Archive for September, 2005
September 30, 2005 at 6:27 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
And now, another “Dear Kim”
I know you’ve been waiting…
Dear Kim,
Why do you let Wu take your money on Friday nights?
Posted 8/4/2005 at 1:52 PM by franksabunch |
Kim Says:
Actually — I’d like to clear up this misconception — I believe I’ve
always taken HIS money. Except the one time we played for a
buck. Which doesn’t really count. I blame the patron.
Unfortunately, we have not partaken in poker nights for quite some time
now, so I haven’t been able to take Wu’s money. This saddens me
because I am no longer eating as well as I was. 
Dear Kim,
are drugs illegal?
Posted 8/5/2005 at 10:01 AM by TheF0r13iDDeN
Kim Says:
Only the ones our government doesn’t make money on. It’s true. Chris Rock said so.
Dear Kim,
What did the man with the 10 inch dick have for breakfast?
Posted 8/5/2005 at 12:04 PM by pinoyriceburner
Kim Says:
Su-SHI. … Wait, is this a trick question?
Now ask me more questions!
Here’s the deal kids, ask me a question and start it with the words
“Dear Kim” and I’ll answer whenever I can if I feel like it.
I’ll even answer questions about myself this time… if you’re really curious.
Oh yeah, and no asking me what you should ask, because that’s just defeating the purpose. You know who you are.
With love,
September 30, 2005 at 4:09 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
And now, another “Dear Kim”
I know you’ve been waiting…
Dear Kim,
Why do you let Wu take your money on Friday nights?
Posted 8/4/2005 at 1:52 PM by franksabunch |
Kim Says:
Actually — I’d like to clear up this misconception — I believe I’ve
always taken HIS money. Except the one time we played for a
buck. Which doesn’t really count. I blame the patron.
Unfortunately, we have not partaken in poker nights for quite some time
now, so I haven’t been able to take Wu’s money. This saddens me
because I am no longer eating as well as I was. 
Dear Kim,
are drugs illegal?
Posted 8/5/2005 at 10:01 AM by TheF0r13iDDeN
Kim Says:
Only the ones our government doesn’t make money on. It’s true. Chris Rock said so.
Dear Kim,
What did the man with the 10 inch dick have for breakfast?
Posted 8/5/2005 at 12:04 PM by pinoyriceburner
Kim Says:
Su-SHI. … Wait, is this a trick question?
Now ask me more questions!
Here’s the deal kids, ask me a question and start it with the words
“Dear Kim” and I’ll answer whenever I can if I feel like it.
I’ll even answer questions about myself this time… if you’re really curious.
Oh yeah, and no asking me what you should ask, because that’s just defeating the purpose. You know who you are.
With love,
September 29, 2005 at 6:47 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
I want to cut off 10 inches of my hair..
And donate it to locks of love. (whose site is made by 2advanced. I just fell in love with them more.)
only problem is that when I went into the haircut store the
other day, they said that if they were to do that, I would have to cut
it 10 inches from the shortest layer, which would make parts of my hair
REALLY short [read, almost as short as my bangs!]

As you can see here in my picture at the recent
party, my hair is pretty damn long. In fact, there are pieces of
it that are longer than the “Y” in the word “Family” on my shirt. It’s
getting to the point
where I can’t do anything with it besides let it hang our put it in a
ponytail. It just kind of … sits there.
So my question to you is… Should I…
Option A:
do it anyway! Who cares? It’s hair, it’ll grow out even though I’ll
look like GI Jane for a few months… Or something super short like

I know it’s a guy… But shit, that is some fucking hot ass hair right there.
Option B:
it like a man, and wait for another 3 months and get this hair cut,
which I’ve been dying to get since I started watching BLEACH:
Option C:
about 10 months [AX] with my shitty annoying long hair so that I can
fulfill my dream of the last 3 years of dressing up as these characters
and THEN cut my hair like the picture above:
I’m kinda leaning towards Option C only because I don’t think
I’ll look that good with extra short hair… But at the same time it makes me
feel incredibly guilty since my hair can grow back — and I could
donate enough for someone’s entire head.
I’ve been freaking out about this for a little while, since I
really can’t have my hair this long for much longer or else I’m going
to go insane – yet I’m dead set on donating. It’d be a waste if I didn’t.
Only, my ideal hair-cut length right now would be about 5 inches off.
I feel like Jo from Little Women. I know it’s foolish to be so
attached to my hair… and yet, I don’t want to go back to short-haired
me… since it took about 3 years to grow out.
Pah. In the end, I reveal my little vanity after all.
What do you guys think? Fuckit and cut it? Wait for the rukia cut? or just stick it out another year?
September 29, 2005 at 5:41 am · Filed under Rigamarole
I want to cut off 10 inches of my hair..
And donate it to locks of love. (whose site is made by 2advanced. I just fell in love with them more.)
only problem is that when I went into the haircut store the
other day, they said that if they were to do that, I would have to cut
it 10 inches from the shortest layer, which would make parts of my hair
REALLY short [read, almost as short as my bangs!]

As you can see here in my picture at the recent
party, my hair is pretty damn long. In fact, there are pieces of
it that are longer than the “Y” in the word “Family” on my shirt. It’s
getting to the point
where I can’t do anything with it besides let it hang our put it in a
ponytail. It just kind of … sits there.
So my question to you is… Should I…
Option A:
do it anyway! Who cares? It’s hair, it’ll grow out even though I’ll
look like GI Jane for a few months… Or something super short like

I know it’s a guy… But shit, that is some fucking hot ass hair right there.
Option B:
it like a man, and wait for another 3 months and get this hair cut,
which I’ve been dying to get since I started watching BLEACH:
Option C:
about 10 months [AX] with my shitty annoying long hair so that I can
fulfill my dream of the last 3 years of dressing up as these characters
and THEN cut my hair like the picture above:
I’m kinda leaning towards Option C only because I don’t think
I’ll look that good with extra short hair… But at the same time it makes me
feel incredibly guilty since my hair can grow back — and I could
donate enough for someone’s entire head.
I’ve been freaking out about this for a little while, since I
really can’t have my hair this long for much longer or else I’m going
to go insane – yet I’m dead set on donating. It’d be a waste if I didn’t.
Only, my ideal hair-cut length right now would be about 5 inches off.
I feel like Jo from Little Women. I know it’s foolish to be so
attached to my hair… and yet, I don’t want to go back to short-haired
me… since it took about 3 years to grow out.
Pah. In the end, I reveal my little vanity after all.
What do you guys think? Fuckit and cut it? Wait for the rukia cut? or just stick it out another year?
September 28, 2005 at 6:54 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
I’ve been blogging since…
Before “blog” had the meaning it does today.
I don’t think “blog” was a very well known word at all until busted out onto the scene and wow-ed everyone with the
amazing fact that everyone could make a personal journal without
knowing a stitch of HTML.
Hell, “blog” didn’t even mean online-journal at first. [Oh, the
arguments we would have about that… Don’t get me going, I’ll never
So don’t mind me when I find it amusing that I have a 2 letter username
for Blogger [heh, a 3 letter name for Xanga
], or that when I first started blogging, I didn’t even know
automatic blogs existed. Each entry was coded by hand individually baby. [According to their site, was started in
August ’99. I have archives dating back to November ’99.]
Wow, I wonder what I called it back then, if not a blog? I barely
even remember. I think I called it my online journal.
Why all this reminiscing?
There’s something sad about electronic copies not aging physically…
Anyhow, all these random thoughts came about because I was originally
going to write a “one year ago today I wrote…” type of entry and I
stumbled across some of my oldest archives.
You may not know it, but having electronic chronicles of yourself from
your teenage years is kind of creepy. It’s not the fact
that there IS a chronicle. It’s the fact that none of it has
changed. At all. Even my writing style is kind of the same.
Reading an electronic copy of what you wrote when you were 16 at the
age of 22 is so different than reading a paper journal entry.
Paper journals age. Handwriting changes. Pages
yellow. Corners get bent.
The following entry could have been written yesterday. But it wasn’t.
Life is so good, you don’t really realize how good your life is
until you’ve seen poverty close up. For Thanksgiving I woke up at 6am
and went to a senior citizens center. We fed the old people until
around 1. After that we left and delivered individual dinners to
families that couldnt make it to the center. We had a bunch of food
left over after that so we brought it to a homeless shelter. I got to
talk to a couple homeless kids. It was really sad and touched my heart.
I will never forget the conversation I had with the girl… It was
nothing much, but it struck a chord in me.
“Are you a volunteer?” she asked me.
I nodded and smiled, “Yep! Are you?”
She shook her head at me and grinned, “I live here.”
I was saddened for some reason. It made me feel really bad. Her family
must have been in poverty for pretty long for her to believe that she
was living there. It made me wonder what her parents were doing to help
themselves, and made me curse society even more.
I’ve been working on the layouts for my webpages so much that
I’ve neglected my journal. Deepest apologies to anyone out there who
actually cares.
Everybody is under the impression that I’ve fallen in ‘love’. It irks
me because I do not like him. I do not even know him. I simply comment
about his looks. I think he is smart, etc. For some reason people think
for those reasons alone I want to be his girlfriend or something. I
just got out of a hard relationship, I don’t know why I would want to
get back into one.
It’s also strange, that in the last couple days more than
three guys have told me they like me. There are more in the last
weeks… but these couple days it’s been especially weird. I do not
know if someone is trying to play some kind of sick joke on me or what.
None of the guys seem to be related, except for the fact that they know
me. It upsets me a little because I am so not ready for a relationship
of any kind. The thing is, I feel as if most of the people who claim
they like me don’t even know me. How can they believe that they like me
if they don’t even know who I am? My face isn’t that pretty, neither is
my body. They don’t know my true personality, they don’t even see me. I
don’t understand this.
Damn humans.
Ironically enough, I hated humans back then, too.
What are things from your past that come back to haunt you?
September 28, 2005 at 9:50 am · Filed under Rigamarole
I’ve been blogging since…
Before “blog” had the meaning it does today.
I don’t think “blog” was a very well known word at all until busted out onto the scene and wow-ed everyone with the
amazing fact that everyone could make a personal journal without
knowing a stitch of HTML.
Hell, “blog” didn’t even mean online-journal at first. [Oh, the
arguments we would have about that… Don’t get me going, I’ll never
So don’t mind me when I find it amusing that I have a 2 letter username
for Blogger [heh, a 3 letter name for Xanga
], or that when I first started blogging, I didn’t even know
automatic blogs existed. Each entry was coded by hand individually baby. [According to their site, was started in
August ’99. I have archives dating back to November ’99.]
Wow, I wonder what I called it back then, if not a blog? I barely
even remember. I think I called it my online journal.
Why all this reminiscing?
There’s something sad about electronic copies not aging physically…
Anyhow, all these random thoughts came about because I was originally
going to write a “one year ago today I wrote…” type of entry and I
stumbled across some of my oldest archives.
You may not know it, but having electronic chronicles of yourself from
your teenage years is kind of creepy. It’s not the fact
that there IS a chronicle. It’s the fact that none of it has
changed. At all. Even my writing style is kind of the same.
Reading an electronic copy of what you wrote when you were 16 at the
age of 22 is so different than reading a paper journal entry.
Paper journals age. Handwriting changes. Pages
yellow. Corners get bent.
The following entry could have been written yesterday. But it wasn’t.
Life is so good, you don’t really realize how good your life is
until you’ve seen poverty close up. For Thanksgiving I woke up at 6am
and went to a senior citizens center. We fed the old people until
around 1. After that we left and delivered individual dinners to
families that couldnt make it to the center. We had a bunch of food
left over after that so we brought it to a homeless shelter. I got to
talk to a couple homeless kids. It was really sad and touched my heart.
I will never forget the conversation I had with the girl… It was
nothing much, but it struck a chord in me.
“Are you a volunteer?” she asked me.
I nodded and smiled, “Yep! Are you?”
She shook her head at me and grinned, “I live here.”
I was saddened for some reason. It made me feel really bad. Her family
must have been in poverty for pretty long for her to believe that she
was living there. It made me wonder what her parents were doing to help
themselves, and made me curse society even more.
I’ve been working on the layouts for my webpages so much that
I’ve neglected my journal. Deepest apologies to anyone out there who
actually cares.
Everybody is under the impression that I’ve fallen in ‘love’. It irks
me because I do not like him. I do not even know him. I simply comment
about his looks. I think he is smart, etc. For some reason people think
for those reasons alone I want to be his girlfriend or something. I
just got out of a hard relationship, I don’t know why I would want to
get back into one.
It’s also strange, that in the last couple days more than
three guys have told me they like me. There are more in the last
weeks… but these couple days it’s been especially weird. I do not
know if someone is trying to play some kind of sick joke on me or what.
None of the guys seem to be related, except for the fact that they know
me. It upsets me a little because I am so not ready for a relationship
of any kind. The thing is, I feel as if most of the people who claim
they like me don’t even know me. How can they believe that they like me
if they don’t even know who I am? My face isn’t that pretty, neither is
my body. They don’t know my true personality, they don’t even see me. I
don’t understand this.
Damn humans.
Ironically enough, I hated humans back then, too.
What are things from your past that come back to haunt you?
September 28, 2005 at 8:38 am · Filed under Rigamarole
subject: Sadness?
time: 05:13 PM PST
dear friend,
Some people have mentioned that I have a cloud of sadness that follows
me around — a cloud that momentarily takes over my face as certain
subjects are brought up. It’s weird — I always thought that I was good
at hiding my emotions.
always been one of those people that’s happy-go-lucky. I try to let
nothing phaze me and keep myself happy. Inside, though… It can be a
different story. Sometimes the case is — the bigger I smile, the
louder I talk the more nervous and shitty I’m feeling. About the things
around me and about myself.
hard being an insecure teenager prone to self-introspection that’s
deeper than it really is. I think if I took my life at a purely surface
value I would have a lot more happiness. I’d never try to analyze my
own feelings and therefore never have to worry about preventing other
people from feeling the way I do.
I’d love to break away
To a place where
People can say
Hi there
Without inhibition
I’d like to hold your hand
And grasp your soul
To make you understand
That friendship has no toll
Outside of fiction
I want to be free
Far from all of this
Far away from me
Gesso the canvas
Put the keys in the ignition
I’d like to drive away
Start anew
Where everything is okay
Lots to do
… and … im out of inspiration.
September 27, 2005 at 6:04 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
More mediocrity.
It’s your choice. Or is it?
Yesterday I wrote on the subject of mediocrity and I touched on the fact that I didn’t/haven’t joined Mensa because I don’t want to be in a place where I have to admit that I am inferior to others.
about that lead me to this: Let’s presume for a second that there IS
something about ourselves that is actually superior to most…
Would you rather have excellence among the mediocre or mediocrity among the excellent?
guess that’s why in groups of ugly girls there’s always one really hot
girl — or vice versa. It’s a sense of comparison. Everybody likes to
feel like they’re above someone else. But seriously, even the pretty
girl amongst the ugly girls may not be as pretty as the ugly girl
amongst the hot girls…. So really, it’s a choice one has to make.
I discussed this with some people before posting this, and I
realized that the choice we make might not be completely conscious,
especially when it comes to friends. After all, if you have to think
about whether you are superior or inferior to your peers, then they’re
probably not really your friends in the first place.
So the second question I’d like to ask is:
What do you think causes us to choose the way we do?
and in case you’re wondering… There are some days when I’d choose to
be excellent among the mediocre… For the most part, though, I don’t
think I can really grow as a person unless I’m challenged, somewhat,
Maybe I should re-think that Mensa thing after all.
September 26, 2005 at 6:13 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
“I’m mediocre.”
Or average. Or normal.
matter how you say it, it’s hard to admit. Most of the people in this
world fall into a certain range. Average looks, average smarts,
average height, average build. In fact, unless you’re
within the top 12.5% or bottom 12.5% of the curve in something, I’d
consider you in the “average” range.
… But you rarely see
anyone admitting that nowadays. For example, when you go into an
interview, you’re not the average joe — you’re better, you’re
superior, you’re even spectacular. –In reality, you’re maybe
decent. Better than most but not in the top percent.
I know I don’t like to be mediocre..
It’s the same for me.
like to think that I’m smart — I even considered joining Mensa for a
while. Until I realized that if I joined that society I’d only be
of average intelligence among those peers. That’s when I thought
— who wants to put up with a bunch of stuck-up intellectuals anyway?
I didn’t join mostly because once I joined, I’d only be mediocre.
I wouldn’t be at the top. I don’t like to admit that there
are tons of people out there that are more intelligent than
me. Of course I know they exist, I just don’t want to know
about it.
I like to think that I’m above-average in looks — I even had a short [VERY EMBARRASSING :)] stint with modeling [TWO,
in fact]. Deep down I know, though, that I’m not in the top
ranks… I’m pretty confident I’m not in the bottom ranks… But, as I
won’t wow you with my looks, I’m definitely mediocre.
So what do
I do? I delve myself into a land that is filled with other souls more
mediocre than mine and try to stand out in any way I can.
In the end, I need to feel superior.
How it works in society
That’s probably why blogs are so popular. I mean, with whatever
category in which you think you’re above average at you can show it
off. Hot bod? Pictures. Sexy? Pictures. Intelligent?
Write your heart out about it. Posture about how intelligent you
are. Use big words. woooo.
And people who have less than you in whatever you decide to show off
about will follow you around because they acknowlege that you are
better than them.
Regardless, in the end it doesn’t matter… Even if you are better than some or even most, you’re still likely to fall into the mediocre range.
It hurts to say it!… but it’s true.
I’m mediocre…. And more likely than not, so are you!
Where is it hardest for you to admit your mediocrity? Looks? Intelligence? Physique?
September 26, 2005 at 3:09 am · Filed under Rigamarole
“I’m mediocre.”
Or average. Or normal.
matter how you say it, it’s hard to admit. Most of the people in this
world fall into a certain range. Average looks, average smarts,
average height, average build. In fact, unless you’re
within the top 12.5% or bottom 12.5% of the curve in something, I’d
consider you in the “average” range.
… But you rarely see
anyone admitting that nowadays. For example, when you go into an
interview, you’re not the average joe — you’re better, you’re
superior, you’re even spectacular. –In reality, you’re maybe
decent. Better than most but not in the top percent.
I know I don’t like to be mediocre..
It’s the same for me.
like to think that I’m smart — I even considered joining Mensa for a
while. Until I realized that if I joined that society I’d only be
of average intelligence among those peers. That’s when I thought
— who wants to put up with a bunch of stuck-up intellectuals anyway?
I didn’t join mostly because once I joined, I’d only be mediocre.
I wouldn’t be at the top. I don’t like to admit that there
are tons of people out there that are more intelligent than
me. Of course I know they exist, I just don’t want to know
about it.
I like to think that I’m above-average in looks — I even had a short [VERY EMBARRASSING :)] stint with modeling [TWO,
in fact]. Deep down I know, though, that I’m not in the top
ranks… I’m pretty confident I’m not in the bottom ranks… But, as I
won’t wow you with my looks, I’m definitely mediocre.
So what do
I do? I delve myself into a land that is filled with other souls more
mediocre than mine and try to stand out in any way I can.
In the end, I need to feel superior.
How it works in society
That’s probably why blogs are so popular. I mean, with whatever
category in which you think you’re above average at you can show it
off. Hot bod? Pictures. Sexy? Pictures. Intelligent?
Write your heart out about it. Posture about how intelligent you
are. Use big words. woooo.
And people who have less than you in that category will follow you around because they acknowlege that you are better than them.
Regardless, in the end it doesn’t matter… Even if you are better than some or even most, you’re still likely to fall into the mediocre range.
It hurts to say it!… but it’s true.
I’m mediocre…. And more likely than not, so are you!
Where is it hardest for you to admit your mediocrity? Looks? Intelligence? Physique?
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