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Tuesday October 18, 2005 at 11:43 am

Weiners on the knees win the vote.
Hands down, no question

As much as I hate the nonsensical gibberish written by today’s teens, there’s something else that also constantly bothers me: people who write in a style so convoluted with “big words” they learned from SAT books or looked up in the dictionary that the general comprehension of their writing is pretty much at the level of a teeny bopper’s rant or an emo-child’s poetry.

Don’t get me wrong, I love intellectual discourse. What I hate are people who think that in order to achieve writing that sounds more intelligent they must alienate anyone who has never memorized thousands of vocabulary words.

To me, the things that make intelligent writing intelligent are the ideas that are put across, not the words that are used in order express those ideas.


For example… if I wrote an entry that said:

“I took a shit today and it stank.”

Not very interesting, and the idea is lame, right? What if I wrote:

“Today, when I emptied my bowels, my excrement was emitting a disgustingly putrid odor.”

Yeah, bigger and less used words, but the idea is still the same and just as lame.

What if, instead, I said something like:

“I dislike that I get paid less than the owner’s son, even though I do more work”

Would it really be any different, or would the idea be more complex or interesting AT ALL if instead I began ranting about nepotism and how it runs rampant in my work place? (all these examples fictional by the way, my shit smells like roses.)

Fuck pseudo-intellectual elitists

The only difference is that less people will understand the ideas put across by the person who writes with big words, and those same person who thinks he/she writes intelligently can find a elitist satisfaction in the fact that the less-learned find it hard to understand what he/she is saying.

While those who actually understand the words simply shake their heads and say “What a bunch of unintelligent bullshit.”

Emo-children, teeny boppers, and pseudo-intellectuals are all the same:

What is the point of written communication when you’re not actually communicating with anyone?

Keniiiiiiiiiiii said,

October 18, 2005 @ 11:48 am

I don’t even know who you’re mad at this time.

glorycato said,

October 18, 2005 @ 11:48 am

Effing A.  I hate that crap too. But some people just like to hear themselves speak…er, read themselves write, uh…that made no sense, you know what I mean.

c0rkie said,

October 18, 2005 @ 11:48 am

i concur

MaladroitBAMF said,

October 18, 2005 @ 11:49 am

I kind of agree but what is the point of knowning big words if you never get to use them??

cutsiepie55 said,

October 18, 2005 @ 11:55 am

if you really think about it, we don’t really “take shits” …we make/produce them…haha

dianaisadreamkiller said,

October 18, 2005 @ 11:59 am

i sometimes find my self guilty of using big words. but generally when i do it, it’s too make people feel stupid because they are being stupid. plus i have good ideas.  so it’s okay.
this one kid in my english class talks nonsense all the time though, and always tries to use big words that he doesn’t even use correctly and generally everyone just yells at him to quit being so nonsensical.

but really, i just like using more complex speech because it sounds better to me.  is that okay?. have i escaped the boundaries of a pseudo intellectual?

plumsauce said,

October 18, 2005 @ 12:00 pm

I too find pseudo-intellectuals annoying. Sometimes they use all these big words, but I find might not know what it means exactly….that is, it’s used in the wrong context etc. etc.

subterranean_alien said,

October 18, 2005 @ 12:11 pm

there’s no point really, just a self esteem boost. a lot of the pseudo intellectual entrys are to make themselves feel better, or important when in reality they really aren’t that bright,and probably go to community college. not that there’s anything wrong with that.

claireyyx said,

October 18, 2005 @ 12:15 pm

so what about the whole postmodernist movement? – in which form overrides function/ideas/concepts.

CaKaLusa said,

October 18, 2005 @ 12:15 pm

rampid? (sic)rampant or ramped? THE INSANITY! THE IRONY!

miS_diGnifieD said,

October 18, 2005 @ 12:22 pm friend uses a thesaurus to make him sound smarter in essays.

