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Wednesday February 8, 2006 at 10:06 am

Is it a greed thing?

Dear Friend,

I’ve written about bisexuality before, in a humourous manner, but I don’t think I ever really the topic, so I thought today might be a good day.

A blast from the past

night I went to a workshop called “What Women Want” where a bunch of
19-25 year old people sat around in a circle and talked about issues on
sex and the opposite sex.

One of the questions raised was, “Would you ever date a bisexual?”

The general consensus around the room was that bisexuals were greedy.

I’ve never actually come out and said it [although it says so in any
profile that asks], but I have dated girls in the past. I guess that
makes me a bisexual.

However, I don’t think that makes me greedy — I just happened to like a girl enough to date her.

With love,

Bisexuality FAQ #1

Misconceptions about the meaning of “bisexual”:

think that a lot of people have misconceptions about the word
“Bisexual”. The term in itself somewhat signifies promiscuity because
of the word “bi” itself. I also think a lot of “pansexuals” (those who
are open to anything) tend to call themselve “bisexaul” because it’s a
more accepted term.

Some bisexuals think it’s OK to have a
relationship with a guy and a girl at the same time, because if it’s
not with the same sex it’s not cheating.

Take it from me, it’s cheating.

And I DEFINITELY will not share my boyfriend with another girl.

my case, bisexual just means that I happen to date girls sometimes, and
I happen to date guys sometimes.. and though my last two long
relationships have been with guys, if I were to become single again it
wouldn’t be out of the question to date a girl.

Bisexuality FAQ #2

Does bisexuality exist?

lot of people tell me that bisexuality doesn’t exist in the first
place. That it’s a myth for people who are gay or promiscuous.

I’d like to think I’m not promiscuous (I’ve been in 2 long term [2.5
years and 1 year] relationships in the past 4 years), I know I’m
definitely not gay.

I’m just open to the idea.

Bisexuality FAQ #3

People have a lot of ideas about bisexuality, do you think it’s a greed thing?
Does bisexuality exist?

yewj said,

February 8, 2006 @ 10:11 am

hummm…i guess bisexuality exists. but i think some girls say they’re bisexual but in reality they just like making out with other girls.

aznchickie said,

February 8, 2006 @ 10:13 am

I think it just happens…
It’s like liking a person, FOR who the person is, not the gender. If you’re attracted to someone you’re attracted.
I’ve kissed girl, and I find girls to be gorrrgeous creatures :) Heehee, I’d take a naked girl to stare at over a guy any day. BUT, I’m not like ATTRACTED to them.
People attracted to both genders, it just happens – and in a way it’s very… amazing. Like they see past all the gender issues and taboos in the world today.
And yea, I’m thinking ALL blonde, but it’ll be more dirty blonde, but hopefully they’ll get rid of all the darkness underneath my top layer…

wutuwaitn4 said,

February 8, 2006 @ 10:14 am

it’s not a greed thing.  it’s a confusion thing.

davidngo said,

February 8, 2006 @ 10:18 am

it has nothing to do with greed.  i don’t even understand how that could be miscontrued.  being bisexual just means you are sexually attracted and would participate in sexual relations with either sex.  that’s it.  and i’m assuming in your claim of being bisexual…you WOULD and HAVE had sexual relations with a girl.  and not just kissing her when you’re drunk and some guys dared you to.
and of course it exists.  God on the other hand…heheh.

MataHari286 said,

February 8, 2006 @ 10:22 am

I don’t think it’s greedy or confusing. Like aznchickie said, it’s just a matter of attraction. And I don’t think that anyone is ever truly hetero, that’s just not the way (human) sexuality works. It’s more…primitive. Attraction and sexuality don’t work on conscious decisions, it’s not discriminating; it’s a more of a instinctual and hormone-driven thing.

stuckinapickle_92 said,

February 8, 2006 @ 10:26 am

Bisexuality is not a greed or confusion thing!! If you like both genders then thats your choice and it’s obviously not up for debate! Hell I’m bisexual and I am a girl! It’s not weird at all!!

Chopsticky said,

February 8, 2006 @ 10:27 am

i would never have imagined bisexuality to be born from greed. i have found myself attracted to both guys and girls and not because i wanted more people in my bed. i think it’s just something that happens to mostly everybody; we all probably question our sexuality at one point or another in our lives. there will always be those people who see someone of the same gender they happen to like at first glance and immediately brush it off due to the stigmatization of it. and then there will be those who will fall into the idea of liking someone of the same sex, regardless of its social acceptance.

