inicio mail me! sindicaci;ón

a reply in the darkness

In the last entry I was asked why I do this. This blogging stuff. That’s a good question. It’s a question I often ask myself. At times, I don’t even truly know the answer. It’s a way to empty my brain of stuff. It’s a way to release stress. It’s a way to become who I really want to be — in writing.

Writing an online journal isn’t a new thing for me. This isn’t some new fad that I’m just going after because everyone else I know has an online journal. If you’ll look at my archives (the drop menu above) You’ll see that my entries date back to november of 1999.

It’s the feeling that my voice is actually heard (however imaginary that may be) that has kept me going the way I do.

To those of you who criticised me and actually had the courage to leave your e-mail, thank you, I’ve replied and you should have new mail in your mailbox.

Thank you to those of you who are sticking up for me… :) I’m very appreciative of it.

Arichi said,

April 1, 2002 @ 11:58 am

Always better to have your emotions spoken that bottled up. And your friends can find out what’s wrong (if something’s wrong) and help you with it. Cheaper than therapy and probably a lot more effective, too.

And so it gets said: I respect you for doing this. I’m certain others do as well.

ahprie jackson said,

April 1, 2002 @ 12:37 pm

i respect you alot for opening up and talking about your feelings and your life to compelet strangers . i for one couldnt do this as deeply as you have, i give you mad props for doing so .

impaired- said,

April 1, 2002 @ 2:21 pm

i’d not intended to imply yours [online journal] was merely the result of so many millions doing the same; quite the contrary, i’m aware of how long you’ve been at this and the thought hadn’t crossed my mind. most online journals are filled with thoughtless, mindless drivel. at any rate, thanks for humouring my question.
that said, who do you want to be? someone calm, confident, in-charge and absolutely competent (why do so many redeeming attributes begin with "c?")? do you want to come across as a shy, demure and insecure person? defining oneself isn’t usually a simple task, yet we all yearn for it nonetheless.
best of luck in your particular endeavour.


Nicholas said,

April 2, 2002 @ 7:25 am

hey who moved my cheese?

– savour the cheese u have now before it runs out. but when it
runs out, look for another new cheese.


saint said,

April 2, 2002 @ 9:39 am

Well, coming from someone who did jump on the "blogging" bandwagon, I gotta say that I’ve got nothing but respect for you, your dedication to the site, and the fact that apparently, you were one of the "foremothers" of blogging :D

Anyway, gotta give you madd props on the new layout… I likes a lots :D

p.s. Your images aren’t showing up on the individual entry pages, but I’m sure you’ll fix that before anybody reads this so disregard this. ;)

babysharka said,

April 2, 2002 @ 11:16 am

You know what? Sometimes I imagine you kinda like Mulan. She said, "When will my reflection show/Who I am inside?" Because, her reflection never shows her true self. Maybe you don’t want to be that reflection… because reflections have no voice.. it can’t speak.

Speaking of voices, ever heard of Thien-Bao Phi? He’s a rapper/spoken-word poet, coming to UCLA this Wednesday @ 6pm for a lil’ performance. We (the marginalized, dehumanized, anglicized, pseudo-bastardized Vietnamericans) want to invite everyone. Yeah, shameless advertisement. Read more ’bout him:

D-MAN said,

April 2, 2002 @ 12:59 pm

kim why do you always try to sound so smart (J/K!!) Asian girls are sexy. I know that this has nothing to do with the topic at hand, but its true. The only problem is that they know it and a lot of them ,like kim, think this or something else about them makes them better than someone else. Have I pissed anyone off yet? GOOD thats how I like it. Remain forever young. heh heh

Glen said,

April 2, 2002 @ 2:21 pm

Well, the answer’s quite simple why we write this. Deep down, we’re all attention whores inside.

Shozo said,

April 2, 2002 @ 5:08 pm

i dunno about you, but i love oranges.

katie said,

April 2, 2002 @ 7:53 pm

coming from the katie, the kid who had a blog BEFORE YOU (haha.. im so lame… )… i say that… blogging makes me feel better about the shittiness that seems to be my life because not only do i blog all the stupid shit that goes down, but all the stuff that makes me moronically happy.

and.. i really don’t read the comments people leave on your entries anymore.. because.. well.. let me sound like a bitch here because you know how i am kim, and youk now how i think… i don’t really care what these people have to say.. and it’s just too much to read when all i’m interested in is how you’re feeling. it’s excessive for me to read about how people feel about how you feel. and so… for people that criticize you.. maybe it’s because i’ve known you for 5+ years now, but usually i just can’t seem to find anything that’s so fucked up wrong with you that i have reason to say something.

and that is a huge compliment seeing as i am the master of complaining. i love you kim (: and i love your writing. i miss you, too. it’s been a long road… but we’re getting there. we’ll be able to look back on these years, and.. beyone wondering why we did so many drugs and what really happened on some of those nights, we’ll remember that… at least we STILL don’t annoy each other.

Vu said,

April 2, 2002 @ 9:14 pm

whoa new layout

almost as good as mine. j/k ;0)

Steve said,

April 3, 2002 @ 2:38 am

You tha bomb kim. Bomb digity. Werd.

FiR said,

April 3, 2002 @ 9:35 am

Im a complete stranger and I like oranges too. And Sponges.. I like sponges.

Roci said,

April 3, 2002 @ 12:48 pm

gorgeous new layout!

Jesus said,

April 4, 2002 @ 3:36 am

Kim is the shitter phorshorder manner. yes yesser. That’s all I have to say about that.

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