Purse_Fanatic said,

October 18, 2005 @ 12:22 pm

their is no point
it just makes that person feel smart but really they look dumb

loldavelol said,

October 18, 2005 @ 12:22 pm

yeah i can’t stand people who use ‘big words’ or talk in circles just to sound more intelligent.  that’s why i hate textbooks: if they were written in straight-forward language they wouldn’t be so damn thick and cost so damn much and would be much easier to understand.
re: previous entry.  i’d rather have sex w/ a hot chick w/ penises on her knees.  imagine what we can do with that with two other hot chicks.  forehead would not work as well unless i were bi.
re: previous previous entry.  unfortunately i read that kind of posts all the time because my students are in the 13-17 age range.  they have horrible english skills anyway so i don’t think it’s to cover that fact up.  they write like that to be ‘with it.’
hope you feel better from the flu!

xEgurl424 said,

October 18, 2005 @ 12:36 pm

maybe some people just have that writing style… i agree i get annoyed by big words and stuff too but… not all teens are incapable of coherent, meaningful thoughtyep yepo btw i saw ur art and layouts and theyre sooooo good! i especially like the doll with the puppet. hope ur successful with ur work!

PetTheMonkey said,

October 18, 2005 @ 12:50 pm

true. that shit’s annoying.

Ah_Cheng said,

October 18, 2005 @ 1:07 pm

yeah, that is why i hate my readings from school! a bunch of pseudo-language that makes it all confusing!!

franksabunch said,

October 18, 2005 @ 1:10 pm

To all the teenyboppers –> If you can’t write like me, then don’t even try.  You might hurt one or two of those few brain cells you have left!

FatalAce said,

October 18, 2005 @ 1:12 pm

haha bombastic posts are entertaining.

aradne said,

October 18, 2005 @ 1:19 pm

I know the type you’re talking about, because I’m one of them! :-) It’s the only fun I get to have!!!! For half a minute, I sound kinda smart. You can make fun of me if you’d like.

s1ms said,

October 18, 2005 @ 1:23 pm

i use xanga to communicate with myself sometimes.evn public entries.its kind of a way to sort my thoughts.

Mr_Nish said,

October 18, 2005 @ 1:26 pm

Writing is not just words. It’s not just the combinations of words to form something either. It’s the feelings, emotions, ideas, and opinions conjured by the reader and writer through the words.

Zot22 said,

October 18, 2005 @ 1:34 pm

if you have the time…read http://www.melvillemoments.blogspot.comyou can probably already tell by the title, but this guy used to be my best friend in second grade…i think he’s a complete idiot.

NJ_to_LA_319 said,

October 18, 2005 @ 1:37 pm

I was reading some of your comments and i found it ironic that a lot of the people calling other people stupid are using “too” instead of “to” and “their” instead of “there”
Anyway I don’t think there’s anything wrong with people trying to sound smarter.  They are actually looking up the words and using them so they are learning.  As for getting your point across to others, its up to the reader to decide if its worth learning the words to understand what the person is writing.  Maybe the writer doesn’t want to get their point across to the people who don’t know what a word means.  Its not that hard to go to and look up a word if you don’t know it.

jerryeightyone said,

October 18, 2005 @ 1:41 pm

i think every word in the dictionary has a purpose

Ssweet_dreemzZ said,

October 18, 2005 @ 1:41 pm

That post reminds me of Charles Dickens.

prodigyvioana said,

October 18, 2005 @ 2:01 pm

well, it’s ok if they use the words right. when they have no clue, i jus laugh ^^

TheMiddleWay said,

October 18, 2005 @ 2:03 pm

I hope i’m not one of those pseudo-intellectual people that you’re talking about Kim!  I use really big words sometimes, but that’s only when i’m in deep thought.  By the way, I have a chick you should definately say SOMETHING about, er not that i’m trying to order you or anything hah xP.  She was or.. is on featured, and she’s disgusting.  ew >.  ..I guess her username says it all eh?

F_CK_FF said,

October 18, 2005 @ 2:07 pm

..That doesn’t include me, does it? O_O

onestyle said,

October 18, 2005 @ 3:05 pm

Exactly! This is why Bush won over middle america even though Edwards specifically targetted middle american issues.I particularly love it when “educated” people start domesticated debates born from facts they picked up in a book or news article.

pandaplushie said,

October 18, 2005 @ 3:16 pm

Shat sounds cool.

