Why Wehoroy is not the REAL mr Xanga 2005
And why people really SHOULDN’t throw rocks at glass houses.
–News flash! Wehoroy calls me “fucked up” and a “bitch” like it’s a bad thing…
So I had actually already written today’s entry, but it’s being held
off for just a little bit for a tiny bit more drama. The
reason? Because I’ve been THREATENED. Yes,
threatened. You don’t believe me?
And for those who know my perverse nature, you know that threatening me will only make things get worse.
Maybe he wants it that way, hell, this way he’ll get more hits!
How this REALLY started:
So first of all, let me tell you about my first run-in with Mr. wehoroy
over here. Someone guided me to his site and told me he had
written a comment about me, which I replied to sentence for sentence
here: (he has since deleted what he wrote):
You can’t see the date, but that’s 9/6/2005. THAT MEANS that
he started shit with me way before yesterday’s entry — which HE CLAIMS
is what started this bullcrap.
Basically he said something along the lines of “I
don’t understand why shi gets so many votes and comments. Her
blog doesn’t have real blogs anyway. I’m not saying this to hate,
it’s the truth”
My reply in a nut shell was: “Because I’m the best. And if you don’t have anything to back up why I’m not a real blog, then it really is hating.”
Apparently, according to him, this was a call for him to delete his
comment. Whereas, all I wanted to know was his reasoning behind
this topic.
Rule #1: Never say shit on your site that you can’t back up.
Rule #2: Never say shit on your site that you’re going to take down if the other person sees.
If you decide to start shit, start shit. Don’t give me that pussy shit of posting it on your site and taking it off.
Part 2:
Alright, so I wasn’t too mad about the thing before even though it did help fuel my anger enough to win that Xanga contest.
What really got me going was when I got this message:

ripped MY site apart? Come on now, just asking why I get votes
and saying that my blog isn’t really a blog is NOT ripping me
As I said before, if you’re going to say something, BACK THAT SHIT UP.
For example:
Wehoroy’s page sucks for the following reasons:
1. Every single day that he gets on featured he posts that shit
up. What the FUCK is that? Some days, that’s the only thing
he posts. Who the fuck cares?
2. About half of his entries have absolutely no content. They’re
something he copy-pasted from somewhere or another. MY BLOG is
not a REAL BLOG? At least my shit comes from my own head.
3. He thinks that telling me I’m “FUCKED UP” is “dropping the bomb” on me
4. He calls himself a trendsetter because he posted pictures of his hits. I’m sorry, but that’s SO months ago. As in, someone better did it in March.
5. He is such a loser he made a VIDEO about the Mr. Xanga 2005 contest.
Come on now, if you’re going to “drop the bomb” on me at least post the
paparrazzi pictures of me fucking the taken brad pitt or
something. Shit. I already KNOW I’m fucked up, what I don’t
know is whether or not I’m fucking brad pitt.
OK and now the part that you’ve been waiting for:
Why wehoroy doesn’t deserve to be Mr. Xanga 2005
It has just come to my attention that Wehoroy [my co-winner] had been spamming our community with this message:
What it says is:
“Hey there!!! I really appreciated you voting for me!!! Now’s the
biggie! I made it to the next round, and I need you vote for me again.
Same rules apply. Just go .:HERE:.
and put my name in the comment box. If you want, you can put it my girl
Dieselgrrrrl’s name too for Ms. Xanga! She made it to the next round as
well! Here’s the catch: You CAN NOT place your vote until 3:00 pm
today, which is Wednesday (London time), and it only runs for a 24 hour
period! So, I really need your help!!!! Don’t vote too early, or
late!!! Thank you sooooo much in advance, and TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS to
vote for me!!! It’s about time the “little guy” wins something…Thanks
Alright, I just have one thing to say to this: If you really are Mr.
Xanga, you should only be asking your FANS to vote for you because your
FANS are the people who love your site and your FANS are the only
people who have the right to vote for you.
In all, to be Mr. Xanga, you should have ALREADY BEEN KNOWN.
Mr. Wehoroy won by 4 votes over my good friend Cakalusa, but it’s an
empty 4 votes, since so many of the votes were gained by him blanketing
the internet with his snivelling begging comment.
Final comments
Instead of wasting your time by blanket commenting the community, and
petty threats, why don’t you try harder and get some actual fans to
vote for you.
Yeah, sure, I’m fucked up — but you know in your heart that you were
the one who chose to start this with me and that I would have never
entered that contest seriously if it wasn’t for people like you and
that other girl.
If you had kept your mouth shut, your girl would have won.
I apologize deeply for my actions lately and I swear that this is the
last piece of Xanga drama that I”m going to dish out for a long
time. I have about 5 entries I had to put on the backburner
because of this shit and I’m not going to hold off good entertainment
to prove my point anymore.
In the meantime I drew this for your entertainment:
Make sure you move it to “fast”
The first person to get all the names right gets a link in the next entry.