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Tokidoki Jewelry

As ya’ll know, I love tokidoki stuff.. But I’ve never been able to bring myself to buy their jewelry, even though I think it’s way adorable! I’m just not a huge fan of spending money on costume jewelry.

Anyhow, that didn’t stop me from taking a hand at making my own tokidoki jewlery out of shrinkydink!!  If I do say so myself, they came out pretty darn cute! :)

Total cost: about $5.00
Materials: ink-jet shrinkydink, metal chain, metal hoops, clasps, bits of ribbon
Tools: Pliers, scissors, printer, adobe photoshop, google
Time: about 2 hours

Charm bracelet

Ribbon bracelet

View two

Ribbon bracelet 2



=] I can’t wait to find a situation in which i can wear these!!

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