled with fat … that’s the secret. It’s “morally wrong” because if it was okay, everyone would run around killing each other for dinner all the time.

Trinity86 said,

January 11, 2006 @ 6:52 am

i hope i’ll never be forced into such a dilemma

Nikki27 said,

January 11, 2006 @ 1:29 pm

I could eat human. Can’t eat animals though.

solacemarine said,

January 11, 2006 @ 1:29 pm

wow really some stuff to think aboutI dont thing i could do it…..but ive never been in that situation thank godoh an i get the play on words even if others dont

juliepersons said,

January 11, 2006 @ 1:56 pm

I don’t think I could…


January 11, 2006 @ 3:57 pm

see I have a eating disorder so I need advice…E-mail me at


January 11, 2006 @ 3:58 pm

see I have a eating disorder so I need advice…E-mail me at

xiong76m said,

January 11, 2006 @ 9:02 pm

pretty gross subject. random eprops and questions. dont u miss the old asian avenue. whats ur top online communities now. ta ta.

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