OverNagain said,

October 18, 2005 @ 3:18 pm

lol.. You’re absolutely right.. Now-a-days, people like simple writting, writting that everyone can understand.. Just as long as the idea is understood…

homeslice2 said,

October 18, 2005 @ 3:48 pm

shit i hate people who talk like that to sound smart. then they talk about quantum mechanics or something.pretentious assholes. pretentious isn’t a big word, right?

ziggyzhang said,

October 18, 2005 @ 3:55 pm


While those who actually understand the words simply shake their heads and say “What a bunch of unintelligent bullshit.”
j/k j/k your unintelligent bullshit is funny.

aydongbeeleef said,

October 18, 2005 @ 4:28 pm

talk dumb to the dumb. talk more smarter to the moer smart. durr…what’s more ‘perturbing’ ooh…. is when those pseudo’s write, changing every little fucking word indiscriminately with their thesaurus.

Penintux17 said,

October 18, 2005 @ 4:52 pm

yeah, im bombastic as hell. guilty.

keneke said,

October 18, 2005 @ 5:02 pm

thank you shi. you are god. i hope everyone reads this post and stops flipping through their old SAT prep course books everytime they feel like they need to concoct a new entry for the less smart ones who do not use a thesaurus (that’s not a dinosaur) when updating.

cLinicallyDriven said,

October 18, 2005 @ 5:05 pm

Ergh. I think you made a ton of people feel guilty about using big words now, (including myself). Haha xD 

niggachang said,

October 18, 2005 @ 5:08 pm

I agree. A thesaurus can be man’s best friend…or worse enemy.

abeyance said,

October 18, 2005 @ 5:09 pm

Hmm… that reminds me of a book I read.. that said, “Constantly talking doesn’t mean you’re communicating.” Something like that.

naija_naija said,

October 18, 2005 @ 5:11 pm

it sounds indubitably supersilious :-P
(which is better)

plasmasnowmaiden said,

October 18, 2005 @ 5:22 pm

you are  my favorite person. huzaa

boyslikesugar said,

October 18, 2005 @ 5:22 pm

hihi. i grant that you’re talking about me?

OTheMan said,

October 18, 2005 @ 5:35 pm

I love you shi

Number1AznIdiot said,

October 18, 2005 @ 5:43 pm

Perhaps you are furious towards the throng of people whom have perceived their writing as an infatuation for their ID and self-confidence, and sporadically use superfluous words? =P
I’m just kidding. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any Xanga sites like that other than my friend’s site… but he gave that up a long time ago when I asked him why he randomly stuck in big words. =/
You should’ve stuck a link in your entry! >_

shygirl72 said,

October 18, 2005 @ 5:51 pm

the point is there is no point unless you have no other way of sorting your feeling out cus you have an image and people thing your sick if you don’t follow it. I hate people who use big words, I might do it to annoy a friend of somthing but half the time i don’t even know what I’m saying.

VortexInfinitum said,

October 18, 2005 @ 6:05 pm

well, I for one use words that you can only assume what they my day was so crackalacting. or… no! HE’s a sayeed.

ryerye_zanguh said,

October 18, 2005 @ 6:54 pm

“What is the point of written communication when you’re not actually communicating with anyone?”
that’s like asking why painters paint abstract art… some people take writing as a form of art… some painters use complex color combinations and form, while others take a simpler approach… they are all trying to convey a message, but have different styles… your question implies that no one will understand whatever it was that was written with big words, but you also mention that some people who have memorized SAT words would know the meanings… maybe that is the audience they are targeting with their writing… not everyone’s audience is the general public… some artists prefer to have an elite audience… we shouldn’t look down on these people just because of that… they just want to be heard just like the rest of us here on xanga…
don’t get me wrong though, i agree that complex words doesn’t equal intellectual discourse… sometimes, you just gotta give some people a break… but then again, that would mean you wouldn’t have a post for today… in fact, if you gave people a break, this xanga would probably not exist…

rasputi said,

October 18, 2005 @ 6:57 pm

sometimes i have to use a dictionary when talking to my friends on msn…. it makes me feel dumb.. lol

gooksantiger said,

October 18, 2005 @ 7:11 pm

as long as one person understands and cares about what your are saying, i guess the communication is worth it

o0confused4evr0o said,

October 18, 2005 @ 7:36 pm

I think its funny sometimes. B/c people try to rub it in. I write my xanga entries as though I am writing to someone. I hate when people miss spell words like if you missed a key on the keyboard thats fine but I mean just not spellingi t write on purpose thats just sad.

jamiemao said,

October 18, 2005 @ 8:09 pm

i concur with your perceptions of the motley array of pseudo-intellectuals pervading such valuable cyberspace.

