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Wednesday February 8, 2006 at 07:05 am

Is it a greed thing?

Dear Friend,

I’ve written about bisexuality before, in a humourous manner, but I don’t think I ever really the topic, so I thought today might be a good day.

A blast from the past

Last night I went to a workshop called “What Women Want” where a bunch of 19-25 year old people sat around in a circle and talked about issues on sex and the opposite sex.

One of the questions raised was, “Would you ever date a bisexual?”

The general consensus around the room was that bisexuals were greedy.

Now, I’ve never actually come out and said it [although it says so in any profile that asks], but I have dated girls in the past. I guess that makes me a bisexual.

However, I don’t think that makes me greedy — I just happened to like a girl enough to date her.

With love,

Bisexuality FAQ #1

Misconceptions about the meaning of “bisexual”:

I think that a lot of people have misconceptions about the word “Bisexual”. The term in itself somewhat signifies promiscuity because of the word “bi” itself. I also think a lot of “pansexuals” (those who are open to anything) tend to call themselve “bisexaul” because it’s a more accepted term.

Some bisexuals think it’s OK to have a relationship with a guy and a girl at the same time, because if it’s not with the same sex it’s not cheating.

Take it from me, it’s cheating.

And I DEFINITELY will not share my boyfriend with another girl.

In my case, bisexual just means that I happen to date girls sometimes, and I happen to date guys sometimes.. and though my last two long relationships have been with guys, if I were to become single again it wouldn’t be out of the question to date a girl.

Bisexuality FAQ #2

Does bisexuality exist?

A lot of people tell me that bisexuality doesn’t exist in the first place. That it’s a myth for people who are gay or promiscuous.

While I’d like to think I’m not promiscuous (I’ve been in 2 long term [2.5 years and 1 year] relationships in the past 4 years), I know I’m definitely not gay.

I’m just open to the idea.

Bisexuality FAQ #3

People have a lot of ideas about bisexuality, do you think it’s a greed thing?
Does bisexuality exist?

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