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tumbling tumbling

the other day i read a book called the fuck up by arthur narsesian. it’s about a slacker whose life goes down the drains only to start looking up in the most fucked up way possible… and then, just when he seems to be about to achieve happiness…. everything crumbles and starts to fall apart and he rushes down past even the lowest of lows that he had ever experienced before.

it touched me somehow. it makes me realize that at any point things can drop even lower than i could ever imagine. it confuses me, too.

should i appreciate life knowing that what is good is now? or despair, knowing that the worst is yet to come?

sparks said,

February 19, 2002 @ 10:06 pm

For some reason that makes me feel a little deppressed…. its true.

Jesse said,

February 20, 2002 @ 9:48 am

yes, trials and tribulations are sure to come in your near future, dear, but Buddha says EXPECT them, but dont DWELL on them, and when they come, roll with the punches, learn from them and become a stronger person for it. Trust me, it’s already happened to me several times.

Tim Barbour said,

February 20, 2002 @ 12:35 pm

I’ve always found that simple self-delusion works best… yes, the worst is yet to come, no you dont have to think about it.

generally, thoughts of dancing monkeys tend to make me happy, even in the face of the impending doom that is the future.

ahprie jackson said,

February 20, 2002 @ 5:14 pm

to fear or to be scared all the time will only keep you from doing your best.

Jwalk said,

February 20, 2002 @ 8:58 pm

In all of us is the ability to achieve good or evil, it is all about karma. There is no all-consuming experience. It is a chain or a cycle in which everything is renewed. What I guess I am tring to say is bad times last as long as you want them to. Some of the time people sabotage happiness so they have the feeling of control over how much something has affected them. I think that people tend to protect themselfs and in the end it has a destructive effect. Life is a feather on the wind. You never know where it will take you.

james said,

February 21, 2002 @ 3:03 am

ive asked myself that so so so many times recently. Im sure you know.

hey cool to see you are doing hte stay over program. I really admire your involvement in school.

Loke said,

February 21, 2002 @ 5:25 am

Kim i think I’ve got a simple and not so mystic solution to your common thought. Thinking about a problem doesnt do anything but thinking positively about a problem makes it seem better. Really you have to cherish every little good thing that comes in life. Dwell on the kind words. And wether or not you think of the bad things doesnt matter as long as your doing your best you wont have any regrets cause theres nothing more you could do. To put it simple Live off of lifes "PRESENTS".

kim said,

February 21, 2002 @ 1:50 pm

Loke – your solution isn’t really new. =] I had that as a possibility in the last line of the post. ;)

katie said,

February 21, 2002 @ 3:30 pm

there’s something that turns me off about mtv books…

but the perks of being a wallflower is really good, too.

kim said,

February 21, 2002 @ 4:15 pm

it was an MTV book?

yeah.. wallflower was sooo good dude. I was like crying and shit. ;_;

katie said,

February 23, 2002 @ 9:01 am

yeah.. the fuck up is an mtv book. it should be on the spine. so was wallflower. but mtv books are pretty decent.. which is what disturbs me so.

Yume said,

February 23, 2002 @ 9:10 pm

No wise comments for your blogged question, but nice layout, the layered look is neat.

Marc Lawson said,

February 24, 2002 @ 4:13 am

Do not look at tomorrow with despair. As life goes on, I learn more about myself and what makes me happy and I find it is easier to be happy. With improved knowledge of self life progressively improves.

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