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So last night I watched The Mormons, a documentary on the LDS church that has been playing almost daily on PBS. From the way everyone was talking, I thought it would be pretty anti-mormon.

However, in my opinion, it was pretty tame. Maybe it was all the anti-mormon literature I went through before deciding to convert, but I thought that it put my religion in a better light than it has been in the past.

Anyhow, funny thing: It was weird seeing pictures of Joseph Smith and the other prophets on national TV. Since I hear and read about them all the time in a non-public setting, it felt like my friends were on TV. “Like OMG it’s President Kimball!”

brent said,

May 11, 2007 @ 3:32 pm

his voice is so kind and humble

Stacie Tanioka said,

May 15, 2007 @ 4:19 pm

Hey Kim,

For some reason, I thought about you just now and I was wondering what you’ve been up to…I remembered you had this site…and here I am! Wow, looks like things have turned around for you. I’m happy that you’ve cleaned up a bit, but it’s unfortunate what’s happened between you and your family. But, it’s not the end of the story yet – don’t give up hope. Congrats on your baptism! I hope you find the fulfillment in life that you seek.

– ST

River said,

August 9, 2007 @ 10:58 am

I love PBS! That documentary was awesome! I’m an atheist myself, but I find the whole Mormon thing quite fascinating.

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