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Tuesday February 8, 2005 at 09:04 am | View my online portfolio
Are you being heard? Am I?

I’ve been blogging for a long time. I have online jounals dating back to 1999. That means I’m going on six years. Never in my life have I received so much feedback on my site. Never so much have I felt like I’m not really being read.

It’s not the huge amounts of people that visit my site that never comment. It’s not all the people who have subscribed to me that have never commented.

It’s the people who come to my site and comment, but have obviously not even taken the effort to read anything, and don’t even have the courtesy to say something that is remotely related to what I have written. Never before have I seen such a blatant display of flippancy.

In the beginning it was kind of funny. In the beginning, it was almost flattering that people were spamming me with “lol” and “random propz”. Now, it makes me kind of sad.

Its hard to ignore the non readers.

Why does this make me sad? This makes me sad because I feel like the quality of my writing has been diminishing. This makes me sad because I feel as if I have been dumbing down my posts in order to appeal to a larger amount of people (all so I can be heard) and in the meantime, losing what I cherished the most in my blogging: knowledge, and my message.

At one point I remember actually SAYING something. I don’t anymore.

And why? For the prepubescent girls that come to my site that TypE LiKE Dis? for the illiterates that come to my site, look at the pictures and think that they can gather my thoughts by what I display through stick figures?

Why do I feel like I need to write stupidly so that I can upkeep my epopularity and appeal to a larger audience, when that larger audience is almost completely comprised with people that I don’t respect and think are idiots?

I’m looking for that one person who will hear me

Listen to me! Hear what I’m saying!

Only, in order to reach that person, in order to increase my popularity in the hopes that someone who understands me will come across my site, I’ve stopped saying anything.

The irony is staggering.

Why post anything at all, if I have nothing to say?

I’ve been blinded by things lately, like hits, and featured content, and comments.

I’ve changed.

Blog habits that bother me

It’s these people who are causing me to feel the way I am

People like this girl,who spam my site with things like this and expect me to actually treat them with respect:

Visit dorkette9192's Xanga Site! Hello. I am running for xanga of the month and I was wondering if you could vote for me. You have to go to and vote for me. Hopefully you vote for me and if you do I’ll give you sum “appreciation props”
Posted 2/7/2005 at 7:55 PM by dorkette9192deleteblock user

I happened to reply back that I didn’t want to vote and that I felt that “appreciation props” were retarded, and that she should come back to my site when she decided she had something to say that was worthwhile. Then she had the nerve to tell me that I was rude. Me? Rude? At least I was treating her like an individual human being.

On the contrary, I believe it is she who was quite rude. She didn’t even take a moment to read the bold print on my entry and make a lame comment to some effect that made me feel like she had even seen my writing.

That, my friend, is rude.

Next time, read my shit.

//edit. This girl called me a hypocrite because I replied to her site and “didn’t read it”. The entry in question was entirely about voting for her site and I said something to the effect that I thought it would be a waste of time to vote for her site. If that’s not on topic, I don’t know what is. :)


This is for you, illiterate bitches.

Anyhow, I’m feeling angry and rather disillusioned about all this at the moment and don’t really feel this blog stuff. I feel like I may blog again tomorrow, or I may never blog again… I don’t know. We’ll see what happens.

I know one thing for sure. If I blog again, I’ll make sure it’s quality and not quantity.

Thank you to those that truly read.

For those of you who have noticed the decrease in my writing quality, I apologize. I’m slowly trying to bring back my old self.

shitlinks:[x] [x] [camville] [camwhores]

p.s. my genius friend HOANG just got a xanga. i really want to find out what he has to say about things, so please, give him eprops for encouragement.

p.p.s. i’m guilty of not commenting well at times too, but from now on im making an effort to do better. also, this entry is geared towards people who write “random propz” or “prop me back” or some other copy pasted reply … if you don’t do that, you’re pretty much safe from my wrath. :)

Sup007 said,

February 8, 2005 @ 9:07 am

You have become blinded by hits & featured content…..and so have I.  Your site has become very funny & entertaining…..but I miss the days of obscure shi where I could look forward to short stories and even last month to self-introspection (just mix up the posts a little and you’ll do fine)…..don’t forget why you started blogging again in the first place…..and begin to write again for yourself and not others….p.s. props me back *hahah that’s sarcasm for you lowbrows* =P

misstease said,

February 8, 2005 @ 9:08 am

i know exactly what you mean! the response of people who don’t read and just look at pics are sooooo annoying with their weak ass comments -eh?
dont worry i *read*. . .u intellectually stimulate moi. . .

th4nh said,

February 8, 2005 @ 9:09 am

haha i love your drawings

vampuke said,

February 8, 2005 @ 9:14 am

Soooooo, how’s the weather?

laid_backz said,

February 8, 2005 @ 9:17 am

wuddup baby booo~

eriQTan said,

February 8, 2005 @ 9:17 am

thats right you tell ‘em!!! i also hate those people who leave comments like “1st” and then thats it never even taking the time to read the material…

seantheobscure said,

February 8, 2005 @ 9:17 am

i’m afraid i’m guilty of not reading everything that someone posts in the case of rather long posts. my eyes don’t focus well, especially on a computer screen. (people’s eyes are naturally lazy) i don’t think i’ve done it too much on this site though. i realize that i do it, and i try not to. this post only spurs me on towards defeating my lazy eyes.

TurkShady said,

February 8, 2005 @ 9:27 am

Ha ha, but I really want to make it on featured to get my blog across.Not b/c I’m an attention whore (I am) but b/c of my political message.Americans are so apathetic about politics.  I don’t want to bring it up on campus b/c people may kick my ass and I don’t want to create a hostile enviornment where I feel uncomfrotable…So I blog.
Anyway, I’m disappointed that you actually posted the person’s xanga site (which will create more traffic for the offender).   I get the occasional flame, but I ignore it and keep writing.
It annoys me too if I put 1/2 hour to 2 hours on a political post and someone props me BACK without reading the article. 
How do you get on featured anyway?  I got 50 e-props in 1 day but still couldn’t make Classic =(  Don’t know why…But I wonder about featured b/c there are people that have a quiz/b-day/short non-profound comment that get’s 100+ eprops from their teeny-bopper friends.
Writing in terms of Feelings Vs Appealing.  You’re a Xanga celebrity, you’ll have to come to terms with it.  There’s nothing wrong w/ the latter if it’s really funny, it gives you a chance to be creative.  Like your “greetings post” (the one that was later jacked by someone else) was hilarious.  It put a smile on my face when I was reading it at work so don’t be so quick to denounce it.
Sorry about writing a phuqin novel on your comments.

estoychino said,

February 8, 2005 @ 9:35 am

i read. and i try to give you feedback? i dont know. sometimes i dont have anything to say. and im sure people read and feel the same way to.

lovepirate said,

February 8, 2005 @ 9:35 am

I’ll be honest, this is my first comment on your site, and since I only stumbled upon it recently, I’m not familiar with the “Shi of past,” but I do think that you have a great site, and I enjoy reading your thoughts and insights because they sincerely challenge me to do some introspection (even if it doesn’t show up on my blog). I give you real props for being able to express yourself in such an  unreserved manner. Please DO blog again. You’ve given voice (and an occassional stick figure) to events and ideas that may not have previously crossed my mind in a way that requires me to dwell on them.

projectblogsphere said,

February 8, 2005 @ 9:38 am

Don’t worry, you are being heard…but I know what you mean.  Whenever I visit a xanga, I always try to read a few entries and write a comment that is somewhat on topic, and give some feedback, or create a dialogue (although I have given the occasional “stranger props” just because the content’s a bit lacking but wanted the person to know their xanga is cool anyway).
Your xanga entries are always a good read; very original (unlike the circus freak show that is my xanga).  Personally, I’d rather reach a small group, than appeal to a big group that doesn’t give a rats ass about what you write.
So, damn it…did the Hello Kitty bowl win or what??!!

