Archive for October, 2005
October 31, 2005 at 6:28 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
You’ve probably noticed I haven’t been posting lately. Simply
put, I’ve run out of motivation to post daily. Give me a little
time to get a life, and I’ll come back and tell you guys all about it.
I won’t be gone forever, and I’m not going to stop posting completely.
You may be seeing pictures here and there. I’m getting a
dog from the pound tomorrow. He’s mentally/emotionally damaged
and is going to need tons of time and care.
Thanks for your understanding. Much love.
October 25, 2005 at 6:46 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
All Asians are Chinese!
A little bit, anyway
Okay, so in the past few entries I’ve mentioned a couple things: one is the meaning behind my buddhist name “Lien Kim” (golden lotus), and the word love in Japanese (ai) and the background behind the meaning of my username “shi” which means four and death IN JAPANESE.
It also happens to mean all those things in chinese.
And a lot of chinese people have been telling me that those things are Chinese. Someone even asked me if I was SURE that those were the meanings in Japanese.
Excuse me, chinese people, let’s get this straight: ALL ASIAN LANGUAGES HAVE CHINESE INFLUENCES.
Just like European languages have Latin influences, we ALL have similar words with similar meanings.
To me, telling me a word in Japanese or Vietnamese sounds like a Chinese word is pretty much the same as telling me some random word in English comes from a Latin root word.
Uh, yeah. I KNEW that already.
I mean… as much as I don’t like to be called Chinese just because I’m Asian, I know we were all a part of China at some point or another. Come on now. I’ll bet even Eskimo language has words that are similar to Chinese words.
Okay, so let’s say it now:
All Asians are Chinese.
All white people look the same.
All black people look the same.
All mexican people look the same.
All jewish people look the same.
All middle eastern people look the same.
Saying that, take this test and tell me what you get:
October 23, 2005 at 1:09 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
All Asians are Chinese!
A little bit, anyway
Okay, so in the past few entries I’ve mentioned a couple things: one is the meaning behind my buddhist name “Lien Kim” (golden lotus), and the word love in Japanese (ai) and the background behind the meaning of my username “shi” which means four and death IN JAPANESE.
It also happens to mean all those things in chinese.
And a lot of chinese people have been telling me that those things are Chinese. Someone even asked me if I was SURE that those were the meanings in Japanese.
Excuse me, chinese people, let’s get this straight: ALL ASIAN LANGUAGES HAVE CHINESE INFLUENCES.
Just like European languages have Latin influences, we ALL have similar words with similar meanings.
To me, telling me a word in Japanese or Vietnamese sounds like a Chinese word is pretty much the same as telling me some random word in English comes from a Latin root word.
Uh, yeah. I KNEW that already.
I mean… as much as I don’t like to be called Chinese just because I’m Asian, I know we were all a part of China at some point or another. Come on now. I’ll bet even Eskimo language has words that are similar to Chinese words.
Okay, so let’s say it now:
All Asians are Chinese.
All white people look the same.
All black people look the same.
All mexican people look the same.
All jewish people have big noses.
All middle eastern people look the same.
Saying that, take this test and tell me what you get:
October 21, 2005 at 6:05 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
I want this as my tattoo
If I ever get one.
I designed this a while back, and have always wanted it as my
tat. It has significance to me because my buddhist name means
“Golden Lotus” (Lien Kim).
Would you ever get a tat? If so, what would you get it of?
October 20, 2005 at 6:36 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Still not feeling 100%, so stayed home and am working from home
instead. I walked across the street to trader joe’s for my lunch
and saw something that made me feel kind of bad.
Around me everyone was buying lunch and the girl behind me was buying
energy bars. She was gorgeous, thin, the ideal Orange County
looking girl, and she was buying energy bars for lunch.
That’s when I thought, “Could I ever give up the food I love just so I can be thin and look like her?”
I looked at my carb filled meal and then at her energy bars.
I briefly considered trading back my meal for something similar to hers.
And then I paid the cashier.
Mmm.. carbs.
October 19, 2005 at 6:19 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
I want to be on reality TV
A while back my good buddy wu pleaded to the gods at Xanga through his blog trying to get a job at Xanga. They actually saw his blog and replied.
I’m trying the same thing. Maybe there’s some director out there, or someone who knows a casting director that will point them to this page?
Why do I want to be on a reality TV show?
It just seems like one of those things that would be fun to do in my life… Just to be able to say I did it. One of my friends was on Wheel of Fortune and I thought it was the coolest thing that all of us got together and watched him on the show.
Also, I’m a pretty good bitch.
That, and to me, it seems like a lot of reality TV shows have parts where you can talk shit about other people. It’ll be like I’m blogging but everyone will see me be a bitch instead of just reading about it =D
I’ve been taking a look at some reality TV show applications and they all ask for pictures… So here are some shots for you to send to your uncle that is a casting director for CBS:

You know you want this 12 year old looking 22 year old on your show.
email me at
If you could be on any reality TV show, which one would you be on?
October 19, 2005 at 4:16 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
I want to be on reality TV
A while back my good buddy wu pleaded to the gods at Xanga through his blog trying to get a job at Xanga. They actually saw his blog and replied.
I’m trying the same thing. Maybe there’s some director out there, or someone who knows a casting director that will point them to this page?
Why do I want to be on a reality TV show?
It just seems like one of those things that would be fun to do in my life… Just to be able to say I did it. One of my friends was on Wheel of Fortune and I thought it was the coolest thing that all of us got together and watched him on the show.
Also, I’m a pretty good bitch.
That, and to me, it seems like a lot of reality TV shows have parts where you can talk shit about other people. It’ll be like I’m blogging but everyone will see me be a bitch instead of just reading about it =D
I’ve been taking a look at some reality TV show applications and they all ask for pictures… So here are some shots for you to send to your uncle that is a casting director for CBS:

You know you want this 12 year old looking 22 year old on your show.
If you could be on any reality TV show, which one would you be on?
October 18, 2005 at 6:43 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Weiners on the knees win the vote.
Hands down, no question
As much as I hate the nonsensical gibberish written by today’s teens, there’s something else that also constantly bothers me: people who write in a style so convoluted with “big words” they learned from SAT books or looked up in the dictionary that the general comprehension of their writing is pretty much at the level of a teeny bopper’s rant or an emo-child’s poetry.
Don’t get me wrong, I love intellectual discourse. What I hate are people who think that in order to achieve writing that sounds more intelligent they must alienate anyone who has never memorized thousands of vocabulary words.
To me, the things that make intelligent writing intelligent are the ideas that are put across, not the words that are used in order express those ideas.
For example… if I wrote an entry that said:
“I took a shit today and it stank.”
Not very interesting, and the idea is lame, right? What if I wrote:
“Today, when I emptied my bowels, my excrement was emitting a disgustingly putrid odor.”
Yeah, bigger and less used words, but the idea is still the same and just as lame.
What if, instead, I said something like:
“I dislike that I get paid less than the owner’s son, even though I do more work”
Would it really be any different, or would the idea be more complex or interesting AT ALL if instead I began ranting about nepotism and how it runs rampant in my work place? (all these examples fictional by the way, my shit smells like roses.)
Fuck pseudo-intellectual elitists
The only difference is that less people will understand the ideas put across by the person who writes with big words, and those same person who thinks he/she writes intelligently can find a elitist satisfaction in the fact that the less-learned find it hard to understand what he/she is saying.
While those who actually understand the words simply shake their heads and say “What a bunch of unintelligent bullshit.”
Emo-children, teeny boppers, and pseudo-intellectuals are all the same:
What is the point of written communication when you’re not actually communicating with anyone?
October 18, 2005 at 3:25 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
Weiners on the knees win the vote.
Hands down, no question
As much as I hate the nonsensical gibberish written by today’s teens,
there’s something else that also constantly bothers me: people
who write in a style so convoluted with “big words” they learned from
SAT books or looked up in the dictionary that the general comprehension
of their writing is pretty much at the level of a teeny bopper’s rant
or an emo-child’s poetry.
Don’t get me wrong, I love intellectual discourse. What I hate
are people who think that in order to achieve writing that sounds more
intelligent they must alienate anyone who has never memorized thousands
of vocabulary words.
To me, the things that make intelligent writing intelligent are the
ideas that are put across, not the words that are used in order express those ideas.
For example… if I wrote an entry that said:
“I took a shit today and it stank.”
Not very interesting, and the idea is lame, right? What if I wrote:
“Today, when I emptied my bowels, my excrement was emitting a disgustingly putrid odor.”
Yeah, bigger and less used words, but the idea is still the same and just as lame.
What if, instead, I said something like:
“I dislike that I get paid less than the owner’s son, even though I do more work”
Would it really be any different, or would the idea be more complex or interesting AT ALL if instead I began ranting about nepotism and how it runs rampid in my work place? (all these examples fictional by the way, my shit smells like roses.)
Fuck pseudo-intellectual elitists
The only difference is that less people will understand the ideas put
across by the person who writes with big words, and those same person
who thinks he/she writes intelligently can find a elitist satisfaction
in the fact that the less-learned find it hard to understand what he/she is saying.
While those who actually understand the words simply shake their heads and say “What a bunch of unintelligent bullshit.”
Emo-children, teeny boppers, and pseudo-intellectuals are all the same:
What is the point of written communication when you’re not actually communicating with anyone?
October 17, 2005 at 6:19 pm · Filed under Rigamarole
What does the flu feel like?
I wonder…
Because if it feels like someone’s hand [maybe the size of Shaq’s] is squeezing the back of my head into a pulp, and a sore throat then perhaps I have it.
…and I thought I was the lucky one in my apartment that escaped the sickness. Apparently I’m just a little late to the party.
Today’s question (since I have no post due to headache):
Would you rather have sex with a hot chick that has a penis on her forehead or a hot chick with a penis on each knee?
Girls and boys answer this question. And none of that pussy “neither one” answer shit either.
I say, knees.
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