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Porn movie causes trouble for two men.

One man’s viewing pleasure was the cause of another man’s alarm just before noon Feb. 11.

Let’s just say it was not your typical Sunday morning.

According to the police report, officers were called to a residence in the 100 block of North Main Street after a man kicked in his neighbor’s door and threatened him with a sword. The caller said the subject lived downstairs with his mother.

Police made contact with the neighbor, a 39-year-old man, who told them he heard a woman screaming from upstairs and feared she was being sexually assaulted.

The subject said he grabbed the 39-inch sword, went upstairs and kicked in the door to investigate. He repeatedly asked his neighbor “Where is she?” and made him open a closet, and searched the apartment looking for a woman in distress.

The victim told his neighbor, and later showed police the evidence, that the noise came from a pornographic movie he was watching.

According to the police report, the subject said he got the sword from his father, who had it in the armed forces. There was German writing etched on the blade of the sword.

The victim said he was fearful for his safety and was afraid the he would be stabbed during the incident.
Police are seeking charges of second-degree reckless endangerment of safety, criminal trespassing, criminal damage to property and disorderly conduct against the 39-year-old Oconomowoc man.

See article here.

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