Archive for December, 2005
December 29, 2005 at 4:51 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
I used to be…
So many things.
I have this habit of getting really into something and then abandoning it when I lose interest, hit a roadblock, or finish whatever I was trying to accomplish. I think that’s why I’ve never become an expert at anything, just mediocre at many things.
I used to be:
a dancer [Click “Kim Tutting”] (no one ever believes me on this one…)
REALLY into k-pop
REALLY into j-pop
a porn site owner
a piano player
a violin player
a chinese leg-piano player [the thing you saw on kung fu hustle]
an introvert
an online celeb [for like, a week]
really into gay rights and society
a painter
a knitter
a needlepointer
a cook
a seamstress
a clothing designer
a website designer
a community-service doer
a leader
an artist
…I feel like i’ve abandoned the creative part of myself lately. the part that catches on fire and can’t be stopped for weeks, months. The part that becomes obsessive with my goal. now, i’m just… lukewarm and floating in the abyss.
What have you been in the past?
P.S. For those of you in the LA area who are hitting up together as one.

I’ll see you there maybe? PVD!!
December 9, 2005 at 6:34 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
I received the comment of the year from a friend I haven’t hung out with in years:
That’s exactly what I was thinking about when I wrote this, man. That’s exactly what I was thinking about.
Dear Bao,
One day I’m going to write a story, and the characters are going to be something like:
The freshman.
The gardener.
The pharmacist.
The gamer.
The mexican.
The theif.
The gay guy.
The dancer.
The bitch.
… and all the other assorted characters that come with it.
Like “Horse Girl” and all the assorted sluts that come
along for the ride.
December 8, 2005 at 10:23 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
The drawbacks of being straight-edged.
I have one word for the current group of friends I have: Wholesome.
Yep. We’re wholesome. We do wholesome activities like
karaoke-ing, community service, dinner parties, and sometimes if people are feeling
adventurous enough we go to Dave and Busters to drink and play video
I was thinking about it, though, and there are some drawbacks to this wholesomeness.
1. No one will do anything illegal with me
It’s not like I’m going to, but what if I did?
I mean, what if at one point, if I suddenly decided to become a drug
dealer? My current friends would not support me in that decision.
They definitely wouldn’t buy from me… And they’d probably even try to
talk me out of it.
Hell, they’d probably try to talk me out of doing drugs let alone become a drug dealer.
So this brings me to my second point:
2. Nobody knows anyone who is in any shady business
Hanging out with shadier friends, I always knew somebody who knew
someone who could point me to someone else for something that I
needed. Fake ID? No problem. Drugs? Even easier.
These days, I get giggles when underagers want me to buy them alcohol.
As much as I love all my friends, there are days when I wish I knew more people who were a little more shady.
Or do I?
December 7, 2005 at 3:29 am · Filed under Rigamarole
I have one word for the current group of friends I have: Wholesome.
Yep. We’re wholesome. We do wholesome activities like
karaoke-ing, community service, dinner parties, and sometimes if people are feeling
adventurous enough we go to Dave and Busters to drink and play video
I was thinking about it, though, and there are some drawbacks to this wholesomeness.
1. No one will do anything illegal with me
It’s not like I’m going to, but what if I did?
I mean, what if at one point, if I suddenly decided to become a drug
dealer? My current friends would not support me in that decision.
They definitely wouldn’t buy from me… And they’d probably even try to
talk me out of it.
Hell, they’d probably try to talk me out of doing drugs let alone become a drug dealer.
So this brings me to my second point:
2. Nobody knows anyone who is in any shady business
Hanging out with shadier friends, I always knew somebody who knew
someone who could point me to someone else for something that I
needed. Fake ID? No problem. Drugs? Even easier.
These days, I get giggles when underagers want me to buy them alcohol.
As much as I love all my friends, there are days when I wish I knew more people who were shady.
But, it’s just a whim.
December 1, 2005 at 9:38 am · Filed under Rigamarole
I call it shutting down, but it’s more like the blue screen of death. I just…stop. Stop working, stop being productive, stop wanting to do anything of worth for anybody. Stop doing anything that means anything to anybody.
No more responsibilities.
I pretend they don’t exist.