Stone_the_clergy said,

February 8, 2006 @ 10:38 am

See enlightened people like you and me… we arent whores… we arent greedy. We are open to love. Taking all life gives and getting all we can out of it.Lemon to lemonade.add some vodka(thats the sex part)Happy lifeUntill the morning after but you will still have the memory of what happenedand you wont regret life.I know… im a regular philsopher… you should pay me for my never ending knowledge.

xtenstarsonsticksx said,

February 8, 2006 @ 10:40 am

No, yes.
If you like someone, you like someone. Big deal!

Stone_the_clergy said,

February 8, 2006 @ 10:41 am

I like your pics too

Acekiller said,

February 8, 2006 @ 10:43 am

i date hot chicks any day, bi or uni.

xtenstarsonsticksx said,

February 8, 2006 @ 10:43 am

Oh, and plus, I once was reading Seventeen magazine and there was an article about helping confused teens identify whether they were gay or not. There were some angry replys, one saying that gays shouldn’t marry because being gay is a behavior choice and there are consequences for them. she also said, “you aren’t born gay, you choose to be gay” in order to ‘back that up’. But really, you aren’t born with any orientation. It just is assumed to be “average” to be straight.

franksabunch said,

February 8, 2006 @ 10:45 am

I think it has less to do with sexuality and more to do with attraction and happiness…

x__MakeMeBeautiful said,

February 8, 2006 @ 10:46 am

I only think its greedy when people think its okay to date a male and female at once. That IS cheating and its unfair to both people if they are being faithful to you.
I think bisexualty does exist. I don’t know much about guys but I know myself that I’m attracted to both sexes and I think everyone is to a certain point. However, it doesn’t make you homosexual just because of that. 
I don’t know if that made sense but that’s kind of what I think.

O_2627 said,

February 8, 2006 @ 10:47 am

it’s not’s variety.=]

jigg said,

February 8, 2006 @ 10:50 am

i think anyone who thinks bisexuals are just people who are greedy, is jus someone who has trouble finding ANYONE to be with.  i don’t see a difference between a person who likes more than one sex to a person who likes more than one race. 
-ray leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

eklipse126 said,

February 8, 2006 @ 10:51 am

i still missed out on that workshop =/ dang it. oh well, the auction’s tonight! you should get lan to buy you. haha

PinoyPacificDrgn said,

February 8, 2006 @ 10:59 am

YAY, I can’t believe Alan continued with my workshop. Thats awesome!

chess_piece said,

February 8, 2006 @ 11:00 am

of course bisexuality exists…and i don’t think it has anything to do with greed… :-D

gizmoduk said,

February 8, 2006 @ 11:00 am

yes yesbrokeback mountain is about sheep herders that are gay and their 20 or so year relationship.i would say go see it.but beware the giggling kids.hahaha

swimminglessons said,

February 8, 2006 @ 11:01 am

I think bisexuality isn’t just about enjoying sex with both genders. It’s about who you would want to spend the rest of your life with. If you could see yourself growing old with either a man or a woman, then that’s a true bisexual. Otherwise you’re probably just a very sexual person who isn’t completely straight. Also, i don’t think bisexuals are greedy. I think people are greedy. It has nothing to do with your sexual orientation, but who you are inside.

nuedy said,

February 8, 2006 @ 11:24 am

i’m…what’s the word?  bi-curious.  it’s not really about a greed thing..more so of time and place–who you want to be with at that time–male or female. 
my pet peeve: drunk girls who make out with other girls for male attention.  *thumbs down*  stupid bitches.

Scorpi said,

February 8, 2006 @ 11:41 am

i think the term implies that you are not planning your relationship seriously and are willing to let it end.perhaps that is where the confusion lies?..or you could go with the andrew dice clay line:”you either suck dick or you don’t”

BaByXtCoOkiE said,

February 8, 2006 @ 11:44 am

bisexuality exists. my guy friends used to tease me, saying a bisexual girl means she’s ‘confused.’ dumbasses. >(      they’re just jealous that we have more options ;-)

vampuke said,

February 8, 2006 @ 11:54 am

all females are bisexual dammit
that is the right way to go

airina05 said,

February 8, 2006 @ 12:23 pm

it exists for sure and it’s not about greed.
i don’t know if i’d ever date a girl….i just like to kiss them and stuff…
ha….but good for you

milhouse75 said,

February 8, 2006 @ 12:28 pm

people should be able to fuck whoever they want with no guilt. sex takes two, and well it doesn’t usually happen if two parties don’t agree. as long as the parties involved agree, then i don’t see a problem. if you put limits on your sexuality, your sex life becomes limited and boring, thus your life also becomes boring. i’m straight, but if you’re bi power to you. ** man those pictures are old, and that shirt I am wearing is hideous. a button up w/ a pair of trackpants? no wonder we never went anywhere. collin actually still plays in the band we formed after the sex-ed days.