bjtdevera said,

October 18, 2005 @ 8:39 pm

that’s why I read scientific journals….ok, no…i don’t.

projectblogsphere said,

October 18, 2005 @ 8:42 pm

*thump chest*
Me Blogsphere… me type, you read, we understand.
Now give banana!

rainxcity said,

October 18, 2005 @ 8:42 pm

I know a guy who sounds exactly like your examples & I pretty much hate him. haha Another good post…I totally agree.

xFuKoFFdizVaNx said,

October 18, 2005 @ 9:26 pm

you should start putting pictures up more often

animated_wonsoongee said,

October 18, 2005 @ 10:38 pm

therapy? to relieve stress?

AFrogPrince said,

October 18, 2005 @ 10:47 pm

True.  But I’ll level with you.  The way things are set up on Xanga it’s almost like a food fight with words and pictures.  There are a few people who actually come here to eat, but more than that just come here to throw stuff(or watch other people throw stuff).
So do you comment back on your comments?  And are your comments back always deep and meaningful?

akaCrusade said,

October 18, 2005 @ 11:06 pm

props .. an how do u get so meny ppl proping u like that… are u a old xanga user… or just have a lota friends

whonose said,

October 19, 2005 @ 1:47 am

Yeah I agree – or
One is in agreeable stature with your statement and wishes to enunciate this fact through the respected medium of virtual messaging. Jolly good!

thathrilainmanila said,

October 19, 2005 @ 5:08 am

see, now this blog in and of itself proves your point. =P

blog_pastor said,

October 19, 2005 @ 6:09 am

… I knew a big word once…
… REALLY!!!…
… I DID!!!! …

Quit laughing…

thongkubu said,

October 19, 2005 @ 6:12 am

Sorry, I know you don’t know me but this girl come out of nowhere tagged me so I guess I got to do it.
sorry, I got tagged with this thing…
At least 2 people in this world love you so much they would die for you.2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don’t like you.5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.6. You mean the world to someone.7. If not for you, someone may not be living.8. You are special and unique.9. Someone that you don’t even know exists loves you.10. When you make the biggest mistake ever,something good comes from it.11. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likely turned your back on the world.12. When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won’t get it, but if you believe in yourself, probably, sooner or later, you will get it.13. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks.14. Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel much better when they know.15. If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are great.Add this as a comment to ten of your friends tonight and at midnight your true love will find you. Something good will happen to you at 2:25 tomorrow. Get ready for the biggest shock of your life. Whoever breaks this chain letter will be cursed with 10 relationship problems for the next ten yearstag ur it!! this is so scary!!! send this to 15 ppl in the next 143 min. and then press F6 and your crushes name will appear in big letters!! it is so scary because it works…. but if you break the chain you will be cursed with relationship problems for 10 years.

Peter3 said,

October 19, 2005 @ 6:53 am


Darkchyld132 said,

October 19, 2005 @ 7:02 am

nice.  i tend to not use big words at all.  Plus i dim my light around my friends.  I learned that they are dumb anyway.  So why should i put forth the effort.  I do like reading your material.  Please keep posting topics of this nature. Also, thanx for being a muse.

alejandrofrancisco said,

October 19, 2005 @ 7:22 am

“pseudo-intellectual elitists”?”convoluted”?Methinks thou protest too much.Lovely site though.

SueTalksTooMuch said,

October 19, 2005 @ 7:23 am

dumbing down posts for the sake of eprop profitability are for pussies.
I doubt my page comes across as psuedo intellectual. I fell asleep during my SAT’s.  Twice. 
And my SAT score accurately reflects that. 