TurkShady said,

February 8, 2005 @ 9:38 am

After reading your post I just remembered writing a really long post of my own and getting a short response from someone else minutes after I submitted it.
I went to the person’s site and wrote “Did you even bother to read it” or something like that…The person then responded:ryc: I read it, but it’s hard to respond to it because I have nothing to add.  If I comment on something serious, I want to be able to be insightful. :OAnd I just realised that person was you!  Sorry about that,But I know how you feel when you blog your heart to the world and in return you get a 5 word response in exchange, or worse “RaNdOm Pr0pZ”.

stupidcrazy said,

February 8, 2005 @ 9:45 am

Wait, what are u trying to get at.  U mean u had a message.  Here I thought I was going for a joyride.  Well, hopefully u find some intelligent readers out there.  Too bad I am too retarded to intellectually stimulate u with my asinine comments.

Infoxycated said,

February 8, 2005 @ 9:45 am

I’m one of those ppl guilty of subscribing to your site and never commenting. But I do have to make a point and say that I only subscribe because I find your posts truly unique & interesting. Otherwise I wouldn’t subscribe :) However, by the time I do read it, a gazllion ppl have commented and epropped that I feel it’s pointless. So I apologize if you feel unappreciated bc I look forward to your daily insights on V-day, bullies, aesthetics etc.

TurkShady said,

February 8, 2005 @ 9:50 am

The current two party system has been good to us so far, look how prosperous we are. :)
Also, to get on featured, the entry that you post has to have the time stamp of THAT day.  And this doesn’t count updating the time.  It’s the timethat you originally press submit. So if you are writing you articles ahead of time in protected, that might be why.
Our prosperity wasn’t from the two-party oligarchy but from the continued exploitation of cheap labour from developing nations (it’s not just America who is guilty of this, but many industrialised countries in Europe).  In addition to this, the rich keep getting richer under the Bush Administration while the rest of us are struggling to pay for college, health care, insurance, and rent.  The elite get the lion’s share of wealth while a few crumbs are thrown in the direction of working Americans.  I can go on but you get the point.  So who do you vote for if you want to cut down military spending or enforcment of corporate law?
The last post I recycled, but before that I wrote a new post at around 1AM and by the end of the same day I had over 50 props.  There must be a time constraint…

dorkette9192 said,

February 8, 2005 @ 10:01 am

if you really think I’m spamming then why bother reading and giving my name mention. I find that quite hipocritical. But since you get all these hits and everything, why do I bother writing this. And since you’ve been on online journals for so long I would have thought that someone like you might know that not every single comment is about the post. Please take that for consideration and leave me be.

MuraMasamune said,

February 8, 2005 @ 10:04 am

I’m trusting that you don’t mind swearing, but really: fuck ‘em.  I don’t know well where you draw the line between your old and new writing, but at the very least you here express your frustrations and I have to reach out and assume that you were originally on a familiar page.  Nowadays if you have a mind you’re in a lonely place.  I’m guessing you’re writing more for personal expression and understanding than for any cause, but one way or another you’ve come on the radar and those people you don’t respect have found you.  And they’ve been dragging you down, dragging into their creative and intellectual cesspool, where the more really is the merrier if ignorance is bliss.  The internet is a microcosm of the world, albiet generally younger, and you wouldn’t trust that you’d meet many people who understand you out there either.  And because it is younger (not to excuse the elders), that’s where comes in the dearth of people who are used to having things spoonfed to them, who like your drawings and involved site design and choose to like you because you talk about different things, even though you’re kind of “out there,” and eventually want to bring you into their fold so they can feel better about themselves because “you’re really just like them.”   I don’t know what you want, but don’t care (im).  Don’t concern yourself with the mindless unless you want to set out to do something about them.  Even as six people have finished their comments as I write this, among whose number you may count me, don’t give a fuck about us, because in the end, there’ll only be like four people in the world who could ever know how to care about you, and the rest of us are using you to make us feel better about ourselves.  Just remember who you are.

Jung_Woo said,

February 8, 2005 @ 10:08 am

I read it. you have a great xanga. please don’t stop. And I like the pics. What do you use to draw them? I also do picture entries, I don’t know if you saw. If you go back to my older entries there will be some.

CHT11 said,

February 8, 2005 @ 10:08 am

no no no, the quality of your writing has not diminished at all. Don’t ever feel the need to cater to people who “don’t get it.” Because for every random eprop or comment, there are so many more people who get it, think about it… and really reflect on what you say. Like this post for example. So many people have become blinded with getting subscriptions, comments, whatnot… that they forget that the one person that they are writing for is really themself. You’re doing great. Rock on.

tyguy1988 said,

February 8, 2005 @ 10:10 am

haha the person above me spelt hypocrite wrong…
sorry, this is some random props. its nice to see (or read) that some people are actually putting thought into their xangas…mine isnt, though i wish that sometimes it would be. so for that im giving you a comment that (i hope) isnt just a waste of time and that gives you encouragement for future ones. dont give up on the world, or you would be just like them..and you dont have to comment back to me, honestly, im not a eprops whore or anything. so thats it..

Tinatamad2001 said,

February 8, 2005 @ 10:10 am

Umm, random propz?!.. :)
This is a great Xanga.. Quality similar to Versace.. Cause Gucci sucks!..
Yeah, which bowl won?..

H0USe said,

February 8, 2005 @ 10:19 am

i love it when ppl comment me “you write too much so i didnt read ur entry”

saccharinerave said,

February 8, 2005 @ 10:43 am

I faced a similar situation when I decided to close my design site. I think that if you want to write, you have to do it for yourself. Your audience is second to your art. Good luck.

streetphotos said,

February 8, 2005 @ 10:44 am

You have to decided for yourself what reasons you have for blogging, either introspection or popularity. Think back to why you started in the first places and don’t be influenced by the unwashed masses.Which Bowl won?! I have money riding on this! I’m hoping it’s the Hello Kitty one *hint*hint*!

picassosinatra said,

February 8, 2005 @ 10:50 am

Okay…I understand that you’re frustrated, but are we to assume that you actually read every reply on your blog?  I hardly think that is possible or seriously done.  I would imagine that you probably read the first sentence at times to some replies and then gloss over everything else.  True?
This is why I’ve decided to just concentrate over substance over form.  I have no design skills so I will not try.  I’ll take my thoughtful 7 comments over 100 innocuous ones.  Good luck the rest of the way…I’ll be reading…and since you’re in a funk about eprops…I won’t participate  =)

Sandsid said,

February 8, 2005 @ 10:51 am

Hahaha… you are soo funny… I wonder if you’re like this in real person… hahaha…

lokei81 said,

February 8, 2005 @ 10:54 am

You honestly have one of the best sites on here.  The stuff you come up with takes a lot of thought and effort…not to mention, it’s priceless entertainment. :-D So even though I don’t have enough prior knowledge, I don’t think your post are dumb at all…some of the insights you have into things is quite uncanny.  And you’re not afraid to speak your mind…which to me is one of the most powerful qualities someone can have…you actually have a voice and it’s screaming bullshit.  So don’t worry about not being heard cause as you can see from all these comments…you ARE! ;-) 
BTW…Happy Chinese New Year! :-D

lokei81 said,

February 8, 2005 @ 10:56 am

whoops…I meant to say that you’re NOT screaming bullshit.

lilasnx129 said,

February 8, 2005 @ 11:15 am

Aww, I know how you feel. One time I kept getting this guy leaving comments on my site about info for some club his crew was throwing on the weekend… I got so irritated because his comment was longer than my whole xanga entry…I don’t think you have to worry, although your drawings are really cool (^_^) …I think a lot of people still read your site…which is why I said before that I think you’re soooo randomly awesome because you always talk about random things, whether it’s an interesting topic or not, you always somehow make it interesting…I love your xanga~

ALN_with_an_E said,

February 8, 2005 @ 11:29 am

yea i miss the madpimp where it was her life, rather than what’s entertaining.

CaKaLusa said,

February 8, 2005 @ 11:47 am

why’s everyone blogging about terrible propping etiquette nowadays? :P first me, then you!well, good comments are hard to come by.