JonasApproved said,

February 8, 2006 @ 12:38 pm

i dont’ know
bisexuals might just be gay people trying to live straight lives. *shrugs*

Chiznarles said,

February 8, 2006 @ 12:39 pm

i know nothing about bisexuality..

auracle said,

February 8, 2006 @ 12:42 pm

I’m a butch, lesbian nymphomaniac trapped in a man’s body.RYC: I do work in IT. The office building I work in is the international headquarters for my company. My company spent a lot of money on its design so it looks really cool. Lots of Hollywood studios and advertising agencies like to rent it to film and shoot stuff. There have been about 5 movies partially filmed here already.

MrDaveBoi said,

February 8, 2006 @ 12:43 pm

I think it defintely exists. I have a couple of friends that really are bi.-Dave

your_7690_holocaust said,

February 8, 2006 @ 12:46 pm

I totaly believe bisexuality exists. I have never looked at it as a greed type of thing though. I have looked at it as an attention grabber because some bitches do that…just for attention or they think it is hot. Well screw them because people who are what they are should not care and they just live to the extent they want within what they can. At school I am called lesbian becuase I just lost my only friend and we were best friends so she is starting rumors and shit like that becuase she hates me now. Hahahhah. People need to grow the fuck up. Name calling is so stupid. But my point is that I do not care and I find absolutely nothing wrong with the fact of someone liking the same sex.
SUMMARY: I do not see bisexuality as greed.

SouthernBeauty317 said,

February 8, 2006 @ 1:27 pm

I agree….I wouldnt call myself greedy. It’s just a preference.

naughty_virgin said,

February 8, 2006 @ 1:36 pm

Hrm… interesting. The thing about greed didn’t occur to me before. Thanks for the comment.

a_different_perspective said,

February 8, 2006 @ 1:40 pm

haha~~ i think there are more females that are bi.  Females are just that much more sexier ^_^” hahah….j/k~
but, i know a friend that is bi.  There nothing wrong with it and like you stated…she doenst have a boyfriend and a girlfriend.  She has either a girl or a boy.  **shrugs**

tehgimp said,

February 8, 2006 @ 1:42 pm

definitely not greed. evil, maybe.

jasonpho said,

February 8, 2006 @ 1:58 pm

“eat my box” that is the funniest thing ive heard lately … so so vulgar, yet so funny!

Yosho said,

February 8, 2006 @ 2:12 pm

I think females just like to touch each other a lot

tHexDonStER said,

February 8, 2006 @ 3:51 pm

all girls bisexual? that would be nice.

Jarris said,

February 8, 2006 @ 4:46 pm

its that person’s point of view…who are we to say what that is…….can we ever really see life through another’s eyes?…..
not that i am or anything…….but what about guys who are bi…since it seems women get all the attention when talking about bisexuality……..
for the record..i am completely straight..just raised with the openess….which people tend to exploit……or like…depends on the person…..
to the point of being greedy….you can equate bisexuality to interracial relationships……for instance….is dating a white girl vs a asian girl……there’s bonuses on both sides…and some disadvantages on both……so you can like both…but you can’t really have both…..cuz then you’re greedy……i guess….*shrugs*…now i confused myself

OTheMan said,

February 8, 2006 @ 4:49 pm

everyone is bisexual! EVERYONE!

prodigyvioana said,

February 8, 2006 @ 4:50 pm

greedy? i would think more… impulsive & confused. i’ve had feelings for guys before but it turned out to just be deep sense of camaraderie ^^And yes, the guy in the bgrd is me.

thathrilainmanila said,

February 8, 2006 @ 5:36 pm

nothing about my comment on your last blog huh. just an “ew math”.. very well.
i think bisexuality exists denotatively [it having something to do with greed, i’ve never heard before]. different people just have different views about it. but hey, that shouldn’t be new, since they’re “different” anyway. =P

iTZ_GRACE said,

February 8, 2006 @ 5:53 pm

i concur. so let’s go on a date ;]

kyleeuin said,

February 8, 2006 @ 7:23 pm

Yeah I do love everyone regardless of. We all want many many of the same things in life. We all want to love and be loved. We all want our families healthy. And we all love to laugh and have fun. So yeah. I find that we all relate on some level. I remember the first post I ever read of yours. You talked about the bisexual thing. I think it is all a choice of the person. Some choose to be gay. Some choose to be bi. Most choose to be straight. I will never be bi or gay. But I love all people the same regardless of their choice. Holla holla

