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Depressing stuff.

I hate to admit it, even to myself, but one of my biggest fears is being around depressed people. I have too easy a time being empathetic. . . And the more empathetic I am, the easier I am pulled into the sticky web of depression.

Especially around this time of year. I dont think there’s been a year gone past that I haven’t contemplated or even attempted ending my life around this time of year. Spring time, the time for life. Time for death.

I don’t know what it is about spring that makes me go so crazy during this time of year. I think it has something to do with the fact that my mom and dad officially split up for the last time in April.

And then when I ran away in eighth grade. That was in April. I remember lying under that tree on the grass. The bottle of medication in my hand. All of it ingested. Sometimes, looking back, I wonder where my soul would be now if I had succeeded. Where would my parents be. How would I have affected the world?

Anyhow. Tangent. Haha. Yeah. Spring time. Depression. Sucks. Gotta get over it. Summer’s soon anyway.

jason the pimp said,

May 31, 2001 @ 9:08 pm

awwwww kim…don’t be sad…i know times are tough…and this world is full of shit…but you gotta be positive and know theres people who care about you…whether you know it or not…i know i havent known you very long…but kim…you are a special person to me…just know that…

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