I’ve been looking through blogs of old acquaintences lately — just to see what they’re up to… and to see if they’ve changed as much as I have. Some have, some haven’t…. but there was something throughout that I noticed — something that had nothing to do with the actual going-ons of their lives.
I’ve noticed that people who like to write as their pasttimes and people who are good at writing write much (and generally people who enjoy reading a lot) and rarely reveal very much about themselves through their writing. You may catch glimpses of their personalities, and glimmers of their lives, but for the most part, they hide behind their prose.
On the other hand, those who are just as intelligent but aren’t necessarily interested in writing, write as themselves. Their personality shines through and though the angsts may not be as angsty as the good writer, and their happiness may not be as clear as the good writer, you get more a sense of who THEY are, how THEY speak, what THEY want you to hear than the so-called ‘good’ writers.
Why is this? Is this because good writers are also story tellers, liars? Is it because good writers learn instinctively to not write things that will haunt them later? Or is it because those who are not interested in writing know nothing more than writing as themselves…?
If so, why aren’t the good writers writing as themselves? Are they incapable of doing so because of the switch between writing and speech? Or is it that they choose to do so because they want to portray themselves in writing as someone other than themselves?
It makes me wonder….