Weiners on the knees win the vote.
Hands down, no question
As much as I hate the nonsensical gibberish written by today’s teens, there’s something else that also constantly bothers me: people who write in a style so convoluted with “big words” they learned from SAT books or looked up in the dictionary that the general comprehension of their writing is pretty much at the level of a teeny bopper’s rant or an emo-child’s poetry.
Don’t get me wrong, I love intellectual discourse. What I hate are people who think that in order to achieve writing that sounds more intelligent they must alienate anyone who has never memorized thousands of vocabulary words.
To me, the things that make intelligent writing intelligent are the ideas that are put across, not the words that are used in order express those ideas.
For example… if I wrote an entry that said:
“I took a shit today and it stank.”
Not very interesting, and the idea is lame, right? What if I wrote:
“Today, when I emptied my bowels, my excrement was emitting a disgustingly putrid odor.”
Yeah, bigger and less used words, but the idea is still the same and just as lame.
What if, instead, I said something like:
“I dislike that I get paid less than the owner’s son, even though I do more work”
Would it really be any different, or would the idea be more complex or interesting AT ALL if instead I began ranting about nepotism and how it runs rampant in my work place? (all these examples fictional by the way, my shit smells like roses.)
Fuck pseudo-intellectual elitists
The only difference is that less people will understand the ideas put across by the person who writes with big words, and those same person who thinks he/she writes intelligently can find a elitist satisfaction in the fact that the less-learned find it hard to understand what he/she is saying.
While those who actually understand the words simply shake their heads and say “What a bunch of unintelligent bullshit.”
Emo-children, teeny boppers, and pseudo-intellectuals are all the same:
What is the point of written communication when you’re not actually communicating with anyone?