I went to Vegas and got licked by a random lesbian.
You might have thought that
I spent my first weekend as a single woman alone, crying my eyes out.
But no no no, as inviting as that sounded, I decided to take a trip to
Vegas with the best friends that ever existed.
I finally got the pictures back from last week, so here they are for your pleasure:
I dub this trip:
yeaaaah boooiiieeeeeee
later on that night, I saw that tongue in plaid girl’s crotch. I look
scared here, but I was more confused than anything else. [read…
occasionally known as the harvard student and occasionally known as the ‘janitor’.

Maxmillian really gets us girls turned on.
Eric (my partner in crime later that night),
Powei the photographer,
and Brad our Vegas guide.
+ 2 short vietnamese girls
Picture stolen from Brent
Other pictures stolen from Brent of the weekend:
Me, my sword of justice and my fellow balloon justice fighters
Me fighting the Satan, aka maxmillian.
found myself quite ambivalent about the situation throughout the last
two weeks, oscillating between apathy, annoyance, and straight hatred.
I’m hoping that soon the feelings will subside and lean towards the
tendancy for apathy and my mind will be spared the rollercoaster of
emotion that it’s been subjected to.