MeehDo said,

February 8, 2005 @ 11:48 am

Hmm maybe with all these people going through your page randomly.. and proping you randomly is a way for you to find that one person that listens to you and see you through your writing.. Should just keep on writing.. one day you will find that person..

kalamai said,

February 8, 2005 @ 11:57 am

haha yeah i felt that way before too. like my depressed entries would get more comments and my funny ones get maybe half of those. then the happy ones get a few?! what the? didn’t these people WANT me happy!?
trust me it’s not your writing. it’s the eprop whores =P i’ve decided that those who just write “hi” get a hi back. no insightful reading for them! and those who almost never comment back? i use that time and comment on people who actually do.
i like your xanga kim! no matter what you write! :D

acchan_the_turtle said,

February 8, 2005 @ 12:05 pm

that girl is stupid why would she go around askin ppl to vote for her… if her shit is good then ppl will vote without asking… ur entries are always a good read(^_^)

Thoughts_from_my_dick said,

February 8, 2005 @ 12:05 pm

xanga is perpetual high school.  if u get caught up in the drama, u’ll lose ur soul.  don let these little teenie boppers get to u.  don forget that they have no real relevance.  :-)

BlindButDriving said,

February 8, 2005 @ 12:18 pm

Type away whats on your mind, not others. Don’t worry about appealing to anyone, this is your space to do with what you please. Unless of course your goal is to appeal to others (including the stupid ones.)

iMiTaTioN_iz_SuiCiDe said,

February 8, 2005 @ 12:19 pm

SOOOO many complaints lately, all across xanga, about people who disrespectfully leave comments without havin the courtesy to even friggin SKIM your page for content…. aye… ever have the irony of people leavin “random props” on posts like this cuz they dont even look enough to see that there asses are bein called out and dissed in the post already…? that’d be ironic… but i won’t put it past some folks…. i definitely think you should get back to actually “saying something” if it bothers you that much… i only discovered your site last week, lol, so i can’t compare “you now” to “you then”, but i definitely enjoy the laughs… today on my way to my first class i flashed back to what was the first post of yours i had ever read–the one about bitches that walk too damn slow, lol… cuz there i was, runnin late, and this sluggish mofo with molasses in his ass was in my way, lol, and i thought about your post and cracked up to myself…. but u should certainly write for YOU… cuz that’s what it’s all about…. i don’t know of any greater freedom i’ve ever experienced in life that writing for myself… don’t deprive yourself of that fulfillment. those who are worth it WILL hear you…. fuck dem random proppaz, and keep puttin em in their place.

mrxwill said,

February 8, 2005 @ 12:30 pm

I’m glad I stumbled upon your site. The things you write relates to what we encounter in life (especially the entry about girls walking too slow). Hell, your entries encourage me (and I’m pretty sure countless others) to write more meaningful entires on my xanga.

mzterious_flipgirl5492 said,

February 8, 2005 @ 12:31 pm

dont take this the wrong way but dorkette9192 was only asking for your support on the site of the month thing…. she wasnt asking for much…. if you thought that the props that she gave you were worthless, then why didnt u just ignore it??? i mean if thats what you were thinking….why did you pick her out, out of all the people???!!! and… if i were her, i would find it rude, too. see, you don’t have to reply to every single crappy comment you get… the “worthless” ones, you just gotta let it go without saying anything….i mean if its so “Worthless” to you then why do you have to write it on your weblog… after all, its probably just a waste of your time….
*i dont wanna start anything, im just expressing my thoughts so if you think this is “worthless”, then just dont write back*

stupidcrazy said,

February 8, 2005 @ 12:34 pm

wow ur entry is actually provoking people to think and comtemplate the jargon of infantile and ramdom propz that plagues the popular Xangan.  Well Good Luck weeding out the weak and puerile readers. :)

talksal0t said,

February 8, 2005 @ 12:49 pm

wow… i didnt know that… there were such problems in xanga land… this is what happens then you get on featured content =)

H0USe said,

February 8, 2005 @ 1:08 pm

hahaha, im sure my friends would love ur comment… but i dont know, i think everyone is beautiful… lots of ppl r just too shy or dont know how to show it… if that makes sense???  but yeah, my xanga is so boring sometimes i dont blame anyone for not reading it but i think its just cause my life is in a vacuum of work and gym… nothing interesting…. for the moment O_o

JCFans said,

February 8, 2005 @ 1:09 pm

haha i understand what you’re going through. but sometimes, people’s blogs are just too long for the little time i’ve got to update my own and read my 3425452 subbies. so if i don’t have time, i just skim. but i always try to be courteous and leave comment that is related to the topic of the blog ;).
and as for your site, i skim easier because i look at the pictures and they’re always damnnnn funny hahahaha, they made my day. like that bitch picture above HAHAHA.

chickenbuns said,

February 8, 2005 @ 1:15 pm

i read what you write! ^_^
there are people who read soooo slowly… maybe that’s one thing holding them back from reading everything.  or maybe they’re just too damn lazy… but they can’t resist being eprop whores… :p

testrogenboy said,

February 8, 2005 @ 1:28 pm

wow i really love you design. do mind if i anazlyze your codes? truth is i probably will analyze it regardless, but i thought i’d at least put on the appearance of being rude. anyway. i got to your site through dorkette’s site. who commented on mine kind of randomly and i must say that she had a rediculous comment. not that any opinion is worthless. i dont believe that but i have a very hard time believing that she is serious because it is so…. mind-boggling that she would honestly believe what she wrote.anyway. i adore your site and i hope that you are only flattered if my site ends up with similar codes on it. actually, i dont have premium so i probably can’t do half the stuff you’ve done cuz i dont have skins. and if you really dont want me to use your stuff i guess i restrain myself.take care♥ sam

rubberduckiesandcheese said,

February 8, 2005 @ 1:28 pm

definitely understood on that topic. which is one of the reasons i was thinking of going e-mail only. but considering that the majority of my commenters like reading the entries, i had to think it over. tough decision, eh? well, random props for you. :P

minho said,

February 8, 2005 @ 1:31 pm

hahahahaha i agree!now go dance naked on a table.

testrogenboy said,

February 8, 2005 @ 1:38 pm

ps. i forgot to mention. i DID read the post. ok well i skimmed it. but i did take the time to read a whole paragraph or two and then some sentences here and there. i agree. it seems like i get a bunch of comments on some entry that is dumb and pointless. and then when i write something meaningfull i never get any comments. which isnt a big deal except its something i really want people to read and with out a comment that features some kind of response to my post, i have no idea if people actually read it. i feel you pain…. kinda

KingAmongDorks said,

February 8, 2005 @ 1:40 pm


just kidding.
I’m just glad someone as cool as you visits my site. Makes me feel appreciated too.

testrogenboy said,

February 8, 2005 @ 1:43 pm

sorry one last ps. on your “the island” design. i dont know if you did this on pupose but you wrote da- airando (with a small i). this is alright but i think that a more natural and realistic katakana-ization would be za airando (regular i).

sKyHiGhPnAi said,

February 8, 2005 @ 1:50 pm

Im proud to say that i read your entire entry. Now if you were like me, (nowadays writing forever long entries), i’d understand if not the whole thing was read, but i’d rather like knowing that they did take the time to listen to my thoughts and such. Besides, most of them are pictures.
Pictures are a plus, but text is a whole different story.
Are you proud of me? :)

lumpiablog said,

February 8, 2005 @ 1:51 pm

lolz liek omg

gotlighters said,

February 8, 2005 @ 2:01 pm

Well as you know, I haven’t read your xanga that long, but I’ve always thought your entries were interesting and entertaining… I really liked the one about you talking about how you grew up ‘n what not… And you shouldn’t write just for the benefit of someone else, you should write it for you. If you like what you wrote, then it’s all good. Getting eprops is just a plus. Keep them stick figures comin =]

PINK_Iced09 said,

February 8, 2005 @ 2:06 pm

hey i am guilty of coming to your site not leaving a comment, but i do read every entry when i come by. And yeah i’ve come to realize that it is pretty rude to say random props and not read the entry, i am a victim of thatwell i wanted to say thanks for posting your entry because maybe some people will realize that spamming someones site is pretty rude

BloodyKitsune said,

February 8, 2005 @ 2:12 pm

Just happened to stumbled upon your site, and I hear you.
Honestly, I think they should do away with eprops. It would eliminate the obnoxious spamming, and really, what the hell is the point of having them in first place? 

kayisabubblebootay said,

February 8, 2005 @ 2:12 pm

only people i know read my xanga…at least that’s what i think. i wonder if people ever read what i write…sometimes my entry can be pretty long…i don’t care if they read it or not….it’s my xanga. i have fun typing it up on my xanga…something for me to look back at.  i just started reading your xanga…and it brings a smile on my face to see ur creative imagination in ur posts…i’ve just started reading ur xanga and i enjoy it greatly.