Chiznarles said,

October 19, 2005 @ 7:35 am

indeed.  Fuck elitists.

scaryuncle said,

October 19, 2005 @ 8:07 am

There are those of us who can’t help it, or it would take such an effort of will to change what we are saying that all meaning would be lost. Me for instance. I don’t think that I am better than anyone just because I am an english major, but sometimes bigger words come to me more easily than smaller ones. When I’m thinking and typing fast, words like “invaluable”, “anachronistic”, or “faux” are invaluable to me because they quickly sum up concepts that would take me longer to explain and cause whatever argument I’m making at the time to loose momentum. While I do agree that it’s stupid to use high-falutin’ language just to appear smarter, it IS useful when used in a useful context.

moocowbaby91 said,

October 19, 2005 @ 9:19 am

I’m fine with how anyone talks, as long @$ !t i$n’T l!k3 D!$
it gets a bit old..random props

yupitssean said,

October 19, 2005 @ 10:27 am

doesn’t it completely depend on the audience shi?

matkishimoto said,

October 19, 2005 @ 10:36 am

i love people who complain ;)

InfaxtuAtion said,

October 19, 2005 @ 10:56 am

I completly agree. But if they want to use big words they can use big words, what bugs me though is when they want to continuously correct and put down people who really do not take this whole internet thing THAT seriously.  omgsh I wrote ‘too’ instead of ‘to’ i’m going to internet hell. please.

Trillion_2_1 said,

October 19, 2005 @ 11:14 am

I would rather hear someone speak intelligently using big words, rather than a stupid shit abuse the normal words everyone else uses. Such as those who talk like “Dat sh/t da shmizzle.” These dumbasses cant even communicate with the dumb people who talk normal without big words.

MZxLEE said,

October 19, 2005 @ 11:43 am

Can you use smaller words please?

real_anarchist713 said,

October 19, 2005 @ 11:44 am

I know people who can only talk in complex sentences because we are smart. Yes i know my self.
Anarchy is poSSible!

lilsheels248 said,

October 19, 2005 @ 11:53 am

I hate the SATs anyways.

Angelic__Knight said,

October 19, 2005 @ 12:46 pm

Wow, you should get a kagilliong eprops for this one, stole the thoughts right out of my head.I fake being an intellectual elitist and pity the people who actually fall for it. :-DGREAT POST!

PlasmaSheep_09 said,

October 19, 2005 @ 1:45 pm

I have ended my quest in searching for an intellectual person that can ACTUALLY spell. I can’t believe it! It’s like I’m in some alternate universe ran by humans instead of monkeys that TRY to control your brain. GOD everywhere I go on the Internet I hear people try to conjure up new words that mean absolutely NOTHING! for instance: crunk, how exactly is that spelled anyways. It’s been used forever and I still don’t even have a slight hint of what this word means. Anyways,I guess it’s just another neologism that everyone is supposed to figure out. Some of them are pretty off the wall though. Well I do show some mirth when I find someone like you to “talk” to. You make alot of sense and I could bet you a million dollars there are a few people getting out their vocabulary words and dictionary’s trying to impersonate the smart folk and commenting on this site! (lol)
Well thanks for your time and thoughts,

candiez said,

October 19, 2005 @ 6:43 pm

good point

kyasha said,

October 19, 2005 @ 6:57 pm

at my undergrad, there was a reporter who liked to use big sat words in his articles. some kids wrote a letter (in that same style) telling him to stop using all that crap language. it was hilarious.

ars_amatoria said,

October 20, 2005 @ 1:44 am

as long as you get your message across… all systems go! =)

NoBackstreetboys said,

October 20, 2005 @ 8:29 am

Fuck me. I like big words.

PrometheusX said,

October 22, 2005 @ 1:12 pm

I think it just depends WHO you are talking to and how the person’s tone comes across. If a person just uses “big” words just to find a way to talk down to you, then ya, they’re assholes. But i don’t think it’s wrong if somebody uses “big” words to try to communicate with somebody else. If you don’t understand what a word means, then go look it up at It only takes a couple of seconds and you might learn something on the way. I really do agree with you that sometimes ppl lose track of the message, because they get too caught up in finding the right words to express their thoughts.

dooE said,

October 25, 2005 @ 2:42 am

I hate it when my friend tries to sound all smart, it’s like what’re you doing dude, you’re not fooling anyone but yourself. Maybe I just hate feeling inferior, especially when I know it’s being faked.

Insanity_dot_com said,

October 29, 2005 @ 10:32 pm

i randomly got here via xangaspy, and started reading out of boredom. i completly agree with this entry in particular

bananza80 said,

October 31, 2005 @ 2:00 pm

“Studies show that twenty words account for 25 percent of all spoken English words, and all twenty are monosyllabic.  Order of frequency: I, you, the, a, to, is, it, that, of, and, in, what, he, this, have, do, she, not, on, they.”  Richard Lederer, The Case for Short Words

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