inicio mail me! sindicaci;ón

my tongue feels numb. that’s probably the codeine working. i would have drank more but it’s really gross. at least the advil is sweet.

sleep for a few days sounds good.

tim! said,

May 25, 2002 @ 1:51 am

they make advil and drixoral taste like candy on the outside, but after you get done w/ the sugary coating, it’s all nasty and bitter…have a great day! remember to smile!


mushy said,

May 25, 2002 @ 9:52 am

ohh what’s codeine?

Rob said,

May 25, 2002 @ 1:56 pm

Codine is a drug, commonly found in cough syrup. Pain reliever, but it’s also a cough suppresent, why it’s found in cough syrup like Robotussin. Major downer, ala Alcohol and weed. Makes you feel a little detached, though it can be a depressent. Does a good job at numbing. I was on it for a bit when I had bronchitous the first time. [sarcasm]Fun Stuff[/sarcasm]

Rob said,

May 25, 2002 @ 1:57 pm

Codeine is a drug, commonly found in cough syrup. Pain reliever, but it’s also a cough suppresent, why it’s found in cough syrup like Robotussin. Major downer, ala Alcohol and weed. Makes you feel a little detached, though it can be a depressent. Does a good job at numbing. I was on it for a bit when I had bronchitous the first time. [sarcasm]Fun Stuff[/sarcasm]

Kris said,

May 25, 2002 @ 3:40 pm

I’ll stick with caffeine, thank you.

pauline said,

May 27, 2002 @ 8:18 pm

isnt it weird how advil is really sweet? i myself enjoy tylenol…but i think tylenol can be really adictive…cringe at memories

Dave said,

June 3, 2002 @ 1:22 am

Fuck Codeine, it’s all about Cocaine and Heroine. j/k

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