inicio mail me! sindicaci;ón


I need to start writing again. Writing is my therapy. It’s a cold draught of water on a hot day. It’s what keeps me wanting to go on sometimes… Spilling out all the beans isn’t enough because I need to know what happens next in my story. What happens, Kim? In your adventures with so and so… and him… and her… and how is your fish?

Forget trying to make people think, or worrying about whether or not a subject is acceptable. Forget making sure I don’t sound like an idiot… for get even fixing erroneous spelling after I’ve posted something.

Ah, this will probably be my hardest transition yet.

Stella said,

September 19, 2002 @ 4:41 pm

Hi kim, what kind of mic did you use for your singing? Was it just a regular comp mic? I’ve been trying to get a good "singing quality" mic for my comp but for some reason all the computer mics that look like the usual microphones aren’t stereo and the comp won’t use it. Or it’s super soft or something. Help por favor :P

kim said,

September 19, 2002 @ 4:57 pm

i used a computer mic that was like $15.00 hehe… it looked like a regular microphone. :( but someone stole it. sad.

Stella said,

September 19, 2002 @ 8:17 pm

Aye! o_o

babysharka said,

September 20, 2002 @ 1:22 am

Keep writing. Yeah. Just think of your audience as meat and you won’t have to worry about what meat would think. Or a nice way of putting it: your real friends accept you, no matter what you say, think, or do.

But since I have the privilege of not being such a friend, I’m commanding you to start a new story, or a new chapter. Imaginate!

Jesus said,

September 20, 2002 @ 1:36 am

I’m happy that you decided to start posting, especially since I finally have my dang internet connect up. Reading what you have to talk about is one of my favorite past times. =Þ

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