inicio mail me! sindicaci;ón


I love how I never do anything while I’m at school. Haha. Actually, I WAS doing something. I finished reading Acts I and II of Hamlet and I wrote an AP essay. I suppose I do do stuff. But yanno. Sometimes I just find time to write in here.

Actually. I do need the audience’s help. (If one exists). What do you think I should write about on my college essays? That my parents got divorced? (Interesting because a brother I never knew existed appeared on my door about a year ago)…. About my amazing Key Club antics? (Oh yes. Amazing.)… Perhaps I should talk about my entrepreneuring? (Yanno.. Mad bank)… Of course. I could talk about ALL of it… But.. Could I fit that in two pages? Sigh. I do not know.. HELP!

I’m horrible at writing.

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