Heheheh yay! Okay.. I’m at school right now and I have no 5th period. They really screwed up my schedual this year. :T But yeah! I guess it’s good cuz now I can check my mail from here. ^_^* YAAAY and blog, too… My friend and I pretty much have this computer to ourselves like this entire time. I’m very excited
Heheheh this guy from work, Michael (aka Simpleton) asked me to coffee! Too bad I don’t work there anymore and it’s too far for me to go. :T I wonder if he likes me enough to come here and take me out himself. Hahahha.. He’s 22, though. Is that too old? Haha.. Better than that hot 33 year old guy I met AHHAHAHAA!!… But… I don’t know.. I’m still ‘fatuated with that other guy… You know what sucks though.. Hahaha i went totally nutty last night and I think I scared him away… Maybe I should like stop talking to him for a little while? But then like.. haha… thats the sad part.. I DONT want to stop talking to him and sending him stuff.. But like..I think I send too much? ?_? I just have a lot of free (procrastinating) time…. What do you think, katie… ?
Boy troubles don’t end there… I told Arjel finally that I didn’t like him like that… And like yeah… Now all he says to me is “sigh”.. :T i guess its better if i come clean tho… Roy has a date! I’m happy for him.. ^_^ I dont think he likes me anymore… Which is good… for both of us.
I don’t know why, I guess it’s cuz school is starting again, but I’m starting to feel like… Really discouraged about this next school year. I think I’m in my negative mode of my PMS cycle though.. Hahaha.. I’ll probably feel fine in a few days… I don’t understand, though… I swing back and forth throught things so quickly… It’s hard for even me to tell what mood I’m in… At least I know what order they go in pretty much the same order. Hehee.
I need to start getting along with ppo… Its lunch and Im sitting here blogging. Hahaha.. I’m such a nerd.