KNoW_i_dO_nOT said,

February 8, 2005 @ 2:13 pm

I definantely understand where your’re coming from. I always make sure I read at least one of the persons post before I comment them because it just seems rude to leave them a comment and not even say anything remotely related to what they were saying. Hope I’m not confusing you. Sorry if I am. You’re a really talented writer. And thanks for the comment. I’m starting to develop a high tolerance for pain.

onestyle said,

February 8, 2005 @ 2:18 pm

I think virtual reality reflects reality. Just like in real life, people on the internet are not always prepared to listen or communicate.. The internet is just a tool of communication which is often abused. but then again, so is “talking”. hey, i’m listening! I just didnt read the bottom half of your post because it was hella long. Sorry, just being honest ()=)

sKyHiGhPnAi said,

February 8, 2005 @ 2:41 pm

I forgot to answer that question. I don’t think im being heard either. Then again, usually I rant on about how much I loathe school. More ramblings from a teenage girl. Nothing special.
DARN THOSE RANDOM PROPPERS! ::holds up fist in threatening manner::
Mmhmm, You’re welcome. :)

mzterious_flipgirl5492 said,

February 8, 2005 @ 2:52 pm

well thank you for reading my comment and taking it in a positive way[ i guess]. yes i can relate to the kind of people that do that…. i swear, when i wrote the weblog i wasnt tryin to start anything, i was just trying to defend my cousin [dorkette9192]. i mean im sure that if u had a close cousin, you would defend him/her too. thank you for the comment!

TenThousandPoetWarriors said,

February 8, 2005 @ 3:10 pm

please take the good with the bad.  we’re all imperfect.  blog as you like but i’m sure i’m not in the minority when i say, “please continue”.

starfleeter said,

February 8, 2005 @ 3:15 pm

Re: would the 2 others provde transportation??
Probably not. From what I know, they’ll be leaving directly from IVC and go straight to L.A.

Neojin said,

February 8, 2005 @ 3:23 pm

RanDom ProPz y0!Just kidding.Hmm, your last Valentine’s Day post reminds me of your writing on Madpimp back in the days. Of course, your writing has a less ‘serious’ tone these days. That’s a good thing, cuz I remember some of yer stuff back then was kinda depressing. :b

hjyou said,

February 8, 2005 @ 3:34 pm

If you want to write well, then start by reading a serious novel. But be aware, writing well does not mean you will be understood. But writing poorly certainly gurantees you will be misunderstood.And stop making arguments that you would have hard time substantiating or arguments that are simply weak and should be avoided. Take, for instance, your “I’ve been blogging for six years.” If blogging for six years leads to the sort of incoherence that I’m seeing in your site, then to what end has that time been spent, cosmetics?It’s choosing what to write and how to express them. And you fail on both accounts in terms of what a good writing is. You are probably right that your writing is plebian because you’re consciously or subconsciously attempt to satisfy the masses, however I do not see how you can imply or substantiate that your writing was any better.Your site has entertainment value like watching a court jestor or a clown. There is no need to comment to a clowns, you simply laugh at them. People laugh with you when you call other people “flippant,” make shamless examples of other people and their sites and use your site to exert on them the tyranny of the majority with this “flippant” mass, or the “staggering irony” you feel towards incoherence that is, in effect, you.I was compelled to write this because you have slapped the face of readers such as myself who simply read for what you wrote. If you are so inclined to write better, by all means do it, but stop bitching about it and blaming others.

sweeti832 said,

February 8, 2005 @ 3:45 pm

i despise those who just come onto my site and give me “random props”… like i really give a fuck about those. comments are nice to have feedback on what you write, but nothing erks more than someone just “passing by your page” or whatever… all in all, i totally feel you on this entry.

psychoexbf said,

February 8, 2005 @ 3:49 pm

LOL! blogging for six years is a long time. hAHAHAHAH!

auracle said,

February 8, 2005 @ 3:52 pm

Damn..someone already took the RanDom pRopZ gag.First! Oh Wait. nvm. Ok..I’m so over it now. Anyway, write as if you didn’t have an audience one day and write as if you do the next. Doesn’t matter too much as long as you know it comes from you. Let your versatility show in your entire body of work and not just one defining blog. You can be serious, you can be sad, you can be however you feel you want to express yourself. Let your entire body of work speak for itself. Why only show one facet of your personality when you can show them all? Isn’t that one of the goals of self expression? I like it when you are silly. I like it when you are bitchy. I even like it when you are sick. Shows me what the madpimp is all about. Write whatever. I do.

sexxxandcookies said,

February 8, 2005 @ 4:06 pm

for what its worth, i always read your entries from start to finish  cant promise i’ll always comment but here’s one for the road.

PsYkOxAzNxFrEaK said,

February 8, 2005 @ 4:20 pm

your xanga. your voice!power to your kim… *fist in the air*

BubBlepOpElectrix said,

February 8, 2005 @ 4:27 pm

Hey, I just stumbled upon your xanga because it was, well obviously on the featured content. I must say I find you very intrigueing and I just wanted to let you know that I HEARD you. You seem very intelligent and interesting. Kudos to you, I don’t blame you for being mad. I am fairly new to the whole online journal bit and I’m the kind of person that keeps to themself..even online. This is the first time I’ve ever commented on a stranger’s xanga. You motivated me that much ;) well, I think I’m done creepily showering you with a bunch of compliments so I will tend to my own ways. I’ll probably keep coming back to see what new and creative writing you have in store though, keep it up! Don’t let the idiots bring ya down =)

aznbro85 said,

February 8, 2005 @ 4:43 pm

pr0pz! hit me back y0! =]
haha, kidding….[though i bet you there are a lot of other people that were doing that as well just to mess around, and i bet it’s getting on your nerves as well… anyways.. =X ]
recently, i think xanga has kind of become like a friendster or myspace type thing, where you try to get as many people as you can to subscribe [or become your “friend”] to you in order to get that warm feeling inside seeing all those people that subscribed to you.Likewise, there are actually people out there who i feel are just subscribing to anything and anything with nice layouts or nice background music, just to make their SIR list look longer… @_@
With every person that I am subscribed to, i try to read all their entries, and take to make a complete comment.  I know the time that some people put into their entries, and i too, would be really irritated if people just came to the site, scrolled down to find the nearest “add comment” link, and do a few word comment.  thankfully, i rarely get anything like that..
while i don’t think i’ve been here long enough to say if your writing quality has deteriorated or not, i can say that all of your entries are very pleasant to READ, not just to look at ;]
with that said..
lol at that last pic… do you see your artistic self with only a right arm and a left boob?
anyways.. i’ll shut my trap now.. =X

BigDoki said,

February 8, 2005 @ 4:46 pm

hey! This is my first time reading your xanga, AND I read the whole thing!Yay?But anyways, hahaha, i saw your argument with the other girl who wanted you to vote for her. I wouldn’t take it too personally…she doesn’t want gay people to marry because she’s afraid the human race will be wiped out when straight people stop having sex…because of gay marriage.Different topic: How did you do the script for a module with webcam?

hjyou said,

February 8, 2005 @ 4:49 pm

Oops, the “t” and other letters is from the keyboard binding which was supposed to be disabled.Thanks for catching that.

NoBackstreetboys said,

February 8, 2005 @ 4:56 pm

Random PRoPz!~ >.