NoBackstreetboys said,

February 8, 2006 @ 7:26 pm

What if your boyfriend where to do a guy. Would YOU be jealous then!?

kyleeuin said,

February 8, 2006 @ 7:27 pm

Oh yeah and you are beautiful, for sure. So I can see why girls would go for you and try to get you. A lot of competition to get to you. To cool girl, keep it pimpin. Holla

Kevin72 said,

February 8, 2006 @ 7:30 pm

Bisexuality has as much connection to “greed” as BILINGUALISM or biculturalism does. Or having more than one religion. And bisexuality should have no more controversey attached to it than bilingualism. However, there are plenty of nutty people regarding sex, so its even more controversial than homosexuality.Yes it would be cheating if you are in an avowed monogamous relationship and sexing with someone other than your avowed lover. I didn’t say it was “wrong” or “evil” or that someone would “go to hell”. But yes, it would be cheating. And yes I am technically bisexual.The thing about matzoh is that it has no leavening, because there was no time to leaven the bread when fleeing Egypt. Most matzoh is made with refined flour and added vitamins, which to me defeats the idea in theory. I just bought the whole wheat matzoh because its ingredients are “whole wheat flour and water” and nothing else. Seemed like the only way to get pure ‘whole wheat’.

SFgEcKoS said,

February 8, 2006 @ 7:33 pm

i like your xanga…interesting thoughts! coming from san francisco (one of the most open minded cities of the world)…im bisexual?…if u BUY me SOMETHING, i MIGHT BE SEXUAL =P hehehe

shirtpuppet said,

February 8, 2006 @ 7:58 pm

I love girls, I love guys, I think personally that I would do the sex thing with only girls been there done that with the guys, not so much really. Hanging out is fun though.

bboygraphix said,

February 8, 2006 @ 8:06 pm

kim, if you post my flyer, i will give you a DVD of episodes 1-12 of lost, season 2. (even though i promised i’d burn you a copy like 3 days ago hahaha):)

dhdh49 said,

February 8, 2006 @ 11:12 pm

i wanted to stay for the workshop, but i had a midterm then (with the real Mylynn…not the one at the auction today. oh, i was actually gonna bid on her until i realize she wasn’t the mylynn i thought she was. i felt lied to.). um.. instead of curry, can you wash my dirty boxers instead?
i’ve always wanted to be bisexual, that way i get more choice. yeah, it’s out of greed. *shrug*

jaguar_kally7 said,

February 8, 2006 @ 11:20 pm

I’m surprised you don’t know this, but scientists say that it’s perfectly natural for us humans to be attracted to either sex. It’s just our choice/preference, and religion/beliefs that affect how we label ourselves. I’m straight, but that’s a choice.

ibizajb said,

February 8, 2006 @ 11:44 pm

I think it’s a way of self exploration…ok who am i kidding they are confused. LOL.

stilletosNguns said,

February 9, 2006 @ 1:37 am

i think bisexuality exists in EVERYONE…except many aren’t ready to admit it. and i think there’s always a point in somebody’s life when he/she becomes aware of this confusion that sometimes overwhelms people and some even fall into a depression. haha. but most times? they probably keep it to themselves.

lokei81 said,

February 9, 2006 @ 3:48 am

I don’t think it has to do with greed.  And yes I do think it exists. 

crystalt728 said,

February 9, 2006 @ 3:54 am

I don’t think it’s a greed thing. Its just about who you are attracted to. It only turns greedy when you are dating more than one person at a time and there are plenty of straight people who do that.

h3llokittie said,

February 9, 2006 @ 5:08 am

i think it’s greedy when someone believes it’s alrite to date a guy and a girl at the same time and not consider that cheating. why would u even commit to a relationship if u think something like that is ok? it’s just selfish, straight up.
on being bi-sexual, i really think it’s about 2 individuals being attracted to eachother, regardless of gender. if it be a guy, then u hook up with a guy, and vice versa. drunken/drugged out college girls who make out with eachother should not be regarded as bisexual, that’s just plain dumb.

donnies_gurl said,

February 9, 2006 @ 5:20 am

cute site!  and on the bi thing….nah, i don’t think it’s greedy at all.
have a good one!

MMbyB said,

February 9, 2006 @ 6:30 am

i tend to view it this way: have you ever gone out with a penis or a vagina? well, in matters of dating, i dont date penises and vaginas, i date people. their sex just isnt one of those characteristics that matters to me. other people dont consider a persons height or weight or intellect but focus on other aspects. its the same thing, its just a different list of criteria.

feeshsauce said,

February 9, 2006 @ 6:48 am

hey madpimp, what do you think about ppl who say bisexuality is just for ppl who got delayed on the road to gaysville? or about the idea of sexuality  being fluid? just curious =)

Fiona_Vanderwall said,

February 9, 2006 @ 8:14 am

I’ve never thought of it as a greed thing.  My view is, if a person’s bisexual, then I believe they’re probably more…accepting of others, and are more open-minded than either hetero or homosexuals.

nuttyPoo said,

February 9, 2006 @ 11:32 am

i dont’ believe bisexuality is a greed thing. well at least for me it’s not. i lack a preference in genitals because i truely only care for a person’s personality. so, no i don’t think bisexuality is a greed thing and it does exists

WonShiek said,

February 9, 2006 @ 1:04 pm

your weird the real important thing is life is money and money and money

ginj said,

February 9, 2006 @ 2:04 pm

yal relize bisexual is a mentally issue its appearence issuses for women and men they have no clue its usally switch off around ages 13 to 28 after that the sexuality is clear most of the time weather same or not it depends on the person really ….. oh well its a complex issue to discuss

Future_Nurse_Milla said,

February 9, 2006 @ 2:08 pm

Bi/Homosexuality is a sin… therefore it is greedy.  I don’t believe that it is a sin to get the initial emotions for another person, but it’s what you do with them.  The Lord specifically says it is a sin.  And saying you’re born with it isn’t an excuse.  I was born with the desire to be a bulimic… does that mean I shouldn’t get help?    But, God is loving and accepts us right where we are.
Just my 2 cents.

Jessicaz_ect_Quotez_92 said,

February 9, 2006 @ 2:57 pm

Ok bisexuality exists. Its not being greedy its just saying youre open to both genders. I find girls to be beautiful & id probably chose them over a guy just because guys are more confusing. That pretty much goes with guys thinking girls are confusing. Its easier to understand your own gender (for me). Girls are beautiful & Guys are hot n cute n wat not. But yea being “bi” isnt wrong and every person is gay just a lil bit even if they deny it every person has thought wow that guy/girl is really hot/pretty. I kno i have! Ive made out with girls and i find it better than makin out with guys im not a lesbian but im not “strictly dickly” either. So Yes im bisexual. And i think its okay. So thats my opinion on that =)

Jessicaz_ect_Quotez_92 said,

February 9, 2006 @ 3:00 pm

& the person above my comment i am very religious and i have yet seen where it says being gay/ b is a sin even though you say it is like you said God forgives every sin. God made us the way we are. We cant help how we feel its like me telling you you cant love you favorite food or sumthing like that
Just MY thoughts on what you said.
XoXo agen

jimmiwin said,

February 9, 2006 @ 3:18 pm

My ex was/is bi.  Said it had so much more to do with the person than the sex they happen to be.  It’s the attraction to the individual.  She has now started dating women exclusively, but still talks of marriage and kids in general convo.  

hypnawtik said,

February 9, 2006 @ 5:59 pm

bisexuality exists. i don’t understand it but it does.
and it’s not because of greed. it could be for any reason, depending on the person.
like other labels, there ARE  ‘posers’. faux-bisexuals. trendy-bisexuals.
but back to the subject,
‘genuine bisexuals’ do exist. it’s just the way they are. people should just learn to accept it and stop making up false accusations to appease their lack of understanding.

asiaticfool said,

February 9, 2006 @ 9:10 pm

Aloha !So far thats all the women i have dated was all Bi-sexual i opinionate this to be an open mind, diverse from sound or moralistic…Sensually it is HOT! I rock with my fiance’ for life…It is like Xmas everytime…A HUI HOU!

ooMAoo said,

February 10, 2006 @ 7:25 am

Oh man, duck fetuses!  :-o

xyooj_hero said,

February 10, 2006 @ 7:25 am

hey thanks for replying, haha so many comments you have, i didnt think you could get back to ‘em. but yes, tahts me in the photo. thanks for the 2 cent! have a good one!

zealousalien said,

February 10, 2006 @ 12:54 pm

bisexuality most definitely does exist! at any rate, skim through this entry i wrote a while back if you don’t mind.

Ssweet_dreemzZ said,

February 10, 2006 @ 4:48 pm

I think it exists.

pamilvr said,

April 18, 2006 @ 3:26 pm

Just realized how long i’ve been here – sometimes it’s just fun/interesting to get to know where someone is coming from – heck of a way to get distracted fromthe other stuff – your friend is lucky to have you there…

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