being deleriously happy. being able to laugh about things until i cried. being able to be happy for weeks by buying myself a $2.oo treat. it sounds so childish — but it feels like i’ve only lost the ability to do these things recently. in the past year, actually. is this growing up? if so, i don’t want it.
looking out the window, i feel a light breeze chilling my skin as i watch the spotted cheery sunlight drop sparkles here and there. just enough to make me squint but not enough to hurt my eyes. where did the happiness go? i ask myself. ordinarily this scenario would have put me into a state of calm contentment — now, i feel nothing. still calm, which is more than i can say about my other states of being… but not content — not in the least. just emptiness.
i feel so completely void. is this “neutrality”? is this the feeling that is just the opposite of contentment? not ecstasy not angst… but just that much past neutral as slightly content?
i don’t know why i question things so much. what is the meaning of anything? what is the point of going on when all we’re going to encounter is more grief if only for those brief moments of happiness? I used to be able to look forward to those happinesses, i used to be able to keep myself content. what happened?
my psychologist is referring me to a psychiatrist. she thinks i need to start medication.
will this bring me back to a state of contentment? i just want to stop feeling so hopelessly sad.