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Wednesday September 20, 2006 at 11:12 am

I’m nicer to people I don’t like
and meaner to the people I do like…

you ever noticed that it’s a lot easier to say really mean/nasty things
[in jest] to the people you love? And yet, it’s really hard to be that
same funny bitch to people you don’t like?

I attribute this phenomenon [at least my case] to two main reasons:

  1. If
    I don’t really care about them, I probably don’t know them, this can be
    dangerous I can’t tell if they’ll take me seriously. Some people are
    really sensitive.
  2. If I say something mean, I might really mean it… in a mean way. [I said mean 3.. no, 4 times!]

Which, you know, kind of sucks for the people I DO love, because I can be a complete ass sometimes.

So I guess in this world of contradictions….

  • If I’m nice to you, I probably don’t know you well enough.
  • If I’m nice to you, I might not like you very much.
  • If I’m ridiculously nice to you, I might not like you that much and am overcompensating.
  • If I’m a bitch to you, you might be one of my best friends.
  • If I’m a bitch to you, I might not like you that much.

be honest, I consider myself a person that likes pretty much everyone,
but that list makes it seem as if I dislike people more than I like
them. Not true. #1 is probably the way I approach most people.

So, here’s a question:

Is it fake to be nice to people you’re not sure you really like because you don’t want to cause waves?

being nice to try to get ahead or gain anything — or even so that you
can make fun of them behind their backs, but just playing nice because
you don’t want to deal with the drama that would ensue if you decided
to speak your mind?

Or is it just as bad as the Plastics in Mean Girls?

Teh Fakeness

Benjermanifestdestiny said,

September 20, 2006 @ 11:33 am

I’m rotten to people I don’t give a shit about. Waves? Who cares? They don’t sign my checks. We can take it to the bitter end if they have a problem.I’m really nice to people I like, and then when they like me too I tend to bail.I think of people who were rotten to me.They liked me.I projected my own way of thinkikng onto them, thinking they didn’t like me.I went away.Everyone not very happy.I will use this post for future reference. Thank yoo!:P

NikBv said,

September 20, 2006 @ 11:46 am

I’m mean to everybody. I figure, the people I like will understand, and the people I don’t like deserve it. It confuses the hell out of people, who are often not sure which side of me they want to be on.

CaKaLusa said,

September 20, 2006 @ 11:52 am

/bigggg smile :D

bjtdevera said,

September 20, 2006 @ 12:07 pm

I like to think I’m equal opportunity. Sarcastic to everyone; and if I think they’ll get offended, I use the “just kidding” tag at the end.

papidesantaisabel said,

September 20, 2006 @ 12:15 pm

fakeness plagues our society

gechalx said,

September 20, 2006 @ 12:22 pm

i’m always myself around everyone.. if they think i’m weird/mean then fuck them.. lol

radjbo said,

September 20, 2006 @ 12:25 pm

i’m just indifferent to people i don’t care about or like, but if i MUST interact with them somehow, i’ll be civil and indifferent.  no point to make more enemies than friends.  anyhow, that’s just the way i see it.

dachoezone said,

September 20, 2006 @ 12:39 pm

just sayin hello

mAnGLeDmiSTlEtoE said,

September 20, 2006 @ 12:53 pm

I think it’s just survival, really. It’s better to be nice, cuz then you get forgotten. Bitchiness is like remembered and ppl continue to come back and (perhaps) bother you. For whatever reason. Maybe they like the pain.

Rycecakes said,

September 20, 2006 @ 1:55 pm

I’m the same way. Now I don’t feel so alone in the world.

gonchoi said,

September 20, 2006 @ 1:57 pm

You can be as mean as you want to me…as long as i’m your friend.. =)

dixie_princessgabs said,

September 20, 2006 @ 2:20 pm

i find it hard to be mean to people, even if i can’t stand them..just bc of the threat of karma…i mean what if one day they’re the only person that can help me with something? it’s short sighted to alienate people.

davidngo said,

September 20, 2006 @ 2:34 pm

so what you’re saying is..if you’re nice to me. you either don’t know me or you don’t like me. and if you’re a bitch, who knows what i am to you. i guess i rather you be nice to me. then i get the niceness and not the confusion of the bitchiness.

aydongbeeleef said,

September 20, 2006 @ 2:50 pm

/nod in agreementuh huh

Ssweet_dreemzZ said,

September 20, 2006 @ 3:28 pm

I don’t think it’s fake – I think it’s natural. It’s easier to get someone to hate you than to get someone to really like you. So obviously you’d want to be nice so you don’t give a bad impresson.

tHexDonStER said,

September 20, 2006 @ 3:51 pm

I’m like that too!

NoBackstreetboys said,

September 20, 2006 @ 4:14 pm

You’ve been a little too nice to me lately. Hmmmm.

SecksyRx3 said,

September 20, 2006 @ 5:32 pm

i concur. that rule best applies in the retail world. some of my biggest spending customers are the people i hate the most in the world because they are so fucking annoying/irritating, but they love me because i am so nice and helpful.

dehzep said,

September 20, 2006 @ 5:45 pm


iwatsu said,

September 20, 2006 @ 5:52 pm

I’m the same way. Actually, I’m a bitch to everyone because I’m awesome like that.My roommates are totally into GW, that’s why I bought the game, so we could play together. But they know what they are doing and I just kinda wander around…and then I get bored so I stop playing. I think we are all looking for a guild actually….

expressone said,

September 20, 2006 @ 6:21 pm

random comment!!! but i’ve been telling everyone about this! ever hear of tastyword? it’s so simple, cute, and sexy! Finally a place to write my heart out! ahhh i love it : ) see for yourself and spread the word!

MrDaveBoi said,

September 20, 2006 @ 7:44 pm

I’m cautious about what I say to people I don’t like. I hate when waves start. It gives you a bad image. But I’m a very blunt/sarcastic person around people I like. =)-Dave

mybelle21 said,

September 20, 2006 @ 7:51 pm

we may not be as close but we’ll always have deja vu!

Gieternity said,

September 20, 2006 @ 9:09 pm

i am mean to the people i dun like, i dun even smile to them cos i cant fake!

Princess_Lovely78 said,

September 21, 2006 @ 2:36 am

i think it’s because we’re “taught” to be well-mannered and polite to people in general.  but all that goes out the window with friends or just people we know, love, and care about because they already know how we are as a person. 

steltek said,

September 21, 2006 @ 6:02 am

Personally, I think it depends on the person you’re with.  With some good friends of mine, I am a complete and total asshole to, but it’s only out of fun and they understand it, as well, since they’re total assholes right back at me.  We’ll be so offensive and make racist comments with each other, but it’s all in good fun. 
Then there are those friends that you really can’t be like that with because they’re over-sensitive about EVERYTHING.  Sometimes, you just want to smack them silly because of how sensitive they are and how they can’t take a joke.  I guess those would be the friends that aren’t really your close friends.
Finally, the people you don’t know.  These people, I try not to completely off them with the first sentence that comes out of my mouth.  It really depends on who else I’m with while those “people I don’t know” are around.  Sometimes, I just won’t give a shit and just act like a complete asshole then afterwards just laugh it off with my friends.  That usually goes both ways.  They’ll either be totally offended by everything I just said or they’ll laugh just as much as my friends and I are.  The latter tends to end of being the people I be-friend though. =p

zeroleader said,

September 21, 2006 @ 6:26 am

so where does getting ignored fall? maybe love =D~~~ hehe j/k. take care kim

gonchoi said,

September 21, 2006 @ 8:33 am

food sounds good.. sorry been super busy with work.. so i have a queue of people i’m over due to meet up.. =)long days of work and zombie off work.. hopefully soon i’ll be normal enough.. =)ryc: ooooh yeah~!!! be mean to me… be very mean.. =)

Jes43 said,

September 21, 2006 @ 8:48 am

yea, i think it has to do with your friends as well. luckily, most of mine are as biting and sarcastic as i am, if not more so.

krylonninja said,

September 21, 2006 @ 10:42 am

get on your dancin shoes there one thing om your mind…..

Princess_Lovely78 said,

September 21, 2006 @ 12:04 pm

ryc: you’re absolutely right. it’s not about condemning them for their actions. it’s about saying.. when is enough enough?? how much longer are you going to put yourself in this situation? at that point.. after all you could do for your friend .. who is there left to blame.. but yourself??

knicolek74 said,

September 21, 2006 @ 12:55 pm

I do the exact same thing. I really piss my family off, make my friends a little angry, casually rib my acquaintances, and am super-nice to those I don’t know. I have no idea why.

popplepea said,

September 21, 2006 @ 10:18 pm

i think i take advantage of the fact that the people closest to me will understand. Like, if i’m in a crappy mood, i don’t have to have any pretenses and can just answer in monosyllabic grunts instead of donning a fake smile and getting emotionally constipated. It’s strange that i can say that so matter-of-factly. I’m terrible!

holychild666 said,

October 1, 2006 @ 2:02 pm

stfu bitch

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