JoyCaDEeZy said,

February 8, 2005 @ 5:07 pm

I’m taking a Politics & the News Media class and Kim, you are not a reporter, you are blogging for yourself (right?) and not to entertain other people (although entertaining us once in a while isn’t so bad) Reporters are supposed to aim to be objective with what they report. But being totally objective is impossible because of all the biases (experience, beliefs, human conditions) they carry with them. Reporters shouldn’t interject with thir own opinions or biases when they’re reporting. I reiterate, you’re not a reporter, so throw in your opinions and forget about pleasing everyone. By neutralizing the subject that you’re writing about, you’re neutralizing yourself. So, by dumbing down your entries to please people that don’t matter, you’re dumbing down yourself.I love hearing peoples opinions on things. You have a unique take on things and I want to read them. So please blog again!

brokeni_nnocencex said,

February 8, 2005 @ 5:46 pm

Oh gosh, she actually had the nerve to post it up in her blog. Haha don’t worry I read your blogss even though I don’t know you. Haha I like your blogs. They always have something interesting in them =)

frshsqzedoj said,

February 8, 2005 @ 6:21 pm

some more Random PRopZ! T.T hehe HAHA LO!LL#LLLoloL! B0b4zZZZzz

KeAiNuRen said,

February 8, 2005 @ 6:29 pm

Sorry about not having the time today to read all of your previous xangas, but don’t worry about that person being rude. I mean come on, if the site was going to win, people reading it would just give the person props and they wouldn’t have to ask people. Hope you are having a good time and that you feel better. Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Tet to those of you who are celebrating.

seon_ho said,

February 8, 2005 @ 6:46 pm

random props yo, prop me back

haha just kidding kim!i do read your site, except i just tend to get lazy and just not comment. haha.i love your writing, no matter keep on blogging

Diahrea_and_Bloating said,

February 8, 2005 @ 6:58 pm

i read. i comment. so boo-yah!

MagikalFairy666 said,

February 8, 2005 @ 7:11 pm

You really shouldn’t be on xanga if you care so much about people reading your stuff. The point of xanga is not to see how many people read your entries, it is so that you can have a relief, somewhere to store your thoughts. I mean, come on, your writing an entry about how people don’t respond the way you want to when they comment. Don’t you think that sounds a little desperate? Why do you care so much about what other people do on your site? Appreciate the ones who do read your comment, but don’t bitch about the ones who don’t, atleast they gave you some recognition. If it weren’t for all of the people who come on here and don’t say anything meaningful, you wouldn’t be on the featured content. Be grateful, nobody even comes to my site except to bitch about what I do say. Blessed Be.
P.S. I’m not trying to be mean or judgemental, just trying to tell you my opinion, so please don’t come on my site cursing and throwing a fit. You DID say that you wanted some useful insight, so there you go.

steadystate said,

February 8, 2005 @ 7:15 pm

jesus, by the time i get to this thing i’m already drowned out in a sea of voices. ah, if you ever get around to reading this, let me know, okay? it’s like i’m a union soldier, i’ve got a bayonet fixed to my rifle, and i walk straight into the antietam. or whatever.i think you’re taking this xanga thing way too seriously. i love reading your posts, and you obviously love to write. like you, i used to spend a lot of time on my posts (read my reviews section; i spend way too much time on those). unlike you, i don’t have hoards of people commenting. i sort of like it that way, except it gets lonely in my little corner of the internet.these conditions led me to make the realization that i did: i am spending way too much time on my posts. the returns i’m getting just ain’t worth it. it’s easier to just post funny pictures that either offend or somehow stimulate whatever readership i have to get them to make some sort of response. almost like poking a dead body to see if they’re breathing. which is why i’m posting less and less now. i’ve found very few people actually give a shit what i have to say.anyway, my advice would be to not let it faze you. who cares? it’s the internet. there’s child porn on there, and no one can stop them. your page is a diamond in the rough in comparison.

aprilisla said,

February 8, 2005 @ 7:28 pm

I  do read your entries but I think this is the 1st time I’m leaving a comment.  I find your posts entertaining.  As if I could actually hear you speak.  Don’t worry about “those people”.  Write for yourself and for your sincere audience like moi. Keep it up:)

piggydc said,

February 8, 2005 @ 7:38 pm

sorry to hear all that. :-(  but honestly, i dont know any other X that gets as many comments as you do….not disregarding what you just wrote, but gosh you’re so popular, whether ppl actually read what u say or not (by the looks of it, its more the former)

lilluvlyan9el said,

February 8, 2005 @ 7:40 pm

I read!!! I read every single word!!!You’re my muse!!! (alotta times) Get my thinking juice going! lolz… ::hugs::
I really admire you for your creativity, originality, and all out fun! Keep it up!! I’ll read every single word!

friedRICEforme said,

February 8, 2005 @ 7:49 pm

To lose individuality to appeal to the masses is a shame. Who cares about other people if they can’t understand your level of thinking. Express yourself with your chronicles of life unabridged!

weiji said,

February 8, 2005 @ 8:18 pm

what’s ironic is that i read posts and leave boiler-plate comments. my first to you was something like “lol nice”… you mean to tell me people who leave “lol nice” on my xanga didn’t read my shit?you just broke my…. nice. or how about:lol…. niiiiiiice….is that better? ;)i went through a phase where i wondered why people subscribe but don’t leave comments, but i know that i write on xanga for myself. the stupid jokes and pics are just to share and it doesn’t matter to me who wants to leech, cuz the love i get back is still good. ya know?

jne said,

February 8, 2005 @ 9:01 pm

i did read your page. and yes, you’re writing deserves some appreciation ’cause it’s awesome (even though the majority of it was complaints about these bastardly un-committed xangans). what’s the point of even MAKING a journal if you’re just there to become acknowledged as an idiot?
i stumbled across your page because i was browsing through the “i trim my pubes” weblog and your picture was under the picture of some girl’s boob. i’m glad i picked yours over the boob’s. : )
have a nice day.

popplepea said,

February 8, 2005 @ 9:04 pm

hi kim, how do you have time to sort through all your comments? Friggin eh, i’m like the 88th comment! Anyhow, I love the content of your posts… and i don’t think it’s diminishing… i think you’re just aggravated lately by people who have no internet etiquette. But i hear ya! At least i know you’re not one of those people who just want traffic on their site… thanks for always stopping by my site and leaving relevant comments. In between all the work that you do and coming down with pneumonia… i am truly honored. =)


February 8, 2005 @ 9:42 pm

i wish i had something witty to say right here…but hey, i think u write good things. i mean, why else would i randomly decide to subscribe to u?

CiaoMichaella said,

February 8, 2005 @ 10:07 pm

kim, your blogging/website/comp/techy skills are so high up there that maybe you are putting too much pressure on yourself to always create something spectacular, deep, totally cool, very high up there in quality, etc… don’t let it get the best of you… you’re only human…maybe sometimes you just need to do a long brainfart kind of entry, sometimes u feel like writing poetry, sometimes you feel like entertaining us with your stick figure drawings, sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t.  ok, that last one was the almond joy mounds joke harhar.  anyway, i guess the point i’m trying to make is that while all the nifty cool things you have on your blog are nice, don’t feel so pressured to please?  i mean, i for one would still read your blogs even if it was as boring as mine–like oh today i did this, my butt itches, i had snickers for breakfast, my gas is running low… why? because i consider you a friend and i care about you and would want to know what’s going on in your life.  *hugs* 

Lemon451 said,

February 8, 2005 @ 10:44 pm

I will take those random e-props! ;)What I like about Kim is that when she leaves a comment she has actually read your blog and just expects the same in return. Sometimes I don’t comment because I haven’t got anything worthy of saying but I usually read all of your posts and hardly miss a beat.I don’t think your writing has diminished maybe it has just grown to be more universal. I never have prided my blog on my good writing, I find it trite and unexciting because it’s all recaps, but I think that’s what people have come to expect from me. And I figure if I can’t do it well I won’t bother…but you on the other hand have acquired quite the audience.

eileen216 said,

February 8, 2005 @ 11:43 pm

That girl is retarded.  Don’t be mad at some stupid little girl.  Yup!  A lot of my friends come to my xanga just to look at the pictures but never read anything I wrote.  I wish people would read more.

HurleyGuy751 said,

February 9, 2005 @ 12:11 am

Its funny how people dont think about their actions until they are brought out into the open. As I was contemplating on commenting, I ran down the others. It was funny to see some reactions. One guy apparently didnt read ur post whatsoever with his, RANDOM PROPS…and with no hinting that it was meant as a joke…When I first came upon your site, if was not until after you found mine. I had come across a  unique, yet entertaining page. SOmething with thought and a comedic way of expression. I will admit, I come to ur page without commenting, for the only fact that sometimes I dont feel I have to. I understand that you might feel overwhelmed with frustration, but keep in mind, people arent obligated to comment.  And for those who comment, but contain no filling, I apologize and agree that they just like the stick drawings and think they can understand your meaning. As you can probably see from your responses, people are out there reading. Some  appearently who treat it as a bible or such. I mean look at my shitting site, I could care less =)  I use it to express random thoughts, or porn names, but thats just me =P

crewj said,

February 9, 2005 @ 1:01 am

6 years of blogging? wow. that’s dedication. kinda how i feel at work. oh yea, last day of work was yesterday.
i used to blog a lot, then that became a job for me. too bad i wasn’t paid for it.

HotterBoy said,

February 9, 2005 @ 1:05 am

I noticed that you half-assed your writing awhile back. But your half-assing is light years more exceptional than the ordinary. Because you’re extraordinary….Artist types are so moody. You need an orgasm babydoll  ;)

neb001 said,

February 9, 2005 @ 1:58 am

I believe all the previous commenters have already said what I was about to say, which is that although you might be a tad bit frustrated at all the people that are just looking for eprops and what not, you should worry less about them and simply blog for your own enjoyment, not others.

playtyyme said,

February 9, 2005 @ 3:02 am

why feel sad? the point of blogging, i suppose is for oneself.. so why does it matter if people come to read or not?

spicybeefjerky said,

February 9, 2005 @ 3:23 am

just first coming across your site from projectblogsphere’s…i have to say, i love how you’ve laid it out…very pleasing to the eye…you definitely have a good design sense…keep writing & don’t worry about what others will have to say about your blog entries…it’s not about what other people say, but what you have to say that matters.

youarelovely said,

February 9, 2005 @ 5:00 am

i read all of that, &i agree with it.

riceboyx4u said,

February 9, 2005 @ 5:11 am

haha oh man, very profound. from now on, i shall leave as much comments as possible =D happy new year! =D

California_Gal said,

February 9, 2005 @ 5:25 am

I totally know what you are feeling. I did the same thing on my other blog…I was on FC and started writing to get more eprops/comments. Then I realized it was just stupid, so I shut that site down…and now have the eprop blocker on my site. LOL.GOod luck. And I read the whole entry. Hope you keep writing…for you..and not the masses. :D

UCcowgirl23 said,

February 9, 2005 @ 5:59 am

i love to hear someone with my same annoyances… TyPiNg LiKe ThIs DrIvEs Me InSaNe… and i really dont understand random propzhowever for some substance, i am a graphic design student and I LOVE you portfolio, different style than im accustomed to and i admire thatenjoy your afternoon

Onigiriman said,

February 9, 2005 @ 6:08 am

YoU cRaZy. RanDoM pRoPs! Hahahahahhaahaahha. I here ya’. I too found myself writing for the reader rather than for myself. But you are much kinder to yourself. I saw myself turning into a whore, so I said. “screw it” and basically write what I want. I stopped going to all my subscribers sites in the hopes of getting props back, and now only visit sites that are truly interesting. So my coming here and leaving comments should speak for itself… But still, don’t get too angry… The world requires balance. If there are intelligent people like you, then there will also be idiots. It is nature, it is the way of the world… unfortunately. Hahahahhaah. Peace girl.

Zot22 said,

February 9, 2005 @ 6:38 am

a lot of us have the habit of skimming through entries and we don’t exactly know what the content is. when i do that, it’s usually because i’m too lazy to read some entries or i’m in a time constraint.
but yes, quality over quantity. believe me, your entires are always quality. =)

TinyTeena said,

February 9, 2005 @ 6:46 am

I mentioned once on my xanga that I thought eprops were stupid, not because its meaningless, but because it causes people to drift off topic, it’s like, give an eprop, get one back….anyway, now I’m drifting off topic, what I meant to say was that I enjoy reading your blogs very much, not so much because you always have something insightful to say, but because its just generally’s funny, it’s witty, it cracks me up when I’m sitting at work just staring at my computer…..don’t stop, most of the people reading you blogs enjoy it because it’s a reflection of you! 

ghaleon said,

February 9, 2005 @ 7:11 am

Why do you feel compelled to please the masses? Are you getting paid for each prop you receive? Disable the props and just write your shit.

KatrinaCherie said,

February 9, 2005 @ 7:12 am

I read every single bit of it!  LOL  It is annoying!  I do leave comments and not read though to people who come to my site, don’t comment, read several pages then leave and return again!  LOL

inkhelm said,

February 9, 2005 @ 7:14 am

i seem to never get responses when it’s things meaningful that i write and i want people’s input. some ppl don’t even bother reading anything i write and comment with randomness. it’s nice hearing your input though, i like hearing your perspective of things.chuc mung nam moi kim!

ScorpionByBirth said,

February 9, 2005 @ 8:06 am

Hello! Kim,
I subscribe to your site knowing that I am reading good quality and informative stuff and not like most other sites I’ve randomly visited.  Though one thing for sure, I am guilty of not prompting you on the very good ones you’ve written in the past and for it I apologize.  You are one very smart and talented kid.  I would love to have a teeny bit of your brain cell.  Your thoughts plus the stick figure pictures are surprisingly extraordinary.  Please don’t let those bastards ruin you.  Maybe block them if you don’t want them leaving trash on your site, and are not intelligent enough to grasp what you’re trying to voice out.  I’m glad to be pretty much on the safe side and not under your wrath.  Take care.

SheikNYC said,

February 9, 2005 @ 8:26 am

This is my first moment in this existence.   From what I know, a person writes because they have to write the same way an artist has to draw.  They don’t do it for hits, props, notariety or for fame, they do it because they have to.  They sell it to eat and hate most of the people that buy it.
The words climb out of their minds and flow down their veins and into their hands.  Similar to the way your emotions leap on to your figures. Your work is trash and garbage but that is what makes it so magnificent.    But even a Sheik has to ask would I give you that compliment if you looked like a gorilla. 
That’s not a flame, that’s a legitimate self-question.  If you were not photogenically good looking, how man hits would happen and who would listen and would your creations be what they appear to be to me.  That is my weakness not yours.  Or is it?

syfft said,

February 9, 2005 @ 8:36 am

I only recently started reading/viewing your blog. I come back to read it because it’s funny… in a Seinfeld kind of way. I read it, laugh a little, then go on my way. No offense, but are you asking for serious discussion on some of the topics that you’ve written about? I can understand how you’d be annoyed by people who write, “U RoXXors” or something like that, but I think some of these people just wanna give you eprops without going into a whole discussion about your cartoons, etc. Either way… I enjoy reading your blog because it makes me smile/laugh, but I wouldn’t mind seeing the deeper side of you as well. You have a lot more to say, then I ever do.

HuangDave said,

February 9, 2005 @ 8:52 am

My reaction:-I appreciate your thoughts, writings, drawings and;comments on my xanga.-The ability to appeal to a large readership is difficult, perhaps a challenge you subconsciously took upon yourself?-

HuangDave said,

February 9, 2005 @ 8:57 am

My reaction:-I appreciate your thoughts, writings, drawings and;comments on my xanga.-The ability to appeal to a large readership is difficult, perhaps a challenge you subconsciously took upon yourself?-Since you now have the attention of the masses, this post is your first step in making sure your message is heard.
Focus is something learned.

alienfreak2006 said,

February 9, 2005 @ 8:58 am

Yeah, I’m just some random commenter. I read your entry and I have to say that it was really honest, and I hope people actually let the words sink into their souls.
However, we live in a world that’s all about “ME, ME, ME!” No one takes the time anymore to appreciate each other, whether or not there is anything actually TO appreciate. But no one is exempt from this- no one. Even you and that dorkette9192. Everyone has a right to be heard, even if they randomly comment about bullshit that has no relevance to anything you said.

xeffete_dreamsx said,

February 9, 2005 @ 9:16 am

well i stopped by to check you out since i saw ya on the featured… dont wanna tick ya off so im leavin ya a comment :-)
*random props*

aai2on said,

February 9, 2005 @ 9:22 am

*random PRoPs hit me back aiGhTz!!*
thats something thats always going to happen no matter what. its vain people hopelessly trying to get attention the best way they know how .. ANNOYINGLY!
but anyways .. hit me back. =oX

dancin_teddy_tiger said,

February 9, 2005 @ 9:30 am

I read your whole post and totally agree with you.

claireyyx said,

February 9, 2005 @ 9:50 am

petty rivalry passes the time i suppose for some people. 
i like reading your posts and your flawless stick drawings.  they entertain me.

Blue_Ginger said,

February 9, 2005 @ 10:18 am

i just came across your site on featured comment. i’m interested in what you have to say so i’ll sub and comment when i have a chance. i love reading all types of blogs, esp ones that are meaningful, make laugh but most of all are real. keep it real.

Dick_Anus said,

February 9, 2005 @ 10:32 am

you leave a post longer than my grandma and cry about why people dont read or comment. i shed tears for you tears of blood. perhaps if you wrote something of interest like how you got GANGBANGED IN HIGH SCHOOL.
happy living.

kiwi_kishes said,

February 9, 2005 @ 10:42 am

people like that are very insecure about themselves.. those kinda people kiss me off .. lol .. sometimes i think to myself [if you are just going to say random props and steal my layout] then why even bother !!  i read entries and leave comments if its worth while on commenting .. some people just dont understand the concept of leave a comment about the ENTRY!! lol .. well just thought i would drop some of my anger! haha

anne0122 said,

February 9, 2005 @ 10:43 am

i haven’t known you for that long, but i read your xanga… i wish i knew you when you wrote differently… not that i don’t like reading what you write now… what you write is interesting… more than mine at least… but good luck to your future entries… i look forward to reading them

MeehDo said,

February 9, 2005 @ 10:46 am

You didnt update today.. Well just thought I say Happi New Year.. Best wishes

NoOdL3_bOy said,

February 9, 2005 @ 10:52 am

=/ It makes me sad that I never found your site earlier.  I can’t compare your writings to anything else.  If I find time I’ll read more of your previous entries to compare any diminished quality…IF i find time. =/

markykos said,

February 9, 2005 @ 11:24 am

Well.. I must admit that I do not leave comments on hardly anyones site, I have found many xangas that i enjoy reading on a daily basis…people with some intelligence and knowledge of the world around them. I had given up on my xanga a while ago, I am reconsidering if i should start it up again though. Even though you dedicated this entire post to people who give out thoughtless eprops it’s funny to see the people that have given you them on this post…
-well i stopped by to check you out since i saw ya on the featured… dont wanna tick ya off so im leavin ya a comment  *random props*
Some people just don’t understand I guess.  I assume the reason I don’t leave comments is because I usually don’t believe they will be read…especially one that has so many readers, like yourself.  But I’ll keep in mind that you are one who cares about who reads posts, also what people think about them.  Maybe I’ll leave further comments in the near future..that is if you decide to pursue your blogging.
Look forward to reading (and adding my opinion to) the things you have to say in the near future

SailorJerry said,

February 9, 2005 @ 11:31 am

Hmmm seems you are actually in the middle of a rather entertaining conflict… not to make light of your plight but it is actually pretty interesting to find a person that would prefer to be read by one individual that actually reads and understands your statements on Xanga. Most people I run into on featured get their ‘honored’ position based upon the pictures they post or humor that is to be found in short stories about their day so it is rather refreshing to run across an individual that desires to be taken seriously more than she desires the ‘featured’ list. So the props I give you are for seeking individuality in a world with a ‘herd’ mentality I’ll check up every now and again to see how your battle goes. Good Luck.

SailorJerry said,

February 9, 2005 @ 11:33 am

By the by nice portfolio.

simplystine said,

February 9, 2005 @ 12:45 pm

before i used to wish i could be on the xanga’s top list and one day, i was actually on there…but the joy came and went and i realized then that it wasn’t all that i thought it would be like. i probably have about less than 10 people who visit my site daily and comment but at least they read what i’m saying. i definitely know what you mean. its better to have people actually read and really get what you’re saying than get people who read one line and just comment on that without even taking the time to see what you’re really about.
just subscribed. i’ll be reading…and i mean REALLY R E A D I N G. take care girl!  

fizzuhl said,

February 9, 2005 @ 1:05 pm

Your thoughts on things are amazing. I read through a few comments and it seems like a lot your audience finds what you have to say just as amazing. Like you said quality over content…your content doesn’t need to appeal to everyone. I’m sure it must be ridiculously annoying when you put so much thought into what you’re saying and you get “random pRoPZ” in return but so many of your readers respond intelligently too…and in english :D good luck!

urbanrocker925 said,

February 9, 2005 @ 1:12 pm

wow you got that right on. I believe exactly what you say because I feel the same way.. I might not have as many readers as you but I mean these sites were made to learn about one another not just to put “random propz” and shit. Although it is very flattering people should take the time to read one anothers blogs. Thank you for posting this maybe people will learn from you. ~brittany~ oh and I’m subscribing

iNviCtuSx said,

February 9, 2005 @ 2:31 pm

whoa nice xanga. i saw your madpimp pictures lol they were NICEEE especially the last year of college, lookin good xD

Leah_Sugar said,

February 9, 2005 @ 3:30 pm

I know what you mean, but the fact is, there are a lot of lazy asses round here who don do much apart from perving at ppl’s pic on Xanga. Just write your thoughts rather than trying to please THE LOT. Who cares when ppl write random rubbish? Ignor the ones who don give a shit :D u go gurl…

mofosexual said,

February 9, 2005 @ 3:39 pm

Mad props.
Because people who give shitty comments make me sad, too.
Keep up the bang-up job and don’t let those eProp whores get to you.

timothyj said,

February 9, 2005 @ 4:04 pm

Honestly, I’m a daily reader if not, then hourly. i totally feel your wrath speaking out through this entry and i hate how people type like this “oKay hi RAnDOM ePRoPzZzzZ reTURn DEM k THx#!~>#!~” lets keep our grammar and spelling at a higher level please. so keep up the work i think your writing is awesome and if you had  a book i’d totally buy it, as long as i get that sht autographed and kissed. creative is hard to grasp but you have a mighty gorilla grip on that thing. keep it  up love–
oh and i love how you have so many eprops/comments and have the time to return them. thats REAL.

hockeyman71 said,

February 9, 2005 @ 4:49 pm

i like the site!!

Iosa said,

February 9, 2005 @ 5:10 pm

I just want to say that I understand, I know you do not know nor I know you, but you should not have to change the way you write in order to entertain the masses. It is your site, do what you feel is necessary.  In the end the small and insignificant things will not matter, for life is just a grain of sand on a tremoundously long beach. And that is all I have to say for now. Good luck.

Ninja_brodie said,

February 9, 2005 @ 5:31 pm

I don’t think that you should have to “dumb down” your posts just to appeal to a larger audience, because changing how you would normally write can distort your message, you should be able to post your thoughts, ideas, etc. freely and not have to “alter” them to appeal to a larger audience…. it’s just a number anyhow… who cares, what is really important is that you are true to yourself and that you don’t alter your thoughts, or state of mind, just to get people to listen, besides those who you probably wish to appeal to probably want to read the true you, not a fake person, there are so many of those in this world. This world is filled with fake people and what this world really needs is more people who are willing to express their true selves, no matter what anyone might say…
This is one long comment, I’m sorry, but just don’t change yourself to meet the whims of others…


February 9, 2005 @ 6:14 pm

You speak the truth. To express yourself truthfully is to create not influenced by opinion, but solely on experience. Otherwise the art has become a cliché. Not many have realized this. Maybe now they will.I have always been a fan of your work. Thank you for sharing it.

SixBy28 said,

February 9, 2005 @ 6:23 pm

Okay people, stop trying to be so deep. It’s not all that complicated. Xanga world is big enough for the thinkers AND the picture perverts. I little bit of sex appeal never hurt, but with good writing you’ll get the props you’re looking for.Not to burst any bubbles, but this topic has been covered many times on many different blogs. It’s like a disease, but you’ll get over it.Cheers.

CivicRacr said,

February 9, 2005 @ 6:37 pm

hey, just happen to fall upon your page through neojin’s or ken, kenny, whichever…just want to say hi, you got a lot of interesting things to say but still doesnt explain your bad drawings though, heh =)
i kind feel how it is with the quality of writing and how you see it as to have deminished, i stop writing so much on my xanga because thats how it felt after awhile when i snapped out of my depressive mood, seemed like i had better things to write when i was in such a sad mood, gradually got less and less writing as time went on as i vented my thoughts and frustration.  so now i just post random pictures, stuff or just take everything off, guess you can see it as how you are in life, if youre happy you write happy stuff, cheesy stuff =).  just my take on it, i just dont let things bother me too much i guess.  well anyway, see ya around…

O_2627 said,

February 9, 2005 @ 6:38 pm

i don’t like words. i really don’t. perhaps it’s laziness to read. but i liked the ones on here. in addition to the pictures. great. i read it all plus some more. =]your superbowl was 10x better than the one i saw. =]

a_reminder said,

February 9, 2005 @ 6:38 pm

this is my first time reading your xanga and frankly, i think it’s very well written (another literate blogger!!!), so i’m having a hard time imagining what your xanga must have been like before.i guess having tons of hits but no feedback comes with the territory of having a xanga premium. i’ve noticed in regular xanga users that any comment, no matter how stupid or irrelevant to the entry, is appreciated. funny how things are so dramatically reversed between different xangas.

TenThousandPoetWarriors said,

February 9, 2005 @ 6:38 pm

you thought onist was oinst? hahahawe are all closet dyslexics.once, for a group event, i brought a banana instead of a bandana because i read the announcement incorrectly.i think this recent entry of yours generated a lot of strong feelings.

hugscookies83 said,

February 9, 2005 @ 9:16 pm

As cliche as this sounds, we know what you mean and how you feel. We share xanga together and we took the time from our busy schedule to write an entry. We tried our best in making our entries interesting for our subscribers and other people to read. But unfortunately, there are lots of people who didn’t pay any attention to the entries and they just left comments like “random props”..or..”cute guys are so cute”..etc.
At first we thought it was really sweet of people telling us how cute we are and what a cute site we have but after a while it gets kinda annoying because we have spent all of our energy in making our readers entertain but only a few of them actually appriciated what we wrote.
We love it when people write comments about our entries and what they think about it or something..something that shows us that they read it..not just leave like a one line comment and not have any mentioning about our entries.
So anyway, we think we have proved our point in trying to explain to you that we understood your feelings about this whole thing.
~Chris & Tika~

trizad said,

February 9, 2005 @ 10:08 pm i safe. is your wrath coming for me…i’m so scared…lolno j/k…surprizing(spelling) i read it all…guess cause i have nuthan better to do…*wait yes i do but no matter*i juys came by to say hi…since you didn’t really “say” anything…
and bye…i’m getting a new xanga or rather devoting my time to another i have’ve been there once..*my accident*…but ne ways
thats all i wanted…peace..
-alan ..aka the coldestac..

lbmonkey said,

February 10, 2005 @ 12:13 am

irony is great.  once you realize it, you can’t help but to smile like you finally understood a really obscure joke.  bravo on choosing quality over quantity.

luvlyangel_06 said,

February 10, 2005 @ 12:43 am

girl i so feel you! when i go to a persons site i sit there and i read it and try to get the person…so when i write a long entry commenting on something they and all they have to say is “props i love your site”, “word”…etc…..i mean i expect random props every now and then but i look for substance when i subscribe to somebody…i like your site cuz you seem real i am gonna subscribe and you will see me around!! By the way my name is Kiera

Dick_Anus said,

February 10, 2005 @ 3:32 am

glad to know i could help you realize that your long and pointless posts and infatuation with comments is very small.

Leda said,

February 10, 2005 @ 5:54 am

I’m just a random person who subscribed, hope you don’t mind =P I really like how you can sorta tell-all since my posts are really reserved and don’t say much. I don’t say much, I guess that’s why I never commented before, although I do read. Blogs are personal, no need to change it to appeal to anyone, but i think people liked it even before you changed it. hope you keep writing!

in_the_midst said,

February 10, 2005 @ 6:21 am

I learned from xanga, that if I want people to read me, I need to actually read them.  Otherwise, what’s the point of being a part of xanga?  How can you expect someone to pay attention to your journal if you don’t read theirs?  Silly attention whores.  I can tell you put effort into your site, and you did have something important to say :-).

AznAtama said,

February 10, 2005 @ 7:49 am

holy crap you have too many comments…

Ninja_brodie said,

February 10, 2005 @ 8:40 am

thanks for telling me about my spelling error…. by the way, if I sounded kind of harsh in my previous comment I did not mean it, I just don’t think that anyone should have to unwillingly change themselves just for the benefit of other people, people should just be themselves, it makes things interesting.  Instead of everybody being fake and copying their personalities from magazines, etc., we should all be individuals and be ourselves. But, I’m ranting so I’ll stop….

plagiarized_thoughts said,

February 10, 2005 @ 11:11 am

i understand what you mean, at least i think i do. everything that lasts long enough begins to feel a little old or rather as if you’re doing it for other people. i used to have a real journal, a non-computerized internet one. and even though i didn’t let anyone see it, eventually i realized i was writing to an imaginary audience and i hadn’t meant to. i kept justifying my boring random thoughts to prove to people that don’t exist that i’m sane.anyways i’m off topic. i just wanted to say i stumbled on your site by accident about 2 months ago and i love it. your random thoughts make my boring things sound even more boring, but it still makes me smile (even though it’s just telling me how dumb i am).good luck finding what you’re looking for.

lilasnx129 said,

February 10, 2005 @ 12:23 pm

I just wanted to add another thought, I think it was great of you to include a section about that girl leaving the worthless comment about voting for her… maybe it’ll raise awareness for people to stop leaving worthless comments everywhere on people’s sites… maybe some people don’t care, but there are definitely some people who get annoyed…I looked at her site & she said something stupid about how rude it was that you didn’t want to vote for her when all it takes is a few clicks…First of all, you don’t owe her any favors, she shouldn’t expect ANYONE to do favors (NO MATTER HOW SMALL) for her, I thought that was stupid. What an idiot…Its people like that make the internet so lame… ugh~

soco21andinvincible said,

February 10, 2005 @ 1:43 pm

yes your are completely correct! I’m so representing to tell people to read your xanga!! you speak the truth. Thank you for speaking out on this topic its about time somebody did this.. I’m sick of all those random props and shit. alrighty thank you!!! ~brittany~

ida_feel said,

February 11, 2005 @ 2:16 am

I’ve just started reading your entries recently, and I subscribed because of quality entries that you write, I even read your old entries every now and then.  The picture certainly made the text more interesting, especially those with animation.  It’s like reading a comic book, although there’s picture, but I would still want to read the text because I want to know more. 

wuhBAM said,

February 15, 2005 @ 4:21 pm

i feel bad catching you on the tail-end like this. it’s like hearing about Nirvana one day and finding out that Cobain had shot himself in the next. i, myself, try to keep subscriptions to a minimum to limit the amount of time needed for me to read all of them and to perhaps give a comment that worth giving as well. i honestly couldn’t imagine having the reader base that you have! take care and i hope you’re feeling less dissatisfied with things.

nights12 said,

February 16, 2005 @ 8:06 pm

yo, come on, shes only 12. i guess winning xanga of the month is where her priorities are at. at least the bitch is ambitious… or some shit like that, haha. damn, i tried. i went to her xanga and could not understand a thing she wrote, for real. yeah, truthfully though, i havent been visiting your site as much as i used to. id love for you to get back to the introspective shit you used to cop; because, although cute, i dont really care about bowls fighting each other or titty chairs. but then again the whole point of the post was to not give a shit about what others think, so just ignore this and keep doing your thing girl. one love.

The1nOnly1 said,

February 18, 2005 @ 11:48 am

lol, I think that prop-whoring blog habit  is one that annoys a lot of people; what I hate even more is when people leave links to porn sites!

kankokujin73 said,

February 21, 2005 @ 3:19 am

i actually did go through your blog. there is a vulnerability to it. maybe strangers should not be privy to everything.  i thought the one about your first boyfriend and warcraft was ironic and terribly tragic.  really.

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