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I’ve never been much of a perfectionist. And I’m not really a bitch. I don’t smell like kiwi… And even if I DO like to masturbate, I don’t really feel like sharing it with the world. But… I guess that’s how it is on the web.

I’ve been looking around at all these webrings/clique sites. They’re all supposed to be original… and I have to admit, I joined fifty or sixty webring/cliques in my own day. I still like to apply sometimes now. Just to see if my site still has it. Has what? I don’t know. Whatever ‘design’ skills it takes to get into a webring/clique.

The thing about webrings and cliques nowadays, though… Is that they all seem the same. 90% of the femme ones have a scantily clad woman on it with the loopy feathery script writing proclaiming their name. Yes. I mean you.

Then, there’s always the requirements. Do not TyPe LyKe DiS. Match your colors. You must be a girl. You must have a website. You must have good design. Or at least design that pleases the eye of the ring/clique owner.

Ahhh… Is originality wasted on the ‘net? I mean, even I’m not more original than any other weblogger. Even if I wish I WERE special. We’re all just a bunch of followers afterall. Sigh. I need to get a life or something, and stop thinking about random